The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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dmsnyder's picture

How to flour a banneton?

I have been using plastic brotforms for proofing my loaves but thought it was time to try a traditional linen-lined banneton. I've received a couple of 8" and 10" baskets from the SFBI site. My question is how do you flour the liners? Do you use AP flour? I've seen reference here to using a mix of wheat and rice flours. What does that get you? How heavily do you flour? Do you just sprinkle it on the linen or rub it in more generously?
Any advice, hints, or cautions would be greatly appreciated.

susanfnp's picture

Another Miche

Here is a miche that uses a large proportion of high-extraction flour. Heartland Mill's Golden Buffalo is great for this. This is probably the heartiest bread I have ever made.

The recipe is here.

High-extraction miche Sliced miche

dolfs's picture

A dessert: Pineapple upside down cake

Entertaining my little boy again tonight, so time for another easy baking project he could help with. He loves pineapple and we had some a couple of days old, so time to do something with it. Recipe from The Joy of Cooking (I've always had good luck with the basics from there). Took about 20 minutes to prep and get in the oven, bake at 350F for a little over 35 minutes.Pineapple upside down cakePineapple upside down cake 

This was made with fresh pineapple bought in chunks so no "disks" or circles (from the can) with cherry's in it.



  • Drain and place one paper towel in 1 layer to absorb excess juice: 7 slices canned unsweetened pineapple (or equivalent fresh)
  • Melt in a 9x2" circular cake pan: 3 tablespoons unsalted butter. Tilt to coat sides with butter.
  • Sprinkle evenly over bottom of the pan: 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar 
  • Place 1 pineapple ring in the center, and arrange 6 more around it, and place in the centers of the rings, and in between, 19 maraschino cherries, or pecan halves (or just fill with chunks, like I did)
  • Whisk together in bowl: 2 large eggs, 2 tablespoons buttermilk (I did not have any so I used just under 2 T of regular milk and a little lemon juice because some acidity is needed for the baking poweder to work), and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Mix together in a mixing bowl: 1 cup all purpose flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 3/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • Add to the dry ingredients and mix on low speed until everything is just moistened: 6 tablespoons of unsalted, softened butter, 6 tablespoons of buttermilk (I again used regular milk, and this time some pineapple juice).
  • Increase speed to high and mix for 1.5 minutes.
  • In three steps, add 1/3 of the egg mixture, mix high speed for 20 seconds, and repeat until all incorporated.
  • Scrape batter on top of pineapple, spread evenly and smoothen out. 
  • Bake in 350F preheated oven for 35-40 minutes until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • Remove from oven and tilt to all sides to loosen cake from sides of pan. Let cool for a couple of minutes.
  • Place serving plate on top of cake pan, upside down, and using oven mitts hold the combination and flip over and remove cake pan.
  • Let cool a little more and serve! 



See my My Bread Adventures in pictures
breadnerd's picture

Mud oven construction - foundation and first layer

I finally got up the gumption to move my construction photos over to my flickr account. Here they are in the entirety, I tried to make the titles fairly self-explanatory:


Here's a condensed version with some commentary:

First off is the foundation. Our frost line in in theory 48 inches, so we dug down quite a bit. We hit a VERY large rock, which made us decide the hole was big enough, and which we figured would act as a foundation in itself.


Next, we filled the hole with gravel and started building a foundation from rather unattractive landscaping bricks we already had from another project. We added a layer of lava rock for insulation, Kiko’s new edition has a lot of better ideas for this, but this has worked okay for us.


Next sand is added, packed, and leveled, and we laid the oven floor bricks. A string was used to draw a circle as large as we could fit on the floor, as our guide for the sand mold form.


The sand form took a lot longer than I thought it would, but it turned out nice.


Because of this, we didn’t get very far with our first layer before dark, but you can see the width of the walls, and how compact it was. We were probably overly persnickety with this first layer:


We covered it in plastic, and resumed the next day.


Final first layer, wacked with a 2 x 4 and scored for the next layer to stick:



more to come....



firepit's picture

Banneton Prep

I'm just starting to explore the use of bannetons for proofing my dough, and I have a few questions...

Before I add the dough to the banneton I'm giving them (the bannetons) a very generous dusting with rice flour and leaving it at that. After three loaves I've had no problems with the dough sticking, so that's good. But the flour is staying in the grooves between the willow strips and very, very little of it is transferring to the dough. That's not all bad, but it doesn't create the beautiful contrast patterns seen on, say, Dolf's Essential's Columbia loaves.

Do different flours stick better, or is there some other prep trick? Should I be flouring the dough instead? Banneton users, what are your secrets?

dstroy's picture

Swedish Pancakes

When I think that we used to buy boxed "Swedish Pancake Mix" I now blush.

These turn out to be extraordinarily simple.


3 eggs
1 1/4 c. milk
3/4 c. sifted all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt

Beat eggs until thick and lemon colored.
Stir in milk.
Sift dry ingredients; add to egg mixture, mixing until smooth.
Drop batter onto moderately hot buttered griddle.
Spread batter evenly to make thin pancakes.
Turn when underside is light brown.
Sprinkle with sugar; stack.

Pass lingonberry sauce.

Swedish Pancake on the griddle Swedish Pancake


I tend to make them too large and then roll them up - otherwise I am asked for seconds too quickly!

I usually have to double the recipe because my kids love them so.

edh's picture

Orange Sticky Rolls

I've never tried doing a blog before, but just had to share last weekend's ragingly successful experiment. Sourdough has been going not-so-well lately, so I've returned to commercial yeast for a bit. This is a somewhat altered version of my mother-in-law's recipe.

Orange Sticky Rolls

Sweet Dough:

1 Cup lukewarm milk (for non-dairy, I use 1/3 c each of coconut, soy, and rice milks)

3 Tbsp honey

1 tsp salt

1 tsp instant yeast

1/4 Cup water (the original recipe called for active dry yeast dissolved in water; instant doesn't need dissolving, but the dough needs the liquid)

1 egg

1/4 Cup shortening (coconut oil)

4 cups flour (I used 3 cups KA AP and 1 cup spelt, worked great)

Mix all ingredients together until smooth, let sit for 20 minutes, then do several french folds. It's a fairly sticky dough, but tightens up quickly.

Let rise for 2 1/2 hours, folding three times, every 30 - 45 minutes. The original recipe calls for 2 bulk rises, punching down in between, but folding made it so much lighter.

While the dough rises, make the orange glaze;

Juice and zest of 1 - 2 oranges, and 1 lemon (about 3/4 cup juice)

1 1/4 cups sugar

Cook juice, zest, and sugar together over low heat in a heavy saucepan until thickened, about 15 - 20 minutes.

Let cool to room temperature. I had to stick it in the fridge to cool it down a bit.

When the dough is ready, roll out into a 9"x18" oblong. Spread with about 4 Tbsp of the filling (don't use too much! It's not like cinnamon rolls, any extra will goosh out and make it impossible to seal the roll), then roll tightly along the long edge, and pinch the edges together.

Grease a 9"x13" pan (actually, next time I'm going to use something bigger, or two pans. I think 9"x13" is a little small, the rolls were a little too closely squeezed in there for my taste). Spread the rest of the glaze in the bottom of the pan.

Slice the roll into 1" pieces, then place loosely in the pan. Cover and let rise until not quite doubled (20 - 30 minutes).

Bake 25 - 30 minutes at 375 F. When done, invert pan over cooky sheet.

They're pretty decadent, but make a nice change from decadent cinnamon rolls.



dolfs's picture

Today's Break-fast bake

The Jewish members of my family and friends, have been fasting for the last (almost) 24 hours, as is traditional for Yom Kippur. I have been making their life difficult by baking and making the house smell very tempting. The good thing is that those "fasters" will be allowed to enjoy the results in a couple of hours.Break-fast bake IBreak-fast bake I

Inspired by Mariana, I produced Challah and "rolls" today. Half the rolls are filled with sugar, the other half or so with the poppy-seed paste. The recipe I used, like Mariana, is Rose Levy Beranbaum's "New Traditional Challah".

Break-fast bake IIBreak-fast bake II



See my My Bread Adventures in pictures 

dolfs's picture

Essential's Columbia

Today it was time for my first try at Essential's Columbia from Maggie Glezer's "Artisan Baking".

Essential's ColumbiaEssential's Columbia

I hadn't gone there before, so first a trip to the store to get non-diastatic malt syrup and toasted wheat germ. I mixed the levain midnight the night before using my Glazer French style firm starter. It was plenty ready the this morning at 8AM, but my schedule included a meeting with a client from 1-2:30 so I waited until 10AM to put the final dough together. Kitchen was at 72F, doubled by 3PM, folded and put it back one more hour. Then pre-shaped, 15 minute bench rest, and shaped and placed into wooden banneton. Completed its proof by 7:30PM at which point I slashed and baked as per instructions.


I had just a little trouble releasing one of the loaves from the banneton (see the "stray" slash on the left loaf) and did not slash quite deep enough (I think). The crust was not as dark red/brown as in the book, but it came out pretty well, and tastes great, with a nice moist, slightly chewy crumb. I am pleased.

Columbia CrumbColumbia Crumb 


Dough for Challah (Rose Levy Beranbaum's New Traditional Challah) just went into the fridge for finishing tomorrow. First time for that one too. If I like it, I'll make it again for break-fast on Saturday evening, along with the cool Challah rolls that mariana showed us. If I don't like it, I have my own "old" Challah recipe as a backup. This will be a busy baking weekend!



See my My Bread Adventures in pictures


Paddyscake's picture

What Pizza means to me..

I've seen tons of pics of luscious pizzas posted by TFLers. Our conception of pizza toppings varies greatly. Is it regional, age specific..snobbery? We all love the "BREAD" part,... crusty, chewy, crackery..thick..thin. We eat it folded, with fork and knife or just plain hands on!! I, personally have a hard time accepting something called Hawaiian, BBQ, or Taco pizza. It's just not pizza to me.

Mine has a tomato or white cheese sauce and any combo of sausage, meatball, pepperoni, peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms, broccoli, red potato, roasted garlic, fresh basil and oregano topped with mozzarella, parmesan/reggianno (sp?). I really have a hard time with ham and pineapple, I tried it last time we had "pizza" at work, um  let's just say..yuck..sorry.

Diversity, thank God, is a mainstay of America..the land of the free and the home of the brave..and said in not any disrespect the land of great pizza.... What's your fav..where are your from??
