The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

dabrownman's blog

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Lucy’s recent methods for spouted sourdough breads of 30-100% whole and sprouted flour have used the bran to feed a small amount of long retarded rye starter to make a 3 stage levain that is then retarded for 24 hours.


It always amazes me how much the acid in the levain bleaches out the flour color.

One of the things we have notices is that the bran is much softer when it is wet the longest and subject to the acid of the levain.  The crumb was a bit more open and softer as a result. The other thing we noticed was that the bread seemed bit more sour tome but this was harder to tell.  Since all of our beads are a bit more sour than the average sourdough.


Another Fresh Lofian; Doc. Dough; who is also a bit of mad scientist like me except he actually knows something about science, has access to the equipment needed to test the pH and TTA of starters, levains dough and baked bread.  He has been running experiments and tests to determine what the real effect of bran has on acid production of starters, levain and dough.


From what I can gather, he first set up a baseline for his favorite white sourdough bread using his white starter, levain, dough and finished bread.  What he then did, and I’m sure he will one day explain it more completely and in depth himself to TFL community, was to take wheat bran and soak it in warm / hot water for several hours and then sift out the bran and then use that water to build his white levain to see if there is anything water soluble in bran that would contribute to more acid production, lower pH and higher TTA in the levain,  dough and resulting baked bread.


When he told me about his plans I was amazed at how insightful he was to get into this issue with the tools necessary to quantify the effects from a scientific base of his own white sourdough bread.  There are some really smart people in TFL community.  When I saw his preliminary and limited results I was even more blown away.


It seems there is a direct, linear relationship and link between what ever is water soluble in bran and an increased acid production in the levain and dough and the resulting bread TTA is also much higher meaning a more sour bread results.  I find this amazing.  I always thought there was something in bran that stimulated more acid production and better tasting bread and this work by Doc.Dough seems to point to the fact that this might really be correct.


Basically what we are talking about are enzymes, minerals and vitamins that are released into a water solution from bran.  We know some are water soluble but others need a weak acid to be released.  We also know that warm temperatures really get the enzymes active, cold temperatures slow then down and but high temperatures will denature them completely – sounds just like LAB and yeast to me. Here is a link that explains much of the science.


So for this week’s bake Lucy came up with a white sourdough bread experiment that was based on Doc.Doughs work to see if we could taste the difference this process might lend to white SD bread.  This is totally subjective and non scientific but she picked a recipe that we have made enough to know what it usually tastes like if we remember correctly.


e used 40% whole and sprouted 5 grain flour 50/50 by weight consisting of rye, pelt Kamut, barley and wheat.  The 20% extraction hard bits were soaked for 6 hours in 105 F water.  The quatity of water used for the soaking was 75% hydration for the entire dough plus the weight of the bran which was 50 g.


So, the 50 g of bran was soaked in 430 g of water.  This would give us enough soaker water for the 3 stage levain build at 100% hydration plus give us the required dough liquid.  Before the soaker was used it was stirred and then run through the same sifter used to do the initial flour extraction to get just the water and small soluble bits.  Any bran caught in the sieve was returned to the soaker water.


We did every thing we normally do as far as levain, dough and bake goes but, since the bran was being sifted out to get the liquid, no bran was in the bread like it normally would be – just the water soluble portion if the bran was used.


We did our usual 3 stage levain build over 12 hours and then retarded it for 24 hours.  We autolysed the 80% extraction sprouted and whole flour with the LaFama AP for 1 1/2 hours with the pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top.

I'm liking that miso curry soup. 

Once the warmed up levain hit the mix we did out usual 3 sets of slap and folds of 30. 8 and 8 slaps on 30 minute intervals with 2 sets of 4 stretch and folds on 45 minute intervals before being placed into the fridge for a 21 hour cold retard.


It seems we have grilled sockeye salmon once a week.  It is for sure my wife's favorite.

We did a quick pre-shape as soon as the dough came out of the fridge and then did a final shape into a boule 1 hour later.  It was placed seam side up in a rice floured basket for a final proof to 50%.  The dough was un-molded onto parchment, on a peel, slashed tic – tac-toe style before hitting the 425 F heat of the oven in a preheated combo cooker.


After 20 minutes of steam the boule had bloomed and blistered beautifully and then 20 minutes of  425 F convection heat with the lid off browned it nicely.  We will have to see how the crumb came out later.  The crumb came out glossy,open and moist.  It was more sour than our usual 80% extraction bread and points to the promise of Doc.Dough's data that clearly shows bran soaked in hot water and then removed and the soaker water used in the levain and dough make for a measured lower greater TTA in the finished bread.  So if your white bread is not sour enough and you don't like bran and a smaller crumb,  This technique is for you.   The 80% extraction sprouted and non sprouted grains still give this bread some bran and the flavor of a whole grain 40% portioned bread is still there.  We like this one a lot.  Thanks to Doc.Dough for all of his fine work with these soakers and a new  bread technique to bring out the flavor and the sour in sourdough.



3 Stage SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



10 Week Retarded Rye Sour






80% Whole & Sprouted Ext & LaFama AP






20% Extraction Soaker Water


















Levain Totals






80% Whole & Sprouted Ext & LaFama AP






20% Extraction Soaker Water






Levain Hydration






% Pre-fermented  Flour












Dough Flour






80%  Extraction & LaFama AP Mix






Total Dough Flour


















20% Extraction Soaker Water












Total Flour w/ Starter






20% Extraction Whole And Sprouted Grain Soaker Water












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight












There were 49 g of 20% Extraction Spruted and non sprouted




50/50 each of bran sifted from 5 fresh gtains including spelt,




wheat, ryr, Kamut and Barley soaked in 400 g of water





for the liquid used in the levain and bread.












The dough flour was the 80 % extraction whole and





sprouted grains with Lafama AP 50/50 - 210 g Each







dabrownman's picture

This week I was going to try to explain Lucy’s plan to save all of us from the Sun going naturally smoking hot  in 500,000 years and toasting us into wishing we were pop tarts instead of lazy.  But, things happen, and we are off on another totally different track.  Let’s face it 500,000 years is a ways off so we can concentrate on something else a little more pressing.... like human caused, global warming – even if it is totally fake or not.


No that’s not it either, even though it is more pressing like fake documents being used to work illegally the USA by stealing someone else’s identity to do so ..


No….but it is a fact that I was reminded twice by other Fresh Lofians this past week, that it is time to make this year’s Holiday Fruit Cake so it can get properly snockered by the time the holidays roll around and cause extreme global warming just for the baking of such snockerd things.


Now is the time to consider getting your own experienced, German, Baking Apprentice 2nd Class because mine put the fruits to snockering a year ago and you could have had it done for you too :-)


Once the levain is built, in this case a sprouted 12 grain one with a bit of 9 week retarded starter, over one 12 hour stage, the recipe gets real simple – a basic measure, dump and stir – no gluten development and a 6 hour sort of proof in the ceramic baking dish before baking off at 300 F for 2 hours.  It smelled terrific as it baked but what cake full of snockerd fruit doesn’t .


This is the 3rd integration of Holiday Fruit Cakes baked in the style of the Gold Rush Days in San Francisco in 1849.  Some are sweeter or less so, some have less snockered fruit, some are not 100% whole grain like this one.  One of them will change you mind about fruit cake if you were one to shun the stuff in the past.  Home made makes all the differenceWe have to wait on the crumb shot for as long as i can stand it...

Well we made it overnight and few hours.  But then collapsed into a Fruit. Cake Coma!  Delicious!




Build 1



 Rye Sour - 9 Weeks Retarded




Sprouted 24% Extraction 12 Grain




Yeast Water












Levain % of Total








Dough Flour




Multi-grain Whole Grain Mix




Dough Flour












Water in SD / YW Levains




Dough Hydration








Total Flour








T. Dough Hydration




Hydration w/ Adds








Total Weight








Add - Ins












Egg (2)




Snockered Fruits




Chopped Pecans & Walnuts




Chocolate Chips




Brown Sugar












3/4 tsp of 7 spice mix includes: Cardamom



Ginger. mace, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves



Sprouted Multi-grain Mix include:  spelt, rye, Kamut, farro, wheat, oat

Pima Club, Sonora White, oat, Einkorn, Emmer. Barley, Desert Durum


 Lucy says to have that nearly as good salad with that fine green chili, chicken, chipotle quesadilla.


dabrownman's picture

The link to the WBD announcement is here – the 10th year


Sprouted rye and wheat.

This year we thought we would do a variation of Lucy’s Westphalian Sourdough Pumpernickel since it is our new favorite bread of all time that we would make if it was to be our last one - ever!


Rye levain top, sprouted levain right and scald left - before they were all mixed together for levain build 4.

This is the perfect bread for WBD since it starts out on Monday making a new rye starter from scratch and baking bread with it on Friday – in only 5 days.  This starter is split in half at the end of the 2nd feeding at the 48 hour mark.  Each half is fed a different mix of grains, some sprouted, and water for the 3rd 24  hour feeding. These 2 levains were then recombined before being fed the scald for the 4th 24 hour feeding.


Digs and walnuts going in on first stretch and fold followed by the aromatic and sunflower seeds.

The 3 hour baked scaled at 150 F with the mini oven door ajar stirring every half hour, was some sprouted bran mixed with wheat germ and whole rye that was dry fried until light brown making them into Toadies before being mixed with water. barley malt syrup and molasses and then baked until it caramelized nicely.


The levain doubled after 2nd, 3rd and 4th feeding - powerful stuff and huge too at over 400 g.   The sprouted whole grain dough flour of rye and wheat are autolysed with the dough liquid: Boulder Brewery’s Shake Chocolate Porter, for a half and hour before the levain, pink Himalayan sea salt and LaFama AP flour were added and mixed in. 


We did 4 sets of 30 slap and folds on 20 minute intervals before adding the walnuts and figs during the first set of stretch and folds.  The combination or aromatic seeds, anise, fennel, coriander and caraway, along with the sunflower seeds were incorporated during the 2nd set of stretch and folds.   After the 4th set of stretch and folds, the pile of add ins looked fairly well distributed.  The S&Fs were also done on 20 minute intervals.


After a short 45 minute bulk ferment, we shaped the loaf into a roll and placed it into a non stick sprayed tin for final roofing and covered with medium grind rye flour.  All the sprouted rye and wheat as well as the whole grain were sprouted and milled at home and used fresh with no aging.  Since extra 20% extraction bran and wheat germ were used the 58% whole and sprouted grain listed is really much higher since the LaFama AP flour would we converted to nearly all whole grain too. 


The dough was proofed in a plastic trash bag until it rose, cracked well on top and looked ready for the oven.   We baked it with Mega steam at 425 F for 30 minutes and then removed the steam and baked it for another 30 minutes at 400 F.  It bloomed and cracked all the way down the middle and the crumb was fairly open for a bread with this much stuff in it.  It tastes terrific and my new favorite bread to make as a very last one as well as one  to savor and enjoy on World Bread Day 2015.

And Lucy says not forget that salad.


SD Levain Build - through 3 feedings

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



Whole Rye & Wheat






20% Extraction Sprouted Bran
























Levain Totals






Whole Rye & Wheat












Levain Hydration






% Pre-fermented  Flour












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






Sprouted Rye






Sprouted Wheat






Total Dough Flour


















Chocolate Porter












Total Flour w/ Starter


















Add Ins






Sunflower Seeds






Re-hydrated Minced Dried Onion






Caraway, Fennel, Anise, Coriander






Re-hydrated Turkish Figs & Walnuts 50/50






Total Add Ins


















20% Extraction Sprouted Grain






Wheat Germ






Whole Rye






BMS & Molasses












Total Scald












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole & Sprouted Grain












The first 2 feedings of the levain were 30 g whole grains and 22 g


of water.  Half was taken before the 3rd feeding and fed 30g



of flour and 22 g of water and the other half fed 30 g each of 20%


 Extraction sprouted grains. The whole grains were rye and wheat 50/50


Both levains were then mixed into the scald for build 4





dabrownman's picture

Lucy finally got around to making a sprouted white sourdough that doesn’t have any whole grains in it….if you overlook the 6 grams of whole rye in the rye sour starter.


  Lucy kept this one at 74% average extraction for the sprouted 5 grain portion and the Kamut and wheat at 82% extraction making for an overall extraction of 78% for half the flour.  The other half of the flour was LaFama AP.


I used look in awe at Phil’s (PiPs) 80%home milled extraction sourdough and thought one day Lucy would get around to her version of it but now we have sprouted flour to add to the mix too.  We followed our general MO of late.


The levain was a 3 stage on but we timed it to be ready to hit the autolyse with the salt sprinkled on top with the salt.  We only did a 45 minute autolyse since the hard bits had been sifted out of the high extraction flour.  We have the basis of some fine Toadies with these left overs.


We did our usual 3 sets of 30 slap and folds and 2 sets of 4 slap and folds all on 30 minute intervals before pre-shaping and final shaping into a boule and being placed in a rice floured basket, bagged in a trash can liner for the 21 hours of cold retard in the fridge without any bulk ferment on the counter.


Once the dough came out of the fridge we let it rest on the cou8nter for 45 minutes before firing up Big Old Betsy to 450 F with the combo cooker and top and bottom stones in place.  Once he oven was at temp 1 1/4 hours of warm up had taken place.


The dough was un molded onto parchment on a peel, slashed in a diamond and slid into the combo cooker for 18 minutes of steam under the lid at 435 F.   Once the lid came off we continued to bake at 425 F convection this time for 5 minutes before taking the bread out of the CC and letting it finish baking on the bottom stone  for 10 ore minutes.


It bloomed, blistered and sprang well under steam and browned up well without it.  We will have to wait for lunch to see how the crumb and taste came out.


The bread stayed crispy on the out side ans was soft moist a glossy in the inside and fairly open too.  It wasn't that much different than the 50% whole sprouted grain version but it did taste a bit milder from a whole grain flavor point of view and it was more sour.  Sometimes the powerful whole grain flavor can mask some some of the sour.

We like this bread a lot and it made a fine bologna, cheese, lettuce and tomato sandwich for lunch wit the usual fixings  


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



7 Week Retarded Rye Sour






82% Extraction Whole Kamut and Wheat
























Levain Totals






82% Extraction whole Kamut and Wheat












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






82% Extraction Whole Kanut and Wheat






La Fama AP






Sprouted 74% Extraction 5 Grain






Total Dough Flour






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter


















Hydration with Starter






Total Weight






80% Extraction 5 Grain












80% Extraction 5 grain sprouted  flour is equal amounts




of: spelt, wheat, barley, rye, and  Kamut -105 g total











There is 6 g of whole rye in the starter








dabrownman's picture

The 25% extraction sprouted multi grain bran sifted from the 75% extraction sprouted flour.

The little green rosettes will make your muffins taste bettah and sprouted grains will make your breads taste bettah too!  Sprouting is way easier than making bread so it is perfect for Lucy and I to do for just about every bake ……and a great way to turn a 3 day sourdough bake into a 5 day one – also perfect for us retired folks looking for something to do.


Make sure you re using hulled grains if you don’t like hard to digest fiber and roughage in your flour.   I’ve seen sprouting directions out there saying to soak the grains in water for 24 hours for the first step.  Don’t do it.  You are trying to sprout them – not drown them which is what you will likely do if you soak them for 24 hours.  You want to keep grain genocide far away from you.  The first step is to weigh the grains to be soaked.


After a 4 hour max soak in water you have to put them n something so that they can sprout, you can easily rinse and drain them every 8-12 hours so that the mold is kept at bay, keep light out so no green shoots stay white instead of turning green and the cool humid air in.


I found a plastic cheese mold with small colander holes in the bottom to let the whey out when forming and pressing cheese which is also perfect for sprouting grain..  it was a bargain a 50 cents at Goodwill.


You can buy sprouting gadgets and containers online, at health food stores and in some ethnic markets too.  Many folks just use a mason jar with the solid lid removed and substitute a screen to let water out when they rinse the grain and just keep it in a dark place.


What you are trying to do is replicate how the seeds would normally germinate in the ground.  Damp – not wet, dark – no light and cool – not hot or cold.  64-70 F works  best but since you are only going to be sprouting for 24 hours total or so from when the first soaking water hits the seeds,  a bit warmer won’t mold the seeds  just rinse them more often.,


This 5 grain mix took different times for each variety to chit but no worries - it is all close enough.

After soaking, I drain the seeds in the cheese mold and rinse them in water, shake out the excess water, cover in plastic wrap and a kitchen towel to keep out the light.  I repeat this every 8- 12 hours until the seeds chit.  Different seeds chit at different rates with rye being the fastest and some ancient grains being the slowest but they all close enough to sprout together which is what I do’


Once the first white rootlets break through the seed bran shell it is called ‘chitting’ and you are now done with sprouting to make sprouted flour and ready to dry the grains.  Once the grain has chatted, I dry it in a dehydrator at 105 – 110 F for 3 hours and 30 minutes with the seeds spread pout thinly, on a single layer on the trays. 


You will know that you are done drying them enough, so they won’t clog up your mill, when they weigh about the same as they did when you first weighed them before soaking.  Once dry you can mill them and sift them like you do any flour.  Your taste buds will reward you for taking the time to make sprouted flour for all kinds of things. 

If you don’t have a dehydrator I used to dry my grain outside in the AZ but you have to figure out a way to keep the birds from eating it.  I used the broiler pan from the mini oven with the seed on the bottom covered with the vented broiler top.  I have also dried them in my mini convection oven where the lowest temperature was 150 F.  With the door ajar the seeds never got over 140 F. 

Some will say that this is too high a temperature and kills off the enzymes you are trying to promote but brewers have always been right, They use the same grain and enzymes to extract all the sugar from the starch in the grain to make beer at the fastest rate and the best temperature to do so – 150 F.  So keeping it under 150 F will do the trick.

Time to make white & red malts when the seed shoot is the length of the seed p here are two pictures showing when the seeds are finished malting

Now if you sprout your grain, in this case rye or barley, for 4 or 5 days until the shoot, not the 3 rootlets that first chit out of the seed, is the length of the seed itself then it is ready to dry to make rye malt or barley malt.  This much longer time requires more rinsing and cool temperatures to keep the mold at bay.

Once dry at 105 F you can just grind into white diastatic malt, below right, or you can take the temperature up to 325 F like the seeds above to brown them to make red non diastatic malt, below left.


 Both malts above were made from the same malted berries 

If you dry this grain at low temperature you have white, diastatic malt and if you dry it at higher temperature up to 325 F you have red, nondiastatic malt – both of which are fine bread ingredients for all kinds of reasons.

Happy Sprouting and Malting


dabrownman's picture


1/1/2015 - New Years Eve Pizza

1/2/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Sprouted 8 Grain SD/YW with Japanese Black Rice & Seeds

1/9/2015 - 50 Percent Whole Sprouted 16 Grain SD with Lake Havasu Desert Magic IPA

1/16/2015 - Sprouted Sourdough White Bread - A New Style SFSD

1/23/2015 - Lucy Takes Another Shot at Not So Tzitzel Like Sprouted Rye

1/30/2015 - Tête du Désert Vide de Lucie Sud-ouest Germées 5 Pain au Levain

2/6/2015 - Sprouted Ancient Grain Valentine’s Day DaBialotta’s

2/12/2015 - 100 % Whole Grain Kamut With 14 % Sprouted

2/12/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Kamut 2 Ways with Malbec Kamut Risotto or Seeds & Prunes

2/12/2015 - Nothing Bread - 100% Unbleached Yeast Water White Bread

2/13/2015 - SD Sprouted Wheat Bread with Weird Scald

2/20/2015 - 4 Grain Sprouted Sourdough with Altus, Scald, Toadies & Porter - Going Darker

2/27/2015 - 100% Whole Spelt SD w/ 50% Sprouted Flour, Spelt Sprouts & Baked Scald

3/6/2015 - Lucy’s 5 Grain Sprouted Practice Sourdough Slash Bags with Scald

3/13/2015 - Lucy’s Practice Sprouted and Scalded Slash Bag - Take 2 - with a Boule too

3/16/10`5 - Cousin Jay’s Sprouted, Multigrain Sourdough with Flax Seed Scald

3/20/2015 - Sprouted Whole Multigrain Sourdough Bread with Malted scald & Pizza Kicker

3/27/2015 - Whole Sprouted 9 Grain Sourdough Bread with Walnuts and Sage

4/3.2015 - Sprouted 3 Grain Sourdough with Pecans, Cranberries and Malts

4/3/2015 - 3 Sprouted Grain Poolish Hot Cross Buns

4/10/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain, Cheese, Jalapeno, Polenta and Baked Scald Sourdough

4/10 2015 - Yeast Water Hot Dog Buns

4/17/2015 - Sorta Altamura Style Sprouted 4 Grain with Desert Durum, Seeds and Baked Scald

4/24/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Baked Scald and Guinness

5/1/2015 - 3 Day Old Rye Starter Makes a fine Sourdough the Old School Way

5/2/2015 - Old School Dark Sprouted Pumpernickel Sourdough – 2 ways

5/8/2015 - Sprouted Wheat and Rye Sourdough The Almost 1.2.3 Way

5/15/2015 - Real Bread Week - Spreading 40% Sprouted Whole 4 Grain Bread with Sprouts

5/22/2015 - A Request for Bread

5/29/2015 - Fig, Anise Sprouted 10 Grain Sourdough

6/5/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 60% Whole Grain

6/12/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 100 % Whole Grain

6/15/2015 - Yeast Buns with Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato, Caramelized Onion & Mushrooms

6/19/2015 - Sprouted Kamut Sourdough - 75 % Whole Grain

6/27/2015 - Really Dark Old School Sprouted Pumpernickel – In memory of Barbra

7/3/2015 - Braune Mann aufgegangen mehrere Korn Sauerteigbrot für Unabhängigkeitstag

7/10/2015 - Double Levain SD with 5 Sprouted Grains

7/17/2015 - Bereit sind, arbeiten Sie hart und Opfern Sie viel Auswuchs Sauerteigbrot

7/24/2015 - Olive and Fig 9 Sprouted Grain Sourdough

7/31/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 50% Whole Grain with Pecans and Cranberries

8/7/2015 - Double Levain Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Seeds

8/14/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread with 40 Hour Retard and Yogurt Whey

8/21/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread With 21 Hour Retarded Bulk Ferment

8/28/2015 - 50 Percent Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Dates, Walnuts and Guinness

8/28/2015 - SD / YW Combo Starter White Bread

9/4/2015 - Star Wars Sprouted Sourdough

9/4/2015 - Star Wars Sourdough Sandwich Slims

9/7/2015 - Yeast Water Labor Day Weekend Pizza

9/11/2015 - Lucy Combines 2 Dark Ways On A Dark Day – Westphalian Pumpernickel

9/18/2015 - 10 Grain Sprouted Sourdough

9/25/2015 - Double Levain 100 % Whole Wheat Half Sprouted At 100 % Hydration

9/28/2015 - Make Clour, or is it florn, Tortillas and Skip the Flour and Corn Ones

10/2/2015 - Ancient World Meets New One in Seeded Sprouted Sourdough

10/5/2015 - Nico’s Sourdough Pizza Crust and Focaccia


2014 Dabrownman’s TFL Blog Index


1/1/2014 - New Year’s Panettone - 2014

1/3/2014 - YW SD Spelt and White Whole Wheat Miche

1/5/2014 -  Saturday Night Pizza - 1/4/2014

1/7/2014 - YW SD ADY Poolish, Tang Zhong Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato & Parmesan Buns

1/10/2014 - 28 % Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Corn, Potato, Farina and Oat.

1/12/2014 - Saturday Night Calzones – or are they Stromboli’s?

1/17/2014 - Go Tang Zhong Sour Cream, Seeded, Aromatic Sourdough Buns

1/18/2014 - Toady Tang Zhong Multigrain Sourdough Boule

1/23/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish 42 Percent Whole Multigrain Walnut and Pistachio Bread

1/24/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Multi-grain Sourdough

1/31/2014 - 60 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Sprouts, Seeds & Yogurt Whey

2/1/2014 - 16 % Whole Multigrain SD with Sesame, Flax and Chia Seeds

2/7/2014 - Dark Russian Jewish Rye Bread with Porter, Prunes, Nuts and Aromatic Seeds

2/14/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Josh’s Version of Pane Maggiore On Valentines Day - 2 Ways

2/20/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Adri’s Westphalian Rye

2/28/2014 - Un-Smoked Spelt Sprouter with Turkish Figs, Seeds, Aromatics & Some Nuts

3/5/2014 - Poolish Calzones and Yeast Water Italian Bread

3/7/2014 - White SD Bread

3/14/2014 - St Paddy’s Day Challenge YW Shamrock on a !00% Whole Wheat SD Chacon

3/21/2014 - Too Pooped To Pop - 56.5 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough

3/26/2014- 107% Whole Grain 8 Grain Sourdough

4/4/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 10 Grain Sourdough – One with Cranberries and Seeds

4/6/2014 - Poolish Naan

4/11/2014 - Plotziade Sourdough Chacon

4/13/2014 - Yeast Water Poolish Pizza

4/15/2014 - Lucy’s Take On Wolfgang Puck’s Passover Gefilta Fish

4/17/2014 - Banana Bread

4/18/2014 - Sourdough Hot Cross Buns - 50% Whole Grain

4/19/2014 - Pizza Civitavecchia

4/20/2014 - Last of the Easter Sourdough Bakes Turns Ugly in a Tasty Way

4/21/2014 - Re-Do of the Last Easter Sourdough Bake for BBQ

4/22/2014 - Sacaduros - 46 Percent Whole Grains

4/23/2014 - Half Whole Grain SD Garlic Naan, Onion and Cilantro

4/25/2014 - Seeded Sourdough Multigrain Chacon

5/2/2014 - Everyday 7 Grain Sourdough

5/6/2014 - Cinco de Mayo - 2014

5/9/2014 - Getting Ready for Ploetziade 2

5/16/2014 - Boule and Pumpernickel for Plotziade 2

5/23/2014 - 10 Grain 50 Percent Whole Grain Sourdough - Back To The Old Sourdough Ways

5/26/2014 - Memorial Weekend Pizza - 2014

5/30/2014 - 67% Whole 10 Grain Baguettes

6/6/2014 - Spelt, Farro, Rye and Wheat Sourdough – 50% Whole Grain

6/9/2014 - Italian Yeast Water Buns

6/11/2014 - Italian Style YW Pizza

6/13/2014 - No……. Not Those Pharaohs

6/17/2014 - Calzones and Triple Levain Madness

6/20/2014 - Götz von Berlichingen Ancient Age Sourdough Bread

6/23/2014 - Yeast Water Whole Grain Breakfast Rolls w/ Snockered Fruit and Dark Chocolate

6/27/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Einstein’s Swabian Potato Bread - Schwäbisches Kartoffelbrot

7/4/2014 - 4th of July – 15 Grain Independence Sourdough Challenge Bake

7/11/2014 - 3 Sprouted Grain SD with One No Sprout

7/14/2014 - Lemon and Corn Pie - Old Southern Favorite - Chess Pie

7/18/2014 - Sprouted Multigrain Potato Sourdough with Spelt, Rye, Emmer and Wheat

7/23/2014 - Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato Multigrain Pizza Focaccia

7/25/2014 - 6 Grain Fennel and Fig Sourdough

8/1/2014 - Sprouted Pa de Pagès Català Sourdough

8/8/2014 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough Chacon with Whey, Walnuts and Sage

8/15/2014 - Lucy’s Sorta Tzitzel Like Sprouted Sourdough

8/22/2014 - No Knead Sprouted Spelt, Barley & Potato Sourdough

8/25/2014 - Poolish Pizza Without Daughter

8/20/2014 - Sprouted Spelt, Barley, Rye and Wheat Sourdough with 5 Seeds and Brazil Nuts

9/11/014 - Spelt and Wheat Sourdough with Figs, Pistachios, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

9/18/2014 - 20% Multi - Whole Grain Sourdough - Lucy's 44 Hour Fat Bags

9/19/2014 - Lucy's Fruit Stupid -Version 2

9/23/2014 - Knishes

9/25/2014 - Porter, Prune & Walnut Multigrain SD Bread with a No Fruit No Nut Potato Water Version

9/28/2014 - Pie Parade

10/1/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Buns.

10/3/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Sourdough Italian Bread with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts

10/10/2014 -Cherry YW Sourdough Italian Boule with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 2

10/16/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish Pizza

10/16/2014 -11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Enriched Buns

10/17/2014 - 11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Chacon with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 3

10/23/2014 - Lucy’s YW & SD Holiday Fruitcake

10/30/2014 - Multigrain SD Sprouted 2 Ways

11/7/2014 - Sprouted Multi Farro SD

11/26/2014 - Thanksgiving Sourdough Bread for Stuffing

12/5/2014 - Multigrain Sourdough Sprouter

12/12/2014 - Ancient Grain Sprouted Sourdough

12/19/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted Porter SD

12/26/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted 9 Grain SD with Whey




2013 The Fresh Loaf Dabrownman’s Blog


1/4/2013 - Panettone - The Last Bake of 2012

1/4/2013 - New Year's Day Pizza and Banana Bread Cupcakes

1/5/2012 - Hanseata’s Sausage Filled Puff Pastry with Cheese

1/7/2013 - Multi-grain Cream Cheese Sourdough with Multi-grain Scalded Soaker

1/11/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough Chacon with Olives, Sun Dried Tomato, Garlic, Rosemary and 2 Cheeses

1/16/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/17/2013 - Multigrain Yeast Water Bread with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/23/2013 - White Whole Wheat with Combo YW, Poolish, SD Starter, Water Roux and Wheat Berry Scald

1/25/2013 - SD, YW, Biga, Rye, Spelt, Tang Zhong Bread with Scald, Seeds and Nuts

1/30/2013 - Practice YW Slash Bag

1/31/2013 - Origami Sourdough and Yeast Water Panettone

1/31/2013 - Another Batch of kjknits English Muffins – 12.5 % Whole Wheat

2/1/2013 - Fun With Short Crust and Puff Paste

2/1/2013 - Phil’s Savory Pumpkin and Feta Pie

2/2/2013 - A Born Loser Tells a Tale of Too Many Two’s and the Evil Twin

2/3/2013 - Superbowl Pizza – Great Pizza For a Lights Out, No longer a Blow Out Game

2/3/2013 - It's Been Exactly a Year Since Our First TFL Post - The Index

2/5/2013 - Multigrain SD/YW Brown Bread with Aromatic Seeds and Multi-Grain Scald

2/7/2013 - Big Combo Levain Whole Wheat Bread with Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

2/11/2013 - Not So Pink Valentine Vienna Chocolate Rose

2/13/2013 - Sourdough Pink Valentine Hamburger Buns

2/15/2013 - Yeast Water Cinnamon Rolls

2/18/2013 - Multigrain SD Altamura - Not The Priest's Hat

2/21/2013 - Banana Bread

2/26/2013 - Old Dough VS Levain Multigrain SD With Bulgar and Flax Seed Scald

2/28/2013 - 100 % Whole Grain Rye and Spelt YW SD with Scald and Seeds - The Altus Test

3/5/2013 - SD YW Durum, Ricotta Bread with Pistachio Nuts, Pumpkin & Millet Seeds

3/12/2013 -

3/13/2013 - SD YW multi-grain Bagels

3/17/2013 - Enchanted Irish Lemon Curd Fairy Cakes

3/18/2013 - St. Paddy’s Day Feast, Sort of Ballymaloe 100% WW Brown Bread and Irish Ruben’s

3/20/2013 - If Ballymaloe Baked Sourdough Brown Bread with WW Scald & Guinness in a DO

3/23/2013 - WW SD YW Multi-Grain Pumpernickel

3/25/2013 - 50% Whole Wheat Matzoh

3/30/2013 - Hot Cross Buns - 25 % Whole Grain

3/31/2013 - Poolish & Y W Chocolate Walnut Easter Babka with Streusel & Snockered Fruits

4/2/2013 - 100 Percent Whole Multi-Grain Aroma Bread with 2 Soakers & 11 Seeds

4/4/2013 - Whole Grain DaPumpernickel Aroma Bread

4/8/2013 - Two Way 75% White Bread - DaPumperized with Scald and Seeds

4/12/2013 - Italian Tang Zhong, Fig, Hazelnut & Ricotta Cheese Sourdough Chacons

4/14/2013 - Dinner for 2 from the Pots

4/19/2013 - Fig Water, Multigrain, Apricot, Walnut, Whole Wheat Sprouter

4/24/2013 - Tang Zhong, Ricotta, Scalded Multigrain with and without, Cranberries & Pecans

4/30/2013 - They Call Me Mellow Yellow

5/3/.2013 - I Got the No White Bread Blues

5/5/2013 - Happy Cinco de Mayo - Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

5/7/2013 - Lucy's Jewish Deli Rye - Take 1

5/15/2013 - Dark Russian Jewish Deli Rye with Porter, Onion, Sprouts and Aromatic Seeds.

5/16/2013 - Whole Wheat and Spelt Sourdough with Sprouts and Seeds

 5/17/2013 - Friday Pizza Night

5/21/2013 - SD and YW Emperor Franz Joseph Buns with Same Dough Challah

5/24/2013 - Multigrain SD with Japanese Black Rice, Seeds, Prunes & Dried Edamame

5/24/2013 - YW & Poolish Hot Dog Buns

5/30/2013 - Ezekiel's Chacon

6/6/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Scald, Seeds and 3 Nuts

6/10/2013 - White Hamburger Buns Turned Dark

6/14/2013 - Multigrain Combo Levain with Seeds & Sprouts

6/18/2013 - It all started out simple enough

6/21/2013 - Everyday Multigrain Sourdough with Scald

6/25/2013 - Yeast Water, Tang Zhong Hot Dog Buns

6/28/2013 - Buttermilk and Greek Yogurt Multigrain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

7/5/2013 - Snails with Tails

7/8/2013 - Yeast Water and ADY Hot Dog Buns

7/12/2013 - Multigrain Caramelized Pickled Veggies, Parmesan, Flax & Sesame Seeds, Barley Boil & Toadish Sourdough

7/19/2013 - Whole Multigrain Sourdough Loaf

7/21/2013 - Saturday Night Pizza

7/26/2013 - 75% Extraction Mulit-grain Sourdough

8/2/2013 - Prince George's Chacon

8/9/2013 - Sourdough Tzitzel

8/12/2013 - Yeast Water 70% Whole Grain English Muffins

8/14/2013 - 100 % Whole Multi Grain, Yeast Water & Sourdough Bagels

8/16/2013 - 99.89% Whole Grain Sesame & Flax Seed Sourdough with Whey

8/22/2013 - Too Fast - Poolish Cream Butter Buns

8/23/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Figs, Walnuts, Whey and 4 Seeds

8/26/2013 - Lucy’s Fruit Stupid - Nutella, Peach, Plum and Plantain Pizza and No Fruit Bagels

8/28/2013 - Lucy’s Take on Cleo’s and Ian’s Hamburger Buns

8/30/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Sesame and Flax Seeds Toadies and Malts

8/31/2013 - Three Levain Friday Night Pizza Night - With a Surpise Ending

9/4/2013 - Happy Rosh Hashanah – A Holiday Challah

9/6/2013 - Tzitzel – Take 3 with Triple Levain

9/6/2013 - For those who wanted "Aunt Beverly’s Sweet and Hot Brisket'

9/7/2013 - Meat Week

9/11/2013 - Yeast Water 35% Whole Wheat Hamburger Thins and HD Buns

9/13/2013 - Pistachio, Prune and Pumpkin Seed Multigrain Sourdough with Malty Toads

9/20/2013 - Hanseata Multigrain SD YW and Sunflower Seed Challenge Bread

9/27/2013 - The 100% Whole Grain, Multigrain - Mashed by Melon Test - 3 Ways

10/4/2013 - Whole Multigrain SD Bread with Scald, Seeds and More Aromatic Seeds

10/7/2013 - Multigrain Old Sourdough Makes 2 Retarded Pizzas

10/11/2013 - B…..B….B…. Babka - the Yeast Water Way to Gugelhuph Land

10/11/2013 - Prunish Multigrain Sourdough with Scald and Seeds

10/14/2013 - Poolish Buns the Girls Actually Like and Smoked Brisket Sandwiches

10/17/2013 - Mice Guarding the Punkin

10/18/2013 - 20% Whole Grain 9 Grain Sourdough

10/18/2013 - Pumpkin Nutella Swirl Bars

10/25/2013 - Lucy is Runner Up with Her Mice Guarding the Pumpkin Entry

10/25/2013 - Same Dough Two Ways with a Pizza Crust Later

10/27/2013 - Saturday Night 6 P’s SD Focaccia Romana Pizza

10/29/2013 - YW Primer

11/1/2013 - Owlloween White Buns made with a Poolish & SD Levain

11/1/2013 - 38 % Whole Grain Multi Grain SD with Sprouts, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

11/6/2013 - What is the Best Thing You Can Put On Pumpernickel?

11/9/2013 - 15 % Whole Grain SD and YW Orange, Cranberry Walnut Bread

11/15/2013 - Almost Twin White Breads - One YW / SD and One SD

11/15/2013 - YW & SD 50% Rye with Scald, Onions & Young’s Double Chocolate Stout

11/17/2013 - Lucy’s YW White Bread for Thanksgiving Croutons

11/22/2013 - Mini's 100% Hydration Rye, Walnut and Seed Bread with Soaker Water & Dopplebock

11/22/2013 - CeciC’s Crackers with Added Yeast Water.

11/25/2013 - Two Thanksgiving Pies and the Blog Index

11/30/2013 - Josh’s Thanksgiving and Hanukkah Stollen

12/6/2013 - Big Levain Multigrain Sourdough with Figs, Seeds, Potato & Poolish

12/7/2023 - Sinclair’s Bakery Potato Rolls - Made With Poolish

12/12/2013 - Half Whole Multi-Grain Sourdough with Fax & Sesame Seeds

12/12/2013 - Christmas Chocolate Chunk Cherry Chacon

12/12/2013 - Holiday Puff Paste Heath Bar and Chocolate Chip Rugelach

12/17/2013 - Not So Stollen – Christmas 2013

12/19/2013 - 3 Christmas Fruit Cakes - One For Everyone

12/21/2013 - Friday Night SD YW Pretty Plain Pizza

12/22/2013 - Panettone Forced English Muffins

12/23/2013 - White SD YW Bread with Walnuts for Christmas Turkey Stuffing

12/25/2013 - Christmas Fruit Cake – SD YW Gold Rush Take 2

12/26/2013 - Arizona Christmas Tree and Blog Index


2012 The Fresh Loaf Dabrownman’s Blog


2/3/2012 - My first bread after joining TFL - DSnyder's San Joaquin

2/3/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot

2/3/2012 - Loaded Pizza

2/3/2012 - Pierre Nury meets DSnyders SFSD

2/3/2012 - Putting the Rye in Pierre Nury's rustic Light Rye

2/3/2012 - Too Many Red Pears and Blueberries

2/3/2012 - Make your own Greek yogurt

2/4/2012 - Minneola / Apple Yeast Water Semolina Bread

2/4/2012 - Raspberry SD Pancakes

2/4/2012- 1930's Magnalite Wagner Ware Roaster Used As Cloche for Multi-grain SD Challah

2/5/2014 - Sourdough English Muffins

2/5/2012 - Southwest Hummus Anyone?

2/5/2012 - I have some miscellaneous baking and foodie

2/7/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot - Version 4

2/7/2012 - Baked off PiPs (Phil's) new post on 40% Sourdough Rye w/ Caraway today

2/9/2012 - The Chellos - that don't play music.

2/9/2012 - PiP's 40% Rye w/ Caraway Meets Hanseata's Seeds and a Restless dabrownman

2/9/2012 - Whole Wheat Crusted Apple Caramel Galette w/ fresh ginger and assorted bourbon dried fruits.

2/9/2012 - Blueberry SD pancakes this time,

2/10/2012 - How to Make Yogurt - 'So Your Muffins Taste Betta'

2/10/2012 - isand66's SD Avocado Bread Meets Its Sunflower Seeded Guacamole Heart

2/11/2012- I Confess My Deepest Darkest Baking Secret

2/13/2012 - isand66's Bacon, SD, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Bread Meets Pork Jowls, Aged White Cheddar, Potato Flakes and Caramelized Onion

2/13/2012 - Shiao-Ping's Orange Turmeric Pain au Levain with Yeast Water

2/14/2012 - Happy Valentine Cupcakes w/ Strawberry Hearts

2/16/2012 - PiPs Walnut and Sage 100% Whole Wheat.

2/17/2012 - Let's Make Some Fresh Cheese

2/17/2012 - Birthday Chocolate Crusted Orange Cheese Cake with Ganache, Truffles and Chocolate Shavings

2/18/2012 - David Snyders' SD Pugliesi Capriccioso With Some WW and Rye

2/22/2012 - teketeke's Japanese Yeast Water White Sandwich Bread - 'This Bread Is Not Your Slimy Old White Slice'

2/23/2012 - Pips Vollkornbrot - Nearly 100% Rye with A Tiny Bit of Spelt

2/24/2012 - teketeke Bread

2/27/2012 - Rustique Pain Comté de San Francisco

3/1/2012 - Chad Robertson's Country SD - Modified

3/1/2012 - I've been working on a new home made Gas Regeneration BBQ /Smoker

3/3/2012 - Miscellaneous stuff at the end of the week

3/5/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest

3/6/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest - Retarded

3/7/2012 - Yeast Water, Rye, WW, Garlic Chive, Onion, Cheese and Chorizo Bialy’s

3/12/2012 - Tartine Everyday Rustic Country Sourdough

3/14/2012 - St Paddy's Day Dutch Oven Sourdough - Tartine Method

3/14/2012 - Corned Beef and Cabbage - 2 ways - possibly more

3/15/2012 - Just look at the pictures my new old camera takes!!

3/17/2012 - Yeast Water, Glazed, Spiced, Walnut, Bourbon Fruit, Chocolate Chip, Almond Granola Streusel Polish Babka

3/23/2012 - Making Red Rye Malt

3/24/2012 - Gingered, Tres Apple, Almond, Vanilla Granola Crisp with Bourbon Dried Fruit

3/29/2012 - A Blend of Seigle d’Auvergne and Borodinski

3/29/2012 - Jam and Bread Crust and Crumb Color

3/31/2012 - Revising isand66's Bacon, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Sourdough Bread

4/1/2012 - Getting Ready for Tomorrow's Sweetbird Buckwheat Apple SD Bake with Buckwheat SD Pancakes Today

4/2/2012 - Dabrownman Butchers Sweetbird’s Lovely Buckwheat, Apple and Apple Cider, Buckwheat Groat Bread with Insane Thoughts and Deeds

4/9/2012 - Super-grain Challah w/ Whey Water, Sprouts, Potato, Lentil, Sunflower Seeds and 2 Starters - SD and YW

4/10/2012 - Retarded Super-Grain Challah

4/14/2012 - Lemon Curd and Cream Cheese Puff Paste

4/14/2012 - Italian Corner - Cellos with Squash Lasagna and David Snyder's Pulgliese Capriosso

4/15/2012 - 20% Rye and WWW Potato SD Baggies Meet the Same Made with YW

4/15/2012 - Weekday Springtime Yeast Water Breakfast at Dabrownman's

4/17/2012 - Apple and Pear, Bourbon Dried Fruit, Ginger with Apple Jam Cream Cheese Puff Sleds

4/19/2012 - Sweetbird's Apple, Buckwheat with Groats, Insanely Modified, Makes for a Fine Toast or Lunch

4/20/2012 - SD Hemp Bags - txfarmer method with Hanseata's Seeds

4/20/2012 - Tired Monday's - YW 20% Whole Grain Bag Lunch

4/30/2012 - 50% Multigrain SD W/ Rye Scald, Rye Sprouts, Borodinski Altus and Pepitas, Caraway and Flax Seeds

5/2/2012 - Yeast Water Fake Pretzel Rolls

5/4/2012 - With Cinco de Mayo Yesterday - Hope You Had a Happy One! Cinco Sunset, Moon Rise and Dinner

5/8/2012 - Multi-grain SD w/ Multi Sprouts 2 Nuts and Seeds Somewhere

5/9/2012 - Yeast Water Hamburger Buns with Cinnamon Roll Same Dough Kicker

5/11/2012 - 1 - Day Multi-Grain Bread, Soft White Wheat, Spelt, Scald and Seeded with SD and YW Combo Starter

5/12/2012 - Banana Bread Cake

5/14/2012 - Mothers Day YW Apple, Pecan Buckwheat Pancakes with a Nice Chicken and Brie Sandwich for Lunch

5/15/2012 - Altamura Shaped Semolina Multi-Grain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

5/16/2012 - Having the daughter

5/18/2012 - Semolina, Rye, WWW Ciabatta w/ Chia Seeds, Herbs and Sun Dried Tomato

5/20/2012 - Apple Strawberry Ginger Crisp, Teriyaki and Lunch for Two

5/22/2012 - txfarmer's Croissant and Dainish Converted over to SD and YW - 3 Ways with Chia Seeds

5/24/2012 - Pretzel Roll P&J and Grilled Chicken Lunch with Pickles

5/25/2012 - Hanseata’s Wild Rice SD w/ Yeast Water, Multi Seeds, Prunes, Beer and Sprouts

5/26/2012 - Brown Plate Special with a Little Green, Brown Ale and Brown Bread

5/28/2012 - T-Rex Meets Floyd’s Sweet Potato Bread & Brownman’s SD & YW Combo Starter

5/29/2012 - Bread Baskets - A Serious Illness Revealed

5/31/2012 - Recent Breads for Lunch, Last Jacaranda Bloom and Desert

6/1/2012 - 40% Whole Multi-grain SD and YW Altamura Style Chacon

6/1/2012 - 24 Hours of Not Baking Bread

6/8/2012 - The SD / YW Chacon Revisited – 90% Whole Grain, Multigrain Sprouts, Walnut and Sage Paste, Pumpkin Seeds and Whey Water

6/9/2012 - Friday night P & P - Pizza and Pide

6/12/2012 - Let's Have Some Lunch and Other Stuff

6/15/2012 - Jasmine Tea, 50% Whole Multi-Grain SD & YW Durum Atta Bread with Wheat Germ, Flax and Chia Seeds

6/19/2012 - Buckwheat 60% Multi-grain YW / SD Bread with Walnuts, Sage, Flax, Wheat Germ, Apples, Prunes and Groats

6/21/2012 - Sourdough Durum Atta Bread – Pharaoh’s Mastaba Style

6/24/2-12 - Twisted Sisters Chacon : 67% Whole Rye & Wheat with Sprouts & Seeds.

6/28/2012 - Franko finally got to the top of the list

6/29/2012 - English Muffins - kjknits Converted to YW and SD Combo levain

6/29/2012 - Without Cheesecake For Desert - There May Be No Need for Bread

6/30/2012 - SD and YW Semolina Cheese Bread and Pizza with Sun Dried Tomato, Rosemary, Mojo de Ajo and Garlic

7/4/2012 - SD and YW Multigrain Bagels - The Stan Ginsberg Method

7/4/2012 - Catching up on some lunches and other stuff

7/4/2012 - Lunches and Other Stuff Continued - Happy Birthday America!

7/5/2012 - YW Naan with Paneer, Green Onion, Cilantro, Garam Masala and Garlic - Plus a Loaf - Added Lunch Shot

7/6/2012 - Joe Ortiz Pain de Champagne with Rye and WW Sprouts

7/10/2012 - Dinner in Houston

7/15/2012 - AZ Monsoon and Breakfast

7/17/2012 - Mocha Chocolate Chip Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches.

7/20/2012 - What To Eat With That Rustic French Country Sourdough Bread -Smoked Etouffee!

7/22/2012 - SD YW English Muffins - Some Fried As Donuts Per gmabaking With Apricot, Nectarine Ginger Glaze

7/24/2012 - Herbed Bialy's – Multigrain, Caramelized Onion, Chorizo and 4 Cheeses

7/27/2012 - 50% Rye SD Knotted Rolls With Wheat Germ, Barley Scald, Caraway and Sunflower Seeds

7/27/2012 - hanseata's Wild Rice Bread Revisited - 'The Wild One' - w/ Beer, Sprouts, Seeds and Prunes

7/30/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff

8/5/2012 - YW vs Desem SD - Caramelized Onion, Basil, Bacon, Parmesan Rolls

8/7/2012 - 15% Whole Wheat Bagels with YW and SD Desem Combo Starter

8/11/2012 -YW / SD Olive Bread with Rosemary and Bulgar Scald

8/17/2012 - 100% Whole Grain Rye with Rye Sprouts – YW & SD Combo Starter

7/19/2012 - 25% Whole Wheat English Muffins Revisited - Over and Over Again - kjknits

8/22/2012 - Chacon Catastrophes Moka - Ian’s Mocha Disaster Chacon

8/24/2012 - Multi-Grain SD & YW Combo with Chicken Stock, Soaker & Seeds

8/27/2012 - 35% Whole Grain YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta White Bread with Soaker

8/29/2012 - Rewind - YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta, W. Germ, Malts & Honey - Deja Vue

9/2/2012 - Spelt, Rye and Whole Wheat Soudough Boule with Flax Seed, Honey and Malts - A Simple but Tasty Bread

9/5/2012 - 100% Hydration, 100% Whole Grain Kamut Flat Boule with YW and SD Combo Starter

9/7/2012 - Andy’s Roasted Brazil Nut and Prune Bread - Sourdough Variation with WW Scald

9/9/2012 - 8 Hour SD YW Saturday Night Pizza and Friday Shrimp Kabobs

9/14/2012 - 100% Whole Spelt Sourdough at 100% Hydration

9/15/2012 - Happy Rosh Hashanah!

9/20/2012 - 17% Whole Multi-Grain SD / YW Bagels – The Stan Ginsberg Method

9/21/2012 - 57% Whole Grain Multi-grain SD with 20% Seeds and Whey

9/25/2012 -15% Multi-grain Bread With YW and SD Combo Levain

9/28/2012 - 15% WWW Fat Bag with Desem SD Starter ala Ian and Phil

9/28/2012 - English Muffins- YW and SD Levains - 16% Whole Wheat

9/28/2012 - Banana Nut Bread with Seeds, Chocolate and Bourbon Dried Fruits

10/2/2012 - Judy's 45 % Whole Multi-Grain Sandwich Bread

10/6/2012 - 16 % Whole Multi-grain SD Baguettes – txfarmer’s Method only 40 Hours

10/9/2012 - Name Change - Gussied Up Franz Joseph's Emperor Rolls With Seeds

10/13/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff - Partola Uno

10/14/2012 - Parade de sandwichs et d'autres choses - partie 2

10/14/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches Continues - Part 3

10/15/2012 - Desfile de Sandwiches - Parte 4

10/15/2012 - Parade der Sandwiches - Teil 5

10/17/2012 - World Bread Day - SD Multigrain with Figs, Anise, Pistachios and Sprouts

10/18/2012 - Pierre Nury's Rustic Light Rye with Whole Grain Multi-grain YW / SD Levains and Coffee

10/24/2012 -Tuesday Pizza Night - Crust 3 Ways with 25% Whole Grains

10/25/2012 - San Franciso Sourdough - 15% Whole Grain

10/27/2012 - Extended - SD Starter Experiment - 24 hour Countertop SFSD and a Seeded, Fig and Pistacio

10/30/2012 - Two DO Chacons Couldn’t Be Any Different

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week one

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week Two

11/2/2012 - 26% Whole Grain YW / SD Bagels with Sprouts

11/5/2012 - 24 hour 10% Whole Grain SFSD & SD Seeded Fig Bread with Pistachios - 1 g of Starter - No Levain

11/9/2012 - 60% Whole Grain SD / YW Bread With Caraway, Rye Chops, Coffee and Cocoa

11/9/2012 - Prune & Brazil Nut Sourdough with Bulgar Scald, Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

11/14/2012 - Not So Stollen

11/16/2012 - Thanksgiving Multi-Grain Marble Chacon

11/20/2012 - SD Stuffing Bread

11/21/2012 - Poolish Stuffing Bread

11/23/2012 - Not So Stollen - Thanksgiving Take

11/23/2012 - Daughter Does French Slap and Folds for Her Poolish Thanksgiving Rolls

11/27/2012 - A Chacon for Eric

12/7/2012 - 75% Whole Grain YW / SD Caramelized Onion, Wild Rice, Sprouts & Baltika Porter Bread

12/14/2012 - Multigrain SD / YW Porter Bread with Roasted Onions, Sprouts, Malts and Seeds

12/17/2012 - Puff Paste Experiments

12/18/2012 - Puffy So Not Rugelach

12/21/2012 - Christmas Sourdough Chacon - Figs, Pistachios and Seeds

12/25/2012 - Christmas Bi-Color Rose - 30% Whole Grain, Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato

12/25/2012 - Not So Stollen - 6 Weeks later

12/29/2012 - 25% Whole Grain Multi-grain Bagels


dabrownman's picture

Today was one of those days I will always remember.  Nearly right up there with getting married, the birth of The Baby and anything else I can remember.  I got to see my pizza dough being prepared and baked in a wood fired oven by a real pizza master - Niecco Capone of Pomo Pizzeria Napoletana.


When Nico said he would bake off some of my pizza when my wife and I ate there this past Saturday I was shocked and so excited I couldn’t sleep for 2 days.  The oven is not the best of the best Niecco told me saying the flagship Pomo’s in Scottsdale has the primo of the primo ovens he has ever baked in.  I can’t imagine a better oven than this one so now I have to go up there and check it out


The 6 whole grains.

When I read that Pomo only bakes sourdough crust, very unusual, 3 mm thick max, thin and crispy in the style of Naples with a thin tangy sauce, not too much cheese (buffalo Mozzarella) and had opened a place in Gilbert, AZ ……..we had to go.  They make pizza just the way I had it in Naples and my very favorite by a wide margin.  Plus, Terry (the restaurant manager), Niecco and everyone else we came into contact with while there were gracious, smiling, enjoying their work and their customers.


25% extraction left and 75% extraction whole 6 grains right. 

Now that the baking is done I have to say it turned out even better than I could have hoped and I had high expectations.  It was one of the nest baking experiences ever.  Watching Niedco stretch my dough so easily over the edge of granite counter and stretch it out perfectly was awe inspiring – I couldn’t even take a picture of him doing it – it was just unbelievable how easy he made it all look – No Muss No Fuss Pizza Crust.


10 g of 6 week retarded rye sour starter left.

The oven was at 950 F this morning and the kitchen had finished up the stuff they make in the oven early in the day before the restaurant opens…. like peppers and onions etc.  I knew the dough I brought had to be as good as I can make so I wouldn’t look like a total doofus – but I didn‘t have time to sprout any grains having only 1 1/2 days to make the dough from Saturday night.


The levain 2 hours after the 4th feeding of all the 25% extraction hard bits- 14 hours total.

I also wanted to make a dough that they weren’t used to to make it a bit interesting for them, plus being different was needed because there is no way I’m going to make a better dough than their standard SD one.   Niecco told me that the dough we had on Saturday night was a young dough so it wasn’t as sour as it is now on Monday when the flavor has fully developed.  Now I understand why it was so sweet and not as sour as I expected.


Levain left hits the autolyse.

My girls like the SD crust we make at home the best when it has no more than 20% whole grains and the Focaccia Romana version with garlic olive oil, fresh rosemary and sun dried tomatoes in the dough is still their favorite.  Lucy then came up thigh a suitable flout blend that would be tasty, Italian and also have some low gluten locally grown soft white wheat in it.  There is nothing worse than pizza dough that isn’t extensible enough and a pain to stretch thin because it is too elastic ……or even worse tears.


Re-hydrated sun dried tomatoes, garlic infused olive oil and fresh rosemary added to  half the dough.

Lucy came up with the whole grain Italian Farro blend of einkorn, emmer and spelt to go along with he local Pima Indian grown Pima Club and Sonoran White from Ramona Farms.  The 6th whole grains was the hard red winter wheat and we ignored the 6 g of whole rye in the rye sour starter which would have made it 7 whole grains.


After 1st set of 4 slap abd folds.

We sifted out the 255 hard bits from the whole grains after grinding and decided to do something new for this special pizza  dough and reserved them for later rather than immediately feeding it to the rye starter to make the levain.


Both crusts right before the 21 hour retard in the fridge.

Instead of our usual 3 stage levain build of 4 hours each, we added a 4th stage which was the entire 25% extracted hard bits we had reserved - with no additional water,  Once the levain doubled after the 3rd build we added the hard bits and let it double again – it only took 2 hours and ensured the levain would be in top form.\


Last night's AZ sunset on fire like Nico's pizza oven!

We decided on the 4th build because we didn’t have time for a 24 hour cold retard of the levain as per our usual process to bring out the sour.  We used half LaFama AP and half Winco High Gluten for the white flours with the 75% extraction 6 grain in the dough.  We were going for a mix of low and high protein to fit the pizza profile for dough.


 Niecco with the plain cheese white pizza right before it hits the heat.

We autolysed the dough flour and water for 1 hour with the Pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top.  Once the levain hit the mix, we do 3 sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minutes intervals and the split the dough in half to have a white dough and then added the garlic oil, squeezed dry re-hydrated sun dried tomatoes and the fresh rosemary for the Focaccia Romana half.


Here is the plain pizza coming out of the oven after about a minute,

We did 3 more sets of 4 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals for each half, then placed them in a and oiled bowl covered in plastic for a 21 hour cold retard in the fridge.  We took the dough out of the fridge and folded it from the compass points 3 hours before heading over to Pomo’s which is only 10 minutes away from home.


Niecco stretched his now namesake crust by pulling it down 90 degrees over the edge of that granite - Amazing!

I supplied the sauce and cheese blend because I wanted to see how the oven as the only change affected the looks and taste.  The Focaccia Romana pizza had my thin pepperoni on it as the only addition to the sauce and cheese white crust pizza. 

Niecco putting the focaccia pepperoni pizza in the oven.

Niecco boxed up the white version when it came out of the oven saying he didn’t want to cur it so that I could reheat it in the oven for dinner tonight with the wife so we didn’t get a taste but I wanted him to taste the Focaccia Romana one with pepperoni anyway.


Master of the 30 second into the bake spin to even out the bake.

Both pizzas baked in about a minute but I didn’t think to time them.  I’ve never been able to get the spring, lift and bottom of the crust baked properly before at home but both of these really puffed themselves up well and browned beautifully. 


Niceco's pepperoni after the best minute of baking ever!

i When I tasted the FR pizza it was immediately the best pizza crust I had ever had and unlike anything I could ever make at home.  We have made a version of this many times but it isn’t the same at home.  There is a reason why traditional artisan bread can only be baked in a wood fired oven.  Niecco said it was a nice crust  which put a big smile on my face since he has tasted thousands of different crusts made by others as well as his own.


The bottom is perfectly baked and crispy.

But there is a better part, we got to talking about SD bread and he showed me a picture of his latest Forkish loaf made at home - really great spring and bloom with it coming out a near circle in cross section with a nice open crumb – very good indeed and he is just starting to bake bread with F,W,S&Y as his guide!


Super airy crust and very crisp. No folding possible or necessary - Yea!

I brought Nico a just refresh stash of my No Muss No Fuss Rye Sour Starter and quarters of my last 3 sprouted bakes plus a quarter of the Sprouted Westphalian Pumpernickel to taste – all frozen.


This oven makes any pizza want to jump right in there.

I said it was a shame that his beautiful oven never got below 750 F or anywhere near 500 F so we could bake some SD bread together in it and he said there is only 2 maybe 3 times a year when  they are closed long enough for the oven to get to 500 F and they are coming up – Thanksgiving,  Christmas & New Years – On My!


Can't wait to eat the plain pizza for dinner - Even reheated i know it will be terrific.

The best goes out to all the great folks at Pomo’s especially Niecco and Terry ……even though pizza at home is now forever ruined and 2nd rate.   Focaccia Romana is now officially renamed Niecco’s Sourdough Pizza Crust and Focaccia.

Don't forget to have a salad and some fine Gorgonzola with that fine pizza!


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



6 Week Retarded Rye Sour






75% Extraction 6 Grain


















Build 4 was the 25 g of 25% Extraction whole 6 grain and no water









Levain Totals






Whole 6 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






Smart and Final High Gluten






Total Dough Flour






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter


















Hydration with Starter






Total Weight






% Whole 6 Grain












Whole 6 grain flour is equal amounts of: spelt, wheat




einkorn, emmer, Pima Club & Sonoran White -100g total



There is 6 g of whole rye in the starter but that would make 7 grains


and I'm not re typing the post so forget about the whole rye



After the dough is divided in half add 1 tsp of chopped fresh rosemary


10 g of sun dried tomato (Dried weight before reconstituting) and 2g of


minced garlic miicro waved on high to 15 seconds with 10 g of EVOO








25 g of sifted out hard bits from the 6 whole grain were added back


to the levain for a stage 4 build - no water for this stage





dabrownman's picture

Lucy was thinking ancient this weeks and was studying the oldest thing she could think of at the time – The Sun.  The Poor thing is middle age at 5 billion years old and has an appetite like nothing else around here.  It gobbles up 400-600 million tons of hydrogen a second to overheat our world but it will be doing the overheating thing much better in the future.


It seems that over the next billion years or so the sun will get larger and burn hotter as it moves on to doing what all stars its size do.  The temperature on the Earth will be at least 100 degrees hotter then too – too bad for us poor humans long before then the Earth’s oceans boil away.


But that is nothing, the Sun will keep getting bigger and hotter for another 4 billion years after that until the Earth is engulfed inside the expanding Sun and turned into a burnt cinder.   I asked Lucy why she was so into the Sun and she said that she wanted to bone up on man made global warming and one thing led to another.


One other thing it led to was the fact that Mars is also going through a period of global warming right now that is much worse than the Earth’s.  Then it made sense to Lucy why we want to send people to live on Mars.


Obviously, humans must be a moderating factor when it comes to the extremes of global warming.   The poor Martians need humans living there to help them moderate their totally out of control global warming thing they have going on there right now.  Sadly, we can’t get there for a coupe pf decades and by then all of the Martians might be dead - anther species we could have saved .....


After 6 hours of retard.

Truthfully, I am more concerned about what is going to happen to us poor humans over the next billion years as the Sun tries to fry us.  Is there nothing we can do?  How do we get the 7 billion people living here now (and who knows how many billions more by then) off the Earth to another home by then when we can’t even get a couple of people to Mars in time to save the Martians from reallybad global warming?


After 18 hours of retard.

Thankfully, Lucy says she has the answer to that question already figured out.  It is comforting to know that and we can sleep well knowing we will be safe and sound and be able to easily defeat the Sun itself it comes knocking on our door like the grim reaper ......sooner than we think.


Off to this week’s Ancient meets New World bake including the 3 farros (not the pharaohs) from the Ancient World with potatoes and wheat from the New World…. even though wheat was introduced to the New World from the Old World but at least the wheat didn’t come from the Ancient World which would have ruined the whole post if you ask me.


The whole grains make up 50% of the flour in this mix, they were all sprouted and consisted of einkorn, emmer and spelt.   Boiled potato wasn’t enough so Lucy added potato flakes and used the water to boil the potatoes as the dough liquid.  In keeping with her penchant to put rye flour in every bread, she snuck some whole rye into the first of 3 levain builds.


She then retarded the finished levain for 12 hours when it doubled after the 3rd feeding.  There were 2 starters used of 6 g each.  Both were rye sour with the only difference being one had been stored in the fridge for 22 weeks and the other had been stored for only 6 weeks – another ancient and new twist according to Lucy.  The levain ended up being 15% pre-fermented flour.


After a 1 hour warm up of the levain and autolyse of the dough flour, now mashed potato, potato flakes and potato water with the pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top, the levain was mixed in for the first of 6 sets of slap and folds- a new Lucy record for slap and folds and a move away from stretch and folds at the end to get the add ins well incorporated.


If you smoke some chicken thighs and country style ribs. you can make a tray of green chili, tomatillo, grilled onion and pepper, clour (or Florn) smoked meat enchiladas..

After 3 sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals we did 3 sets of 4 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals when the seeds were added in.  The seeds included sunflower as well as chia and chopped flax seeds which were also soaked in 60 g of water so the chia seeds wouldn’t suck all the water out of the dough.  Instead of bulk retarding for 21 hours we decided to do a shaped retard of 18 hours.


Without a bulk retard on the counter we shaped the dough into a squat oval and placed it into a rice floured basket, bagged it in a trash can liner and in the fridge it went.  We checked it at 6 hours, thinking the bulk of proof would be over, the dough cold and it looked fine.


The net morning it was clear that the dough had continued to proof in the cold nearly as much as it had proof in the first 6 hours.  So much for the old idea that the proofing takes place early in the retard cycle before the dough gets too cold!  It looked a bit over proofed at the 18 hour mark, not horribly but definitely over proofed.

We immediately fired up Big Old Betsy to 500F with the Combo Cooker inside.  We un-molded the cold dough onto parchment on a peel.   It slashed easily and we slid it into the combo cooker and baked it at 450 F for 20 minutes covered.


When the lid came off we saw that the spring and bloom was less than usual die to the over proofing – but it did blister well with the dough being so cold.  We turned the oven down to 425 F and turned the fan on to dry the crust and brown it up.  5 minutes later we took the now set bread out of the cooker and put it on the stone to finish.


After 18 minutes of dry heat total, the bread thumped done and it had browned beautifully.  We turned off the oven and left the bread to crisp further on the stone with the oven door ajar for 5 more minutes.  We expect the crumb to be more open than usual because it always is when the dough goes through a shaped long retard and it over proofs a bit - and it seems to over proof every time this way too!


Lucy reminds us to not forget the salad to go with with that enchilada and the end of monsoon  Arizona sunset..

We will have to wait and see exactly what happened when we slice the bread for lunch in a few hours.  The crumb came out very soft moist and open for a bread of this type.  Most of all it is delicious.  The sprouted grains and seeds really came through and it made a fine summer sausage sandwich for lunch with the usual fixings.  We like this bread a lot,.



SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



22 Week Retarded Rye Sour






Whole Rye






25 % Extract. Sprouted Ancient Grain






75 % Extract. Sprouted Ancient Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted Ancient and Whole Rye Grains












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






75 % Extract. Sprouted Ancient Grain






Total Dough Flour


















Potato Water












Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter






Potato Water & Water












Add Ins






Boiled Potato












Potato Flakes






15 g ea Cracked Flax & Chia






Sunflower seeds






Total Add Ins












Hydration with Starter






Total Weight






% Whole & Sprouted Grain












Sprouted Ancient Grain flour is equal amounts of: of einkorn, emmer and spelt







Water in Add ins not included in hydration calculations.





dabrownman's picture

Some folks like flour tortillas some like corn tortillas. – picky, picky, picky!  I say make them both compromise so you only have to make one kind – half flour and half corn and cut your work in half.


I know you are saying ….hey Guedo!   I can buy both at the some time right next to each other at the supermarket but buying tortillas is like eating dirt and expecting it to taste like puff pastry. Nothing tastes a good as a fresh made tortilla of either kind and they are so easy to make.


They are technically a dry fried, quick bread and people that buy bread at the store really scare Lucy to no end…and I can’t say what they do to me on this forum.  You don’t need a tortilla press either and like Alton brown we hate uni-tasker gadgets.


So make some Clour tortillas and impress your friends with how ethnic you can be when pressed.  It doesn’t hurt to make your own red and green salsas, refried beans, chicken chorizo carnitas mixed with red, green, Poblano and Hatch green chilis sauted until brown with onions and queso fresco either but - one step at time is way better than none at all when it comes to just about anything fresh.


Some of you might know already that Lucy isn’t a big fan of masa made for tortillas preferring the more medium grind of tamale masa instead.  Why stock both when onewill do just fine for both – plus the chunkier grind just tastes better if you aren’t making your own from scratch or buying prepared masa at the Hispanic grocery.


Lucy isn’t much for plain white bread so you can guess her clour tortilla recipe isn’t simple and nearly tasteless like normal tortillas – even home made ones.  But, you can take it from me, theses are way better even it a bit different.  This recipe makes 12 decent sized clour tortillas.


1 C  AP Flour

1 C corn masa

1 T of lard plus 1 tsp of bacon fat

1 tsp salt

1 tsp of baking powder

1/2 tsp each of: mixed chili powder, chipotle powder, smoked paprika

2 T of finely chopped Swiss chard

 Mix the above in a bowl with a whisk and then cut in the fat with a pastry cutter.

 Add 3/4 C of your best roasted chicken stock.


Stir with a spoon and then knead for 1 minute until smooth.  Roll into a log and cut into 12 pieces.  Roll out into thin circles using the slightest bit of AP bench flour.

Dry fry in a pan until both sides just start to brown in a few places.  Store in a tortilla warmer and use immediate or wrap 4 at a time in plastic wrap and freeze for later - just yummy! 

dabrownman's picture

Lucy is known for her multi grain breads with lots of different stuff added to the mix.  With the Pope coming to America this week and in keeping with his vow of living simply Lucy really tried to turn over a new leaf.  She used 1 grain only, half of it sprouted, where the hard bits were sifted out and fed to 2 different levains.


The non sprouted 22% extraction hard bits were fed to the 21 weeks retarded rye sour starter and the 22% extraction sprouted hard bits were fed to YW to make the 2nd levain.  Together they came to about 22.5%  pre-fermented flour which is about twice our usual amount for this is a heavy whole grain bead.


The acids in the SD levain really bleached out the color of the hard bit where the YW levain color was unchanged!

It is only 100 F outside in the Fall instead of 115 F in the summer but the YW is very low acting and not nearly as harsh on the gluten as SD so she thought a bit more would work out OK even for a long 18 – 21  hour retard she had planned.


Into the fridge.

The SD levain was built over 3 4 hour stages and the YW one was built over a singles stage of dump, mix and wait 12 hours.  Once the levains were built, they were both retarded for 24 hours.  The SD levain smelled very sour and the YW was very fruity.


After retard.- it way more than doubled....

The double levain was specified by Lucy because the YW has a reputation of opening the crumb of heavy whole grain breads like nothing else can - short of commercial yeast and it lends sweetness to the bread without using any sugar, BMS or molasses and we know that some whole grain brads can be a bit bitter without something to neutralize it.  


Before final proof.

As the levains warmed up on the counter we autolysed the 78% extraction whole and sprouted wheat flour with the dough liquid  and the Pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top.  Once the levains hot the mix we, did 30 slap and folds to mix everything in and then did 30 more before resting.


We did 2 more sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals and then 2 sets of 8 slap and folds on 45 minute intervals before shaping into a ball and putting the dough in an oil coated, plastic covered bowl and placing it in the fridge for 21 hours.


Tick Tack Toe slash.

Once the dough came out of the fridge we did a quick but gentle pre-shape using 4 stretch and folds putting the dough back into the covered bowl for 1 hour of warm up before doing a final shape into boule and putting it into a rice floured basket for final proof.


We let the dough proof 50% before un-molding onto parchment on a peel, slashing it and sliding it into a hot DO for 20 minutes of steam at 450 F.  The thing to remember when doing a whole grain bread is that it doesn’t need as full a final proof as white bread does before hitting the heat.


Once the lid came off 20 minutes later, we turned the oven down to 425 F - Convection and continued to bake for 15 more minutes, taking the bread out of DO 5 minutes after the lid came off.


It blistered, bloomed and sprang pretty well under steam and then browned deeply once the lid came off.  We will have to wait and see how the crumb came out when we slice the bread for lunch.  The crumb came out moist open and a bit glossy too.  The sour tang was more than we thought it would be with the YW in the mix.  

The overall taste was very nice, full and deep flavors were a treat.  This is the way a real WW bead is supposed to look and taste like!  We have no complaints.



SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



21 week Retarded Rye Sour






22% Extraction Wheat
























YW Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



22% Extraction Sprouted Wheat






Yeast Water


















SD & YW Levain Totals






Whole & Sprouted  Wheat






Water & YW






Levain Hydration






% Pre-fermented  Flour












Dough Flour






78% Extraction Wheat






78 % Extraction Sprouted Grain






Total Dough Flour






























Total Flour w/ Starter






Water & YW












Total Hydration w/ Starter & Add ins






Total Weight






% Whole & Sprouted Grain






% Sprouted Grains






 Lucy says to have a blue cheese salad with that chicken taco and Arizona sunset




OK ....have a piece of Apple Cake too!


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