The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

dabrownman's blog

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I am reminded of my favorite mythical philosopher; Yoda, who said ‘Try Not! Do or do not.  There is no try!  Yesterday was a day to try men’s souls – if there were any men. or women, left in the world.


The Fed was supposed to raise interest rates a lousy quarter point from and eighth of a point where it has been for 7 years as the entire world melted down because a few people couldn’t pay their mortgages back to the banks in the USA.


Everyone in the entire world knows that a quarter point interest rate rise would affect no one or business anywhere  and no one would even care…. if they noticed it in the first place.


But the Fed could not bring themselves to pull the trigger – it was just way, way too scary for them to contemplate what horrors would happen as a result of their totally meaningless act.  This is just another sign that the world is ending as we knew it – which is good because that world needs to die a horrible death.


Taking into account the opposite of courage that the Fed showed yesterday, Lucy refused to come up with a recipe for this week’s bake saying that if the Fed was too scared to move on their totally worthless rate hike, she had no reason to believe her, way more important, weekly bread recipe should ever see the light of day!


Well, she had a point.….but it was my duty, as her Master, to remind her that not being fed for a week would be a bad way to prove it.   I was just guessing she would realize what fed I was talking about of course.


Maybe we should keep all food away from the Fed the next time their spines begin to bend in the gentlest of fall breezes? Maybe it is better to tear up their paychecks and let them blow away in the fall breeze instead?


Finally, a small piece of Grandma Bell’s Apple Cake, waved in front of Lucy's huge nose, brought her around to sanity and restored her resolve to never, ever get in the way of any food.......for any reason  - no, not ever….. a wise thing for all of us to remember.


This weeks bake required a run to Whole Foods to get some spelt, barley, farro (emmer) and einlorn since Lucy’s Pantry was nearly dry – oh my!   Since half the whole sprouted grains in this bread are very low gluten or weakly so by nature, Lucy thought that by upping the hydration to the sky's limit would really make it hard on me and test my skill at making a Frisbee as well as anyone else could – so it came nearly  80% hydration.


Another change is that instead of retarding the hard bit 3 stage levain build for 24-48 hours when it doubled after the 3rd build.  Lucy decided on a new experiment.  After it doubled, we stirred it down to see if it would double again and really bring out the yeast side of the culture -  just in case there was a Frisbee in my future.  The levain ended up being 15% pre-fermented flour up 50% from our usual 10%


We did a 1 hour autolyse wth the salt sprinkled on top but no levain.  Another change was to do 3 sets of 4 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals after the 3 sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals.  Normally we would do 2 sets of 4 stretch and folds on 45 minute intervals after 3 sets of 30 slap and folds.


No bulk ferment on the counter since the kitchen was still 85 F in the Fall.  A 21 hour bulk retard was used instead of a shaped one.  It surely would have over roofed in the fridge if it was shaped,  Once the dough came out of the cold  we did a quick reshape into a boule using 4 gentle stretch and folds and then let the dough rest for 1 hour,


Then we did a final shape into a squat batard, placed it seam side up in a rice floured basket, bagged it and let it final proof on the counter for 40 minutes before firing up Big Old Betsy to 450 F with the combo cooker inside.  Once the oven beeped it was at temperature, we let it go another 10 minutes before un-molding onto parchment on a peel, slashing and loading it into the cooker.


Don't forget those quick breads that are so good in the winter with stews like this corn bread.

We left the lid on for 18 minutes and then turned the oven down to 425 F – convection this time.  After 5 minutes of dry heat, we took the bread out of the cooker to let it finish baking on the stone for about another 10 minutes.  It blistered, bloomed and sprang just fine under steam and browned well enough without it.  We will have to see how the crumb looks when we slice it for today’s lunch sandwich.

The crumb came out fairly open, moist and very soft.   This bread is more sour than usual, yea..... and the sprouted grains,in this combination also deliver a great flavor that satisfies. I have no complaints and there is plenty of yum when it comes to this bread.  

Grandma Bell's.useful Apple Cake.


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



20 Week Retarded Rye Sour






20 % Extraction Sprouted 10 Grain






80 % Extraction Sprouted 10 Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 10 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






80 % Extraction Sprouted 10 Grain






Total Dough Flour






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter


















Hydration with Starter






Total Weight






% Whole Sprouted Grain












Sprouted 10 grain flour is equal amounts of: of rye, spelt, oat, wheat


einkern, emmer, Kamut, barley, Pima Club & Sonoran White



Lucy says not to forget a salad with that Arizona monsoon sunset


dabrownman's picture

On one of the darkest days in American history; 9/11, Lucy went deep in her bag of tricks to come up with a new very dark bread indeed.  In the past year, her 2 favorite dark breads were the Really Dark Old School Sprouted Pumpernickel – In memory of Barbra, another dark day for Fresh Lofians and Lucy’s Take on Adri’s Westphalian Rye.


She decided to combine parts of these two fine darkies to come up with one she though would be perfect for this dark day.  Lucy loves making the whole rye starter from scratch in the pumpernickel but changed it up to be a rye and wheat one for this one.


This is a very active starter that is built over 3 days with 40 g of whole rye and wheat and 32 g of water each day and throwing away half right before day 3's ffeding.  We took the tossed portion and feed it separately on day 3 and also used this in the mix to up the levain amount since this wasn't going to be a retarded bread adn we wanted more sor rather than less..  We then took the scald and feed that to one half the starter and 12 hours later retarded both  in the fridge for 12 hours.


Wow!  Could only get half the add ins in this picture.

She also likes the baked scald in the Westphalian rye and used that to replace the home made caramel in the Old School Pumpernickel thinking the baked scald made for way more flavor.  For this baked scald she used some sprouted whole wheat and sprouted whole rye with some dehydrated minced onions, molasses, barley malt syrup, red malt and water baking it in the mini over for 3 hours at 150 F with the door ajar so the enzymes wouldn’t be killed off.  When finished,remember to top the water of the scald back up to its original amount before mixing it into half the levain.  Otherwise the dough will be too dry.


Another big change for this bake is that there was no long cold retard of dough.  We mixed it this morning and baked it this afternoon a one day bread if you discount the starter from scratch and the sprouting, dehydrating and milling of the whole wheat and whole rye grains  The starter from scratch was started on Monday for the Friday bake.


For the aromatic seeds we used caraway, anise, coriander and fennel and for the rest of the add ins we used prunes, walnuts and sunflower seeds.   Needless to say, this bead has a lot of things going on with it.  But, it isn’t difficult and actually fun trying to keep everything on schedule so it hits the final mix at the right time, in the right order and just right.


For the dough autolyse, Lucy used Boulder Beer’s fine Chocolate Porter to wet the dough flour for 1 hour in keeping with the dark theme.  We sprinkled pink Himalayan sea salt on top of the autolyse.  Once the two levains hit the mix we did 60 slap and folds to mix everything together and then did 2 mire sets of 30 slap and folds - all on 30 minute intervals.


We then did 3 sets of stretch and folds on 30 minute intervals to get all the add ins mixed and evenly distributed.  Then the dough was bulk fermented on the counter covered in a SS bowl for 1 hour before being shaped shaped into a boule and placed into a barely rice floured basket seam side down for proofing - so we could bake this seam side up without slashing to get those craggy openings Westphalian bread is known for showing off.


It looks different in the sun.

Rather than bake this low and slow like pumpernickel, we decided to bake this on a stone with Mega Steam preheated to 450 F.  This is a big lump of dough so we steamed for 20 minutes before removing the steam and turning the oven down to 415 F - convection this time.  We baed this bread for another 40 minutes before declaring it done with a bottom thump.


The top did crack a bit like we had hoped.  It turned out to be quite a looker anyway. This bread should look torn asunder in a rustic way.  We will have to wait for 24 hours for the moisture to redistribute in order to see how the inside turned out and how it slices.  One thing is for sure, this bread wins hands down The Best Aroma as it Baked Award


Lucy calls this her Westphalian Pumpernickel  The crumb came out soft, moist and open enough for a heavy bread and 4 day old stater.  The crust went soft after being wrapped up overnight and way different than the super hard crust it had coming out of the oven.  If you like rye and pumpernickel you will love this bread.  It is one fine fasting loaf .  

 This bread only needed some toasting and butter for breakfast.  This isn’t the typical Rosh Hashanah bread but I’m guessing it does have some very serious Jewish history and connections in it somewhere. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all. 



SD Levain Build – see note below

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



Whole Rye & Wheat
























Levain Totals






Whole Rye & Wheat












Levain Hydration






% Pre-fermented  Flour












Dough Flour






 Bread Flour






Sprouted Rye






Sprouted Wheat






Total Dough Flour


















Chocolate Porter












Total Flour w/ Starter


















Add Ins






Sunflower Seeds






Caraway, Fennel, Anise, Coriander






Prunes & Walnuts






Add Ins


















Sprouted Rye and Wheat






BMS & Molasses






Red Malt






Minced Dried Onion












Total Scald












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole & Sprouted Grain












The first 2 feedings of the levain were 40 g whole grains and 32 g


of water each.  Half was taken before the 3rd feeding and fed



40 g of flour and 32 g of water and the other half fed 40 g each of flour


and water.  The whole grains were rye and wheat 50/50




One levain was then mixed into the scald at the end of day 3 






 Lucy says to have a salad with that fine AZ sunset.



dabrownman's picture

Lucy couldn’t remember the last time we made pizza…. especially one made with YW.  We made this one plain as could be with 20% pre-fermented flour and an equal amount of YW in this case 80g each. 320 g of LaFama AP dough flour, 203 g of dough water and 2% salt.


The 160 g of YW levain was built over 1 stage and once it doubled we retarded it for 48 hours.  We autolysed the dough flour and water for 3ominutes before the salt and levain hit the mix.  We did 30 slap and folds to mix everything in and then did 3 stets of 20 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals to develop the gluten.


After a quick shaping into a ball, we put the dough into an oiled stainless steel bowl for 24 hours of cold retard covered in plastic wrap.  The dough easily doubled in the fridge and when we took it out we divided it in half for two pizzas.


After two hours of warming up it was ready to form into a pizza crust. There were loaded with: home made pizza sauce, mozzarella, provolone, asiago, parmesan and pecorino cheeses, hot Italian sausage,, greed and red onion. red and Poblano chili, crimini and button mushrooms and pepperoni.


Mine started out round but ended up rectangular :-)

We baked then at 500 F until the top was very brown – just the way we like it.  The crust was thin, crisp and not foldable just they way it should be.  This crust wasn’t as tasty as our normal focaccia Romana one that has garlic, rosemary and sun dried tomatoes in it  but it was tasty enough for a plain crust,


Guess who whats a bite?   Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend


dabrownman's picture

Here we are again, out of everything except Dark and WhiteSD bread.  So we had a choice of making bagels, sandwich slims, biolatta’s (Warp Drive Biyaly’s), English muffins, pizza dough – you name it - we are all out.  Since we made a huge pile of smoked pulled pork last weekend, we seceded to go with the sandwich slims to surround it in


Plus, with today’s emphasis of Star Wars, how else could you get 5 words in a row to start with S in the title of this post?  Since we can’t, it seemed like a natural to Lucy and a way for here to break away from the sprouted grain thing she has been drowning in of late.  Where is a Jedi when you need them anyway?


We had made a YW levain a couple of days ago for this bake because we finally refreshed it earlier this week.  But decided to use our rye starter and 3 stage levain build instead to get some whole grains in the mix instead of all white flour.  We decided we could use up the YW levain making some pizza sometime this weekend.


Dry fried version.

With only o2 days day to get this bake done and one of those shot because of the levain build and 12 hour retard afterwards we used 20 g of the starter instead of our usual 10 g and we upped the Levain to 19% to speed things along and stilll get some sour.


We did a 30 minute autolyse of dough flour and water with the salt sprinkled on top as the levain warmed up.  We also did our usual 3 sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals and 2 sets of 4 slap and folds on 45 minutes increments once the levain hit the mix.


Rather than do an 18-24 hour bulk retard at this point, we let the dough bulk ferment on the counter for 2 hours instead.  Then we divided the dough into 55 g pieces that were rolled into balls and allowed to relax so that they could be flattened into a disk and rolled out to the slim shape.


We then placed them on parchment, in a plastic bag to final proof.  We decided to bake half on a stone at 425 F with steam and to dry fry half in a Teflon coated, electric skillet at 350 F like we do English muffins so that we could compare them and see which way we liked best. 


This Pork will go pretty good on these slims.

Both ways turned out pretty well so it doesn’t make all that much difference but we did like the baked ones a bit better for looks and the crumb was more open for the baked version too.  They do taste pretty much same so either way will do in a pinch.


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



18 Week Retarded Rye Sour






Whole Multi Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 4 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP & S&F Hi Gluten






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald






Total Water












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Grain












4 grain whole flour is 17.5 g each of rye, spelt and wheat






dabrownman's picture

Today is the day that all the Star Wars Stuff goes on sale.  We thought it would never arrive.  Now you can buy a Hans Solo action figure as 70 year old, retired, wannabe Jedi Knight.  Lucy was just besides herself.  I think she has a thing for older Jedi’s, even if they aren’t but you have to admit, Hans has a little bit more going for him than Jar Jar does.


So Lucy thought she would come up with a multigrain, sprouted sourdough that is her new favorite to commemorate the Star Wars Trilogy’s….uuummmmm…… 7th edition.  I’m guessing that there will be at least 10 more Star Wars movies and we should see the 17th one about the same time Gillette comes out with its 17 lade razor and I hope to around to see both.


 We personally can’t wait to see all the dead Jedis coming back as their smoky silhouette selves to once again council the aged Luke Skywalker.  That was my favorite part and Lucy hopes we will be able to come back to each other that way after she is gone but thinks it might be a Harry Potter thing instead. 


After weeks and weeks of making sprouted SD breads Lucy has come to the conclusion that 50% whole grains is too much and 30% not enough so she settled on 40% sprouted whole grains as her favorite – just like she did for the whole rye in Jewish Deli Rye - or Tzitizel.


She decided on a paling bread with no add ins too.  I asked her why a big super duper, celebration bread for Star Wars would be so plain and she said Jedi’s have taken a vow of poverty and can’t eat bread that would be too showy or possibly cause flatulence.


I asked her if we were going to make a Frisbee shape to mimic a flying saucer and she about had a heart attack and said she was thinking about making 2 proud boules and placing them together on the flat side to make a Death Star – so no flat sauces here.


Our rye sour starter had been in the fridge for 18 weeks, 2 past where we would normally use it, but tit seemed to perk up OK over the 3 stag build when fed the 25% extraction hard bits of the sprouted whole grain mix of spelt, rye wheat and oat.  It did take the full 4 hours at each stage though – so it was a bit slower than the usual which seems fitting for the extension of a nearly 40 year old movie.


We are all a bit slower than we used to be – except Lucy of course.   The finished levain was retarded for 24 hours and it came out to be around 10% pre-fermented flour.  We did our 1 hour autolyse of the dough flour and water with the salt sprinkled on top.  We did 1 set of 60 slap and folds to mi in the levain and salt and then 2 more sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals.


Grilled shrimp and veggie kabobs,

We then did 2 sets of 4 slap and folds from the compass points on 45 minute intervals.  Once the gluten development was done, we shaped the dough into a ball and placed it in an oiled stainless bowl covered in plastic wrap.  It then went into the fridge for a 21 hour retard.


Smoked pulled pork tamale with salad, green chili and Mexican beans  Today's lunch with this fine bread.

When it came out of the fridge we did a quick pre-shape into a boule and then placed it back into the bowl for a 1 hour warm up before it was shaped and placed into a trash bag covered, rice floured basket for the final proof of about an hour.  We preheated the oven to 450 F and then placed the Mega Steam on the bottom rack of the oven for 15 minutes of additional warm up to steaming speed and to let the stone catch up to the oven temperature.


Once the dough had proofed 50%, it was time for the heat,   We un-molded the dough onto parchment on a peel, slashed it in a square and slid it on the bottom stone for 15 minutes of steam.  Once the Mega Steam came out we turned the oven down to 425 F for 20 more minutes of dry heat.


Once the bread thumped done, we removed it to the cooling rack.  The bread had bloomed and sprang well under steam - it browned and blistered well enough without it too.  We will have to wait to see how the crumb came out when we slice this bread for lunch.  The crumb came out glossy, open, soft,and moist.  It was just plain tasty and perfect for any Jedi Knight of any age,


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



18 Week Retarded Rye Sour






25 % Extraction Sprouted Multi Grain






75 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 4 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP & S&F Hi Gluten






75 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain






Total Dough Flour






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald


















Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Sprouted Grain












4 grain sprouted flour is 32g each of rye, spelt and oat with 128 g of wheat



Lucy reminds us to  not forget that salad to go with the  stone fruit and apple galette


dabrownman's picture

1/1/2015 - New Years Eve Pizza

1/2/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Sprouted 8 Grain SD/YW with Japanese Black Rice & Seeds

1/9/2015 - 50 Percent Whole Sprouted 16 Grain SD with Lake Havasu Desert Magic IPA

1/16/2015 - Sprouted Sourdough White Bread - A New Style SFSD

1/23/2015 - Lucy Takes Another Shot at Not So Tzitzel Like Sprouted Rye

1/30/2015 - Tête du Désert Vide de Lucie Sud-ouest Germées 5 Pain au Levain

2/6/2015 - Sprouted Ancient Grain Valentine’s Day DaBialotta’s

2/12/2015 - 100 % Whole Grain Kamut With 14 % Sprouted

2/12/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Kamut 2 Ways with Malbec Kamut Risotto or Seeds & Prunes

2/12/2015 - Nothing Bread - 100% Unbleached Yeast Water White Bread

2/13/2015 - SD Sprouted Wheat Bread with Weird Scald

2/20/2015 - 4 Grain Sprouted Sourdough with Altus, Scald, Toadies & Porter - Going Darker

2/27/2015 - 100% Whole Spelt SD w/ 50% Sprouted Flour, Spelt Sprouts & Baked Scald

3/6/2015 - Lucy’s 5 Grain Sprouted Practice Sourdough Slash Bags with Scald

3/13/2015 - Lucy’s Practice Sprouted and Scalded Slash Bag - Take 2 - with a Boule too

3/16/10`5 - Cousin Jay’s Sprouted, Multigrain Sourdough with Flax Seed Scald

3/20/2015 - Sprouted Whole Multigrain Sourdough Bread with Malted scald & Pizza Kicker

3/27/2015 - Whole Sprouted 9 Grain Sourdough Bread with Walnuts and Sage

4/3.2015 - Sprouted 3 Grain Sourdough with Pecans, Cranberries and Malts

4/3/2015 - 3 Sprouted Grain Poolish Hot Cross Buns

4/10/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain, Cheese, Jalapeno, Polenta and Baked Scald Sourdough

4/10 2015 - Yeast Water Hot Dog Buns

4/17/2015 - Sorta Altamura Style Sprouted 4 Grain with Desert Durum, Seeds and Baked Scald

4/24/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Baked Scald and Guinness

5/1/2015 - 3 Day Old Rye Starter Makes a fine Sourdough the Old School Way

5/2/2015 - Old School Dark Sprouted Pumpernickel Sourdough – 2 ways

5/8/2015 - Sprouted Wheat and Rye Sourdough The Almost 1.2.3 Way

5/15/2015 - Real Bread Week - Spreading 40% Sprouted Whole 4 Grain Bread with Sprouts

5/22/2015 - A Request for Bread

5/29/2015 - Fig, Anise Sprouted 10 Grain Sourdough

6/5/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 60% Whole Grain

6/12/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 100 % Whole Grain

6/15/2015 - Yeast Buns with Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato, Caramelized Onion & Mushrooms

6/19/2015 - Sprouted Kamut Sourdough - 75 % Whole Grain

6/27/2015 - Really Dark Old School Sprouted Pumpernickel – In memory of Barbra

7/3/2015 - Braune Mann aufgegangen mehrere Korn Sauerteigbrot für Unabhängigkeitstag

7/10/2015 - Double Levain SD with 5 Sprouted Grains

7/17/2015 - Bereit sind, arbeiten Sie hart und Opfern Sie viel Auswuchs Sauerteigbrot

7/24/2015 - Olive and Fig 9 Sprouted Grain Sourdough

7/31/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 50% Whole Grain with Pecans and Cranberries

8/7/2015 - Double Levain Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Seeds

8/14/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread with 40 Hour Retard and Yogurt Whey

8/21/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread With 21 Hour Retarded Bulk Ferment

8/28/2015 - 50 Percent Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Dates, Walnuts and Guinness

8/28/2015 - SD / YW Combo Starter White Bread


2014 Dabrownman’s TFL Blog Index


1/1/2014 - New Year’s Panettone - 2014

1/3/2014 - YW SD Spelt and White Whole Wheat Miche

1/5/2014 -  Saturday Night Pizza - 1/4/2014

1/7/2014 - YW SD ADY Poolish, Tang Zhong Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato & Parmesan Buns

1/10/2014 - 28 % Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Corn, Potato, Farina and Oat.

1/12/2014 - Saturday Night Calzones – or are they Stromboli’s?

1/17/2014 - Go Tang Zhong Sour Cream, Seeded, Aromatic Sourdough Buns

1/18/2014 - Toady Tang Zhong Multigrain Sourdough Boule

1/23/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish 42 Percent Whole Multigrain Walnut and Pistachio Bread

1/24/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Multi-grain Sourdough

1/31/2014 - 60 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Sprouts, Seeds & Yogurt Whey

2/1/2014 - 16 % Whole Multigrain SD with Sesame, Flax and Chia Seeds

2/7/2014 - Dark Russian Jewish Rye Bread with Porter, Prunes, Nuts and Aromatic Seeds

2/14/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Josh’s Version of Pane Maggiore On Valentines Day - 2 Ways

2/20/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Adri’s Westphalian Rye

2/28/2014 - Un-Smoked Spelt Sprouter with Turkish Figs, Seeds, Aromatics & Some Nuts

3/5/2014 - Poolish Calzones and Yeast Water Italian Bread

3/7/2014 - White SD Bread

3/14/2014 - St Paddy’s Day Challenge YW Shamrock on a !00% Whole Wheat SD Chacon

3/21/2014 - Too Pooped To Pop - 56.5 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough

3/26/2014- 107% Whole Grain 8 Grain Sourdough

4/4/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 10 Grain Sourdough – One with Cranberries and Seeds

4/6/2014 - Poolish Naan

4/11/2014 - Plotziade Sourdough Chacon

4/13/2014 - Yeast Water Poolish Pizza

4/15/2014 - Lucy’s Take On Wolfgang Puck’s Passover Gefilta Fish

4/17/2014 - Banana Bread

4/18/2014 - Sourdough Hot Cross Buns - 50% Whole Grain

4/19/2014 - Pizza Civitavecchia

4/20/2014 - Last of the Easter Sourdough Bakes Turns Ugly in a Tasty Way

4/21/2014 - Re-Do of the Last Easter Sourdough Bake for BBQ

4/22/2014 - Sacaduros - 46 Percent Whole Grains

4/23/2014 - Half Whole Grain SD Garlic Naan, Onion and Cilantro

4/25/2014 - Seeded Sourdough Multigrain Chacon

5/2/2014 - Everyday 7 Grain Sourdough

5/6/2014 - Cinco de Mayo - 2014

5/9/2014 - Getting Ready for Ploetziade 2

5/16/2014 - Boule and Pumpernickel for Plotziade 2

5/23/2014 - 10 Grain 50 Percent Whole Grain Sourdough - Back To The Old Sourdough Ways

5/26/2014 - Memorial Weekend Pizza - 2014

5/30/2014 - 67% Whole 10 Grain Baguettes

6/6/2014 - Spelt, Farro, Rye and Wheat Sourdough – 50% Whole Grain

6/9/2014 - Italian Yeast Water Buns

6/11/2014 - Italian Style YW Pizza

6/13/2014 - No……. Not Those Pharaohs

6/17/2014 - Calzones and Triple Levain Madness

6/20/2014 - Götz von Berlichingen Ancient Age Sourdough Bread

6/23/2014 - Yeast Water Whole Grain Breakfast Rolls w/ Snockered Fruit and Dark Chocolate

6/27/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Einstein’s Swabian Potato Bread - Schwäbisches Kartoffelbrot

7/4/2014 - 4th of July – 15 Grain Independence Sourdough Challenge Bake

7/11/2014 - 3 Sprouted Grain SD with One No Sprout

7/14/2014 - Lemon and Corn Pie - Old Southern Favorite - Chess Pie

7/18/2014 - Sprouted Multigrain Potato Sourdough with Spelt, Rye, Emmer and Wheat

7/23/2014 - Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato Multigrain Pizza Focaccia

7/25/2014 - 6 Grain Fennel and Fig Sourdough

8/1/2014 - Sprouted Pa de Pagès Català Sourdough

8/8/2014 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough Chacon with Whey, Walnuts and Sage

8/15/2014 - Lucy’s Sorta Tzitzel Like Sprouted Sourdough

8/22/2014 - No Knead Sprouted Spelt, Barley & Potato Sourdough

8/25/2014 - Poolish Pizza Without Daughter

8/20/2014 - Sprouted Spelt, Barley, Rye and Wheat Sourdough with 5 Seeds and Brazil Nuts

9/11/014 - Spelt and Wheat Sourdough with Figs, Pistachios, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

9/18/2014 - 20% Multi - Whole Grain Sourdough - Lucy's 44 Hour Fat Bags

9/19/2014 - Lucy's Fruit Stupid -Version 2

9/23/2014 - Knishes

9/25/2014 - Porter, Prune & Walnut Multigrain SD Bread with a No Fruit No Nut Potato Water Version

9/28/2014 - Pie Parade

10/1/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Buns.

10/3/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Sourdough Italian Bread with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts

10/10/2014 -Cherry YW Sourdough Italian Boule with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 2

10/16/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish Pizza

10/16/2014 -11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Enriched Buns

10/17/2014 - 11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Chacon with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 3

10/23/2014 - Lucy’s YW & SD Holiday Fruitcake

10/30/2014 - Multigrain SD Sprouted 2 Ways

11/7/2014 - Sprouted Multi Farro SD

11/26/2014 - Thanksgiving Sourdough Bread for Stuffing

12/5/2014 - Multigrain Sourdough Sprouter

12/12/2014 - Ancient Grain Sprouted Sourdough

12/19/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted Porter SD

12/26/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted 9 Grain SD with Whey




2013 The Fresh Loaf Dabrownman’s Blog


1/4/2013 - Panettone - The Last Bake of 2012

1/4/2013 - New Year's Day Pizza and Banana Bread Cupcakes

1/5/2012 - Hanseata’s Sausage Filled Puff Pastry with Cheese

1/7/2013 - Multi-grain Cream Cheese Sourdough with Multi-grain Scalded Soaker

1/11/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough Chacon with Olives, Sun Dried Tomato, Garlic, Rosemary and 2 Cheeses

1/16/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/17/2013 - Multigrain Yeast Water Bread with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/23/2013 - White Whole Wheat with Combo YW, Poolish, SD Starter, Water Roux and Wheat Berry Scald

1/25/2013 - SD, YW, Biga, Rye, Spelt, Tang Zhong Bread with Scald, Seeds and Nuts

1/30/2013 - Practice YW Slash Bag

1/31/2013 - Origami Sourdough and Yeast Water Panettone

1/31/2013 - Another Batch of kjknits English Muffins – 12.5 % Whole Wheat

2/1/2013 - Fun With Short Crust and Puff Paste

2/1/2013 - Phil’s Savory Pumpkin and Feta Pie

2/2/2013 - A Born Loser Tells a Tale of Too Many Two’s and the Evil Twin

2/3/2013 - Superbowl Pizza – Great Pizza For a Lights Out, No longer a Blow Out Game

2/3/2013 - It's Been Exactly a Year Since Our First TFL Post - The Index

2/5/2013 - Multigrain SD/YW Brown Bread with Aromatic Seeds and Multi-Grain Scald

2/7/2013 - Big Combo Levain Whole Wheat Bread with Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

2/11/2013 - Not So Pink Valentine Vienna Chocolate Rose

2/13/2013 - Sourdough Pink Valentine Hamburger Buns

2/15/2013 - Yeast Water Cinnamon Rolls

2/18/2013 - Multigrain SD Altamura - Not The Priest's Hat

2/21/2013 - Banana Bread

2/26/2013 - Old Dough VS Levain Multigrain SD With Bulgar and Flax Seed Scald

2/28/2013 - 100 % Whole Grain Rye and Spelt YW SD with Scald and Seeds - The Altus Test

3/5/2013 - SD YW Durum, Ricotta Bread with Pistachio Nuts, Pumpkin & Millet Seeds

3/12/2013 -

3/13/2013 - SD YW multi-grain Bagels

3/17/2013 - Enchanted Irish Lemon Curd Fairy Cakes

3/18/2013 - St. Paddy’s Day Feast, Sort of Ballymaloe 100% WW Brown Bread and Irish Ruben’s

3/20/2013 - If Ballymaloe Baked Sourdough Brown Bread with WW Scald & Guinness in a DO

3/23/2013 - WW SD YW Multi-Grain Pumpernickel

3/25/2013 - 50% Whole Wheat Matzoh

3/30/2013 - Hot Cross Buns - 25 % Whole Grain

3/31/2013 - Poolish & Y W Chocolate Walnut Easter Babka with Streusel & Snockered Fruits

4/2/2013 - 100 Percent Whole Multi-Grain Aroma Bread with 2 Soakers & 11 Seeds

4/4/2013 - Whole Grain DaPumpernickel Aroma Bread

4/8/2013 - Two Way 75% White Bread - DaPumperized with Scald and Seeds

4/12/2013 - Italian Tang Zhong, Fig, Hazelnut & Ricotta Cheese Sourdough Chacons

4/14/2013 - Dinner for 2 from the Pots

4/19/2013 - Fig Water, Multigrain, Apricot, Walnut, Whole Wheat Sprouter

4/24/2013 - Tang Zhong, Ricotta, Scalded Multigrain with and without, Cranberries & Pecans

4/30/2013 - They Call Me Mellow Yellow

5/3/.2013 - I Got the No White Bread Blues

5/5/2013 - Happy Cinco de Mayo - Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

5/7/2013 - Lucy's Jewish Deli Rye - Take 1

5/15/2013 - Dark Russian Jewish Deli Rye with Porter, Onion, Sprouts and Aromatic Seeds.

5/16/2013 - Whole Wheat and Spelt Sourdough with Sprouts and Seeds

 5/17/2013 - Friday Pizza Night

5/21/2013 - SD and YW Emperor Franz Joseph Buns with Same Dough Challah

5/24/2013 - Multigrain SD with Japanese Black Rice, Seeds, Prunes & Dried Edamame

5/24/2013 - YW & Poolish Hot Dog Buns

5/30/2013 - Ezekiel's Chacon

6/6/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Scald, Seeds and 3 Nuts

6/10/2013 - White Hamburger Buns Turned Dark

6/14/2013 - Multigrain Combo Levain with Seeds & Sprouts

6/18/2013 - It all started out simple enough

6/21/2013 - Everyday Multigrain Sourdough with Scald

6/25/2013 - Yeast Water, Tang Zhong Hot Dog Buns

6/28/2013 - Buttermilk and Greek Yogurt Multigrain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

7/5/2013 - Snails with Tails

7/8/2013 - Yeast Water and ADY Hot Dog Buns

7/12/2013 - Multigrain Caramelized Pickled Veggies, Parmesan, Flax & Sesame Seeds, Barley Boil & Toadish Sourdough

7/19/2013 - Whole Multigrain Sourdough Loaf

7/21/2013 - Saturday Night Pizza

7/26/2013 - 75% Extraction Mulit-grain Sourdough

8/2/2013 - Prince George's Chacon

8/9/2013 - Sourdough Tzitzel

8/12/2013 - Yeast Water 70% Whole Grain English Muffins

8/14/2013 - 100 % Whole Multi Grain, Yeast Water & Sourdough Bagels

8/16/2013 - 99.89% Whole Grain Sesame & Flax Seed Sourdough with Whey

8/22/2013 - Too Fast - Poolish Cream Butter Buns

8/23/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Figs, Walnuts, Whey and 4 Seeds

8/26/2013 - Lucy’s Fruit Stupid - Nutella, Peach, Plum and Plantain Pizza and No Fruit Bagels

8/28/2013 - Lucy’s Take on Cleo’s and Ian’s Hamburger Buns

8/30/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Sesame and Flax Seeds Toadies and Malts

8/31/2013 - Three Levain Friday Night Pizza Night - With a Surpise Ending

9/4/2013 - Happy Rosh Hashanah – A Holiday Challah

9/6/2013 - Tzitzel – Take 3 with Triple Levain

9/6/2013 - For those who wanted "Aunt Beverly’s Sweet and Hot Brisket'

9/7/2013 - Meat Week

9/11/2013 - Yeast Water 35% Whole Wheat Hamburger Thins and HD Buns

9/13/2013 - Pistachio, Prune and Pumpkin Seed Multigrain Sourdough with Malty Toads

9/20/2013 - Hanseata Multigrain SD YW and Sunflower Seed Challenge Bread

9/27/2013 - The 100% Whole Grain, Multigrain - Mashed by Melon Test - 3 Ways

10/4/2013 - Whole Multigrain SD Bread with Scald, Seeds and More Aromatic Seeds

10/7/2013 - Multigrain Old Sourdough Makes 2 Retarded Pizzas

10/11/2013 - B…..B….B…. Babka - the Yeast Water Way to Gugelhuph Land

10/11/2013 - Prunish Multigrain Sourdough with Scald and Seeds

10/14/2013 - Poolish Buns the Girls Actually Like and Smoked Brisket Sandwiches

10/17/2013 - Mice Guarding the Punkin

10/18/2013 - 20% Whole Grain 9 Grain Sourdough

10/18/2013 - Pumpkin Nutella Swirl Bars

10/25/2013 - Lucy is Runner Up with Her Mice Guarding the Pumpkin Entry

10/25/2013 - Same Dough Two Ways with a Pizza Crust Later

10/27/2013 - Saturday Night 6 P’s SD Focaccia Romana Pizza

10/29/2013 - YW Primer

11/1/2013 - Owlloween White Buns made with a Poolish & SD Levain

11/1/2013 - 38 % Whole Grain Multi Grain SD with Sprouts, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

11/6/2013 - What is the Best Thing You Can Put On Pumpernickel?

11/9/2013 - 15 % Whole Grain SD and YW Orange, Cranberry Walnut Bread

11/15/2013 - Almost Twin White Breads - One YW / SD and One SD

11/15/2013 - YW & SD 50% Rye with Scald, Onions & Young’s Double Chocolate Stout

11/17/2013 - Lucy’s YW White Bread for Thanksgiving Croutons

11/22/2013 - Mini's 100% Hydration Rye, Walnut and Seed Bread with Soaker Water & Dopplebock

11/22/2013 - CeciC’s Crackers with Added Yeast Water.

11/25/2013 - Two Thanksgiving Pies and the Blog Index

11/30/2013 - Josh’s Thanksgiving and Hanukkah Stollen

12/6/2013 - Big Levain Multigrain Sourdough with Figs, Seeds, Potato & Poolish

12/7/2023 - Sinclair’s Bakery Potato Rolls - Made With Poolish

12/12/2013 - Half Whole Multi-Grain Sourdough with Fax & Sesame Seeds

12/12/2013 - Christmas Chocolate Chunk Cherry Chacon

12/12/2013 - Holiday Puff Paste Heath Bar and Chocolate Chip Rugelach

12/17/2013 - Not So Stollen – Christmas 2013

12/19/2013 - 3 Christmas Fruit Cakes - One For Everyone

12/21/2013 - Friday Night SD YW Pretty Plain Pizza

12/22/2013 - Panettone Forced English Muffins

12/23/2013 - White SD YW Bread with Walnuts for Christmas Turkey Stuffing

12/25/2013 - Christmas Fruit Cake – SD YW Gold Rush Take 2

12/26/2013 - Arizona Christmas Tree and Blog Index


2012 The Fresh Loaf Dabrownman’s Blog


2/3/2012 - My first bread after joining TFL - DSnyder's San Joaquin

2/3/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot

2/3/2012 - Loaded Pizza

2/3/2012 - Pierre Nury meets DSnyders SFSD

2/3/2012 - Putting the Rye in Pierre Nury's rustic Light Rye

2/3/2012 - Too Many Red Pears and Blueberries

2/3/2012 - Make your own Greek yogurt

2/4/2012 - Minneola / Apple Yeast Water Semolina Bread

2/4/2012 - Raspberry SD Pancakes

2/4/2012- 1930's Magnalite Wagner Ware Roaster Used As Cloche for Multi-grain SD Challah

2/5/2014 - Sourdough English Muffins

2/5/2012 - Southwest Hummus Anyone?

2/5/2012 - I have some miscellaneous baking and foodie

2/7/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot - Version 4

2/7/2012 - Baked off PiPs (Phil's) new post on 40% Sourdough Rye w/ Caraway today

2/9/2012 - The Chellos - that don't play music.

2/9/2012 - PiP's 40% Rye w/ Caraway Meets Hanseata's Seeds and a Restless dabrownman

2/9/2012 - Whole Wheat Crusted Apple Caramel Galette w/ fresh ginger and assorted bourbon dried fruits.

2/9/2012 - Blueberry SD pancakes this time,

2/10/2012 - How to Make Yogurt - 'So Your Muffins Taste Betta'

2/10/2012 - isand66's SD Avocado Bread Meets Its Sunflower Seeded Guacamole Heart

2/11/2012- I Confess My Deepest Darkest Baking Secret

2/13/2012 - isand66's Bacon, SD, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Bread Meets Pork Jowls, Aged White Cheddar, Potato Flakes and Caramelized Onion

2/13/2012 - Shiao-Ping's Orange Turmeric Pain au Levain with Yeast Water

2/14/2012 - Happy Valentine Cupcakes w/ Strawberry Hearts

2/16/2012 - PiPs Walnut and Sage 100% Whole Wheat.

2/17/2012 - Let's Make Some Fresh Cheese

2/17/2012 - Birthday Chocolate Crusted Orange Cheese Cake with Ganache, Truffles and Chocolate Shavings

2/18/2012 - David Snyders' SD Pugliesi Capriccioso With Some WW and Rye

2/22/2012 - teketeke's Japanese Yeast Water White Sandwich Bread - 'This Bread Is Not Your Slimy Old White Slice'

2/23/2012 - Pips Vollkornbrot - Nearly 100% Rye with A Tiny Bit of Spelt

2/24/2012 - teketeke Bread

2/27/2012 - Rustique Pain Comté de San Francisco

3/1/2012 - Chad Robertson's Country SD - Modified

3/1/2012 - I've been working on a new home made Gas Regeneration BBQ /Smoker

3/3/2012 - Miscellaneous stuff at the end of the week

3/5/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest

3/6/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest - Retarded

3/7/2012 - Yeast Water, Rye, WW, Garlic Chive, Onion, Cheese and Chorizo Bialy’s

3/12/2012 - Tartine Everyday Rustic Country Sourdough

3/14/2012 - St Paddy's Day Dutch Oven Sourdough - Tartine Method

3/14/2012 - Corned Beef and Cabbage - 2 ways - possibly more

3/15/2012 - Just look at the pictures my new old camera takes!!

3/17/2012 - Yeast Water, Glazed, Spiced, Walnut, Bourbon Fruit, Chocolate Chip, Almond Granola Streusel Polish Babka

3/23/2012 - Making Red Rye Malt

3/24/2012 - Gingered, Tres Apple, Almond, Vanilla Granola Crisp with Bourbon Dried Fruit

3/29/2012 - A Blend of Seigle d’Auvergne and Borodinski

3/29/2012 - Jam and Bread Crust and Crumb Color

3/31/2012 - Revising isand66's Bacon, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Sourdough Bread

4/1/2012 - Getting Ready for Tomorrow's Sweetbird Buckwheat Apple SD Bake with Buckwheat SD Pancakes Today

4/2/2012 - Dabrownman Butchers Sweetbird’s Lovely Buckwheat, Apple and Apple Cider, Buckwheat Groat Bread with Insane Thoughts and Deeds

4/9/2012 - Super-grain Challah w/ Whey Water, Sprouts, Potato, Lentil, Sunflower Seeds and 2 Starters - SD and YW

4/10/2012 - Retarded Super-Grain Challah

4/14/2012 - Lemon Curd and Cream Cheese Puff Paste

4/14/2012 - Italian Corner - Cellos with Squash Lasagna and David Snyder's Pulgliese Capriosso

4/15/2012 - 20% Rye and WWW Potato SD Baggies Meet the Same Made with YW

4/15/2012 - Weekday Springtime Yeast Water Breakfast at Dabrownman's

4/17/2012 - Apple and Pear, Bourbon Dried Fruit, Ginger with Apple Jam Cream Cheese Puff Sleds

4/19/2012 - Sweetbird's Apple, Buckwheat with Groats, Insanely Modified, Makes for a Fine Toast or Lunch

4/20/2012 - SD Hemp Bags - txfarmer method with Hanseata's Seeds

4/20/2012 - Tired Monday's - YW 20% Whole Grain Bag Lunch

4/30/2012 - 50% Multigrain SD W/ Rye Scald, Rye Sprouts, Borodinski Altus and Pepitas, Caraway and Flax Seeds

5/2/2012 - Yeast Water Fake Pretzel Rolls

5/4/2012 - With Cinco de Mayo Yesterday - Hope You Had a Happy One! Cinco Sunset, Moon Rise and Dinner

5/8/2012 - Multi-grain SD w/ Multi Sprouts 2 Nuts and Seeds Somewhere

5/9/2012 - Yeast Water Hamburger Buns with Cinnamon Roll Same Dough Kicker

5/11/2012 - 1 - Day Multi-Grain Bread, Soft White Wheat, Spelt, Scald and Seeded with SD and YW Combo Starter

5/12/2012 - Banana Bread Cake

5/14/2012 - Mothers Day YW Apple, Pecan Buckwheat Pancakes with a Nice Chicken and Brie Sandwich for Lunch

5/15/2012 - Altamura Shaped Semolina Multi-Grain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

5/16/2012 - Having the daughter

5/18/2012 - Semolina, Rye, WWW Ciabatta w/ Chia Seeds, Herbs and Sun Dried Tomato

5/20/2012 - Apple Strawberry Ginger Crisp, Teriyaki and Lunch for Two

5/22/2012 - txfarmer's Croissant and Dainish Converted over to SD and YW - 3 Ways with Chia Seeds

5/24/2012 - Pretzel Roll P&J and Grilled Chicken Lunch with Pickles

5/25/2012 - Hanseata’s Wild Rice SD w/ Yeast Water, Multi Seeds, Prunes, Beer and Sprouts

5/26/2012 - Brown Plate Special with a Little Green, Brown Ale and Brown Bread

5/28/2012 - T-Rex Meets Floyd’s Sweet Potato Bread & Brownman’s SD & YW Combo Starter

5/29/2012 - Bread Baskets - A Serious Illness Revealed

5/31/2012 - Recent Breads for Lunch, Last Jacaranda Bloom and Desert

6/1/2012 - 40% Whole Multi-grain SD and YW Altamura Style Chacon

6/1/2012 - 24 Hours of Not Baking Bread

6/8/2012 - The SD / YW Chacon Revisited – 90% Whole Grain, Multigrain Sprouts, Walnut and Sage Paste, Pumpkin Seeds and Whey Water

6/9/2012 - Friday night P & P - Pizza and Pide

6/12/2012 - Let's Have Some Lunch and Other Stuff

6/15/2012 - Jasmine Tea, 50% Whole Multi-Grain SD & YW Durum Atta Bread with Wheat Germ, Flax and Chia Seeds

6/19/2012 - Buckwheat 60% Multi-grain YW / SD Bread with Walnuts, Sage, Flax, Wheat Germ, Apples, Prunes and Groats

6/21/2012 - Sourdough Durum Atta Bread – Pharaoh’s Mastaba Style

6/24/2-12 - Twisted Sisters Chacon : 67% Whole Rye & Wheat with Sprouts & Seeds.

6/28/2012 - Franko finally got to the top of the list

6/29/2012 - English Muffins - kjknits Converted to YW and SD Combo levain

6/29/2012 - Without Cheesecake For Desert - There May Be No Need for Bread

6/30/2012 - SD and YW Semolina Cheese Bread and Pizza with Sun Dried Tomato, Rosemary, Mojo de Ajo and Garlic

7/4/2012 - SD and YW Multigrain Bagels - The Stan Ginsberg Method

7/4/2012 - Catching up on some lunches and other stuff

7/4/2012 - Lunches and Other Stuff Continued - Happy Birthday America!

7/5/2012 - YW Naan with Paneer, Green Onion, Cilantro, Garam Masala and Garlic - Plus a Loaf - Added Lunch Shot

7/6/2012 - Joe Ortiz Pain de Champagne with Rye and WW Sprouts

7/10/2012 - Dinner in Houston

7/15/2012 - AZ Monsoon and Breakfast

7/17/2012 - Mocha Chocolate Chip Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches.

7/20/2012 - What To Eat With That Rustic French Country Sourdough Bread -Smoked Etouffee!

7/22/2012 - SD YW English Muffins - Some Fried As Donuts Per gmabaking With Apricot, Nectarine Ginger Glaze

7/24/2012 - Herbed Bialy's – Multigrain, Caramelized Onion, Chorizo and 4 Cheeses

7/27/2012 - 50% Rye SD Knotted Rolls With Wheat Germ, Barley Scald, Caraway and Sunflower Seeds

7/27/2012 - hanseata's Wild Rice Bread Revisited - 'The Wild One' - w/ Beer, Sprouts, Seeds and Prunes

7/30/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff

8/5/2012 - YW vs Desem SD - Caramelized Onion, Basil, Bacon, Parmesan Rolls

8/7/2012 - 15% Whole Wheat Bagels with YW and SD Desem Combo Starter

8/11/2012 -YW / SD Olive Bread with Rosemary and Bulgar Scald

8/17/2012 - 100% Whole Grain Rye with Rye Sprouts – YW & SD Combo Starter

7/19/2012 - 25% Whole Wheat English Muffins Revisited - Over and Over Again - kjknits

8/22/2012 - Chacon Catastrophes Moka - Ian’s Mocha Disaster Chacon

8/24/2012 - Multi-Grain SD & YW Combo with Chicken Stock, Soaker & Seeds

8/27/2012 - 35% Whole Grain YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta White Bread with Soaker

8/29/2012 - Rewind - YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta, W. Germ, Malts & Honey - Deja Vue

9/2/2012 - Spelt, Rye and Whole Wheat Soudough Boule with Flax Seed, Honey and Malts - A Simple but Tasty Bread

9/5/2012 - 100% Hydration, 100% Whole Grain Kamut Flat Boule with YW and SD Combo Starter

9/7/2012 - Andy’s Roasted Brazil Nut and Prune Bread - Sourdough Variation with WW Scald

9/9/2012 - 8 Hour SD YW Saturday Night Pizza and Friday Shrimp Kabobs

9/14/2012 - 100% Whole Spelt Sourdough at 100% Hydration

9/15/2012 - Happy Rosh Hashanah!

9/20/2012 - 17% Whole Multi-Grain SD / YW Bagels – The Stan Ginsberg Method

9/21/2012 - 57% Whole Grain Multi-grain SD with 20% Seeds and Whey

9/25/2012 -15% Multi-grain Bread With YW and SD Combo Levain

9/28/2012 - 15% WWW Fat Bag with Desem SD Starter ala Ian and Phil

9/28/2012 - English Muffins- YW and SD Levains - 16% Whole Wheat

9/28/2012 - Banana Nut Bread with Seeds, Chocolate and Bourbon Dried Fruits

10/2/2012 - Judy's 45 % Whole Multi-Grain Sandwich Bread

10/6/2012 - 16 % Whole Multi-grain SD Baguettes – txfarmer’s Method only 40 Hours

10/9/2012 - Name Change - Gussied Up Franz Joseph's Emperor Rolls With Seeds

10/13/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff - Partola Uno

10/14/2012 - Parade de sandwichs et d'autres choses - partie 2

10/14/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches Continues - Part 3

10/15/2012 - Desfile de Sandwiches - Parte 4

10/15/2012 - Parade der Sandwiches - Teil 5

10/17/2012 - World Bread Day - SD Multigrain with Figs, Anise, Pistachios and Sprouts

10/18/2012 - Pierre Nury's Rustic Light Rye with Whole Grain Multi-grain YW / SD Levains and Coffee

10/24/2012 -Tuesday Pizza Night - Crust 3 Ways with 25% Whole Grains

10/25/2012 - San Franciso Sourdough - 15% Whole Grain

10/27/2012 - Extended - SD Starter Experiment - 24 hour Countertop SFSD and a Seeded, Fig and Pistacio

10/30/2012 - Two DO Chacons Couldn’t Be Any Different

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week one

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week Two

11/2/2012 - 26% Whole Grain YW / SD Bagels with Sprouts

11/5/2012 - 24 hour 10% Whole Grain SFSD & SD Seeded Fig Bread with Pistachios - 1 g of Starter - No Levain

11/9/2012 - 60% Whole Grain SD / YW Bread With Caraway, Rye Chops, Coffee and Cocoa

11/9/2012 - Prune & Brazil Nut Sourdough with Bulgar Scald, Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

11/14/2012 - Not So Stollen

11/16/2012 - Thanksgiving Multi-Grain Marble Chacon

11/20/2012 - SD Stuffing Bread

11/21/2012 - Poolish Stuffing Bread

11/23/2012 - Not So Stollen - Thanksgiving Take

11/23/2012 - Daughter Does French Slap and Folds for Her Poolish Thanksgiving Rolls

11/27/2012 - A Chacon for Eric

12/7/2012 - 75% Whole Grain YW / SD Caramelized Onion, Wild Rice, Sprouts & Baltika Porter Bread

12/14/2012 - Multigrain SD / YW Porter Bread with Roasted Onions, Sprouts, Malts and Seeds

12/17/2012 - Puff Paste Experiments

12/18/2012 - Puffy So Not Rugelach

12/21/2012 - Christmas Sourdough Chacon - Figs, Pistachios and Seeds

12/25/2012 - Christmas Bi-Color Rose - 30% Whole Grain, Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato

12/25/2012 - Not So Stollen - 6 Weeks later

12/29/2012 - 25% Whole Grain Multi-grain Bagels


dabrownman's picture

After Abe’s recent success with his new yeast water, Lucy went looking for our cherry YW in the back of the fridge where it has been neglected for months.  Plus, I was bit shaken with Lucy’s latest attempts to make all of us redundant and nothing shakes the Lucy Blues she creates with her computer apps as much as a nice jar of cherry yeast water.  It was time to give it some refreshment.


Lucy decided to make this levain a combination of SD and YW just to be different and to not use sprouted grains for a change even though the this bread still ahs 23% whole grains.  The pre-fermented flour after the 3 builds was a bit less than 15% more than usual 10-11% due to the fact that the YW had been retarded so long and it is slower than SD working alone in the first place.


We followed exactly the same process we did earlier today for the levain build, autolyse, dough development, long cold retard, final proof and baking.  What a rut we find ourselves in today and it is all Lucy’s fault since I only do what she recommends most of the time.


This squat oval was badly mangled when un-molding onto the parchment paper.  Part of the loaf was on the peel instead of the parchment and it stuck.  I lifted the stuck part with a scarper and managed to get some parchment under the stuck dough but the damage was done. It spread and deflated horribly - and Lucy was looking for really big holes too!


Still we slashed it slashed it 3 times since it was now so spread out after and slid onto the bottom of the combo cooker covered for steam.  Once the lid came off, the bread was baked another 15 minutes at 425 F until it was deemed done with a bottom thump or two.


The bread bloomed and sprang well under steam and browned well under the dry heat.  We will have to see how the crust turns out after it cools.  The irregular open crumb that YW brings to bread is unmatched - as is the moistness and sweetness of the crumb. For being manhandled this bread still cam through.  It doesn't taste like a SD sprouted grain bread -) it tastes like a SD YW bread instead - fine and dandy with me.  This will make a fine sandwich and dipping bread.


SD YW Combo Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



17 Week Retarded Rye Sour






Yeast Water






White Spelt






WW & Oat
























Levain Totals


















Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






Whole Wheat






Total Dough Flour


















Guinness 322 & Water












Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald






Guinness 322  & Water












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Grain














 Lucy says to have a salad with that pork tamale, chicken enchilada combo and the mixed fruit galette.


dabrownman's picture

Lucy tried to find the last time we used dates in bread and it was 2012.  We prefer figs to dates because you don’t have to pit them and they taste better but dates in bread have been around for thousands of years and not to be overlooked.


When Lucy picks a dark colored fruit like dates or raisins she immediately starts thinking about other dark things to put in the mix and when you have fruits you have to have nuts or seeds too.  I’m starting to figure out Lucy’s recipe madness.  She went with walnuts and Guinness for the liquid.  She went with a bit more 50% whole sprouted multi grains to get it a bit to the darker side too.


Even though I am starting to catch onto Lucy’s recipe madness, I have yet to grasp her app methodology though.  After nearly being put in the slammer for her app that shut down people’s phones until they paid her an extortion fee, I thought she had learned her lesson. Now she has told me that she is working on an app than makes would make all jobs obsolete.


Being retired, I’m really not affected by this kind of technology and neither is she but the fewer and fewer people that are still working sure will be.  I asked her how people, who depended on their paycheck every week to live, would survive without any money and she said that you just can’t stop technology and someone was going to do it eventually so it might as well be her to get it done.


I suppose that once phones got smart it was just a matter of time before they would be smarter and more productive than the average Joe – and thinner too.   I told her that people will probably freak out and start killing each other faster than they do now just to secure a food source if nothing else and she totally disagreed.


She said if people had no work to do they would be happier and learn to do other more rewarding stuff that didn’t include cannibalism - like baking bread…. if they could steal the ingredients and bake in a solar oven.  So she is just trying to do her part to increase the number of home bread bakers as a real Baking Apprentice 2nd Class would want to do.  How nice it must be when the end is near!


We did our usual 3 stage leavin build using the 20% hard bits of the sprouted 4 grains and a bit of our long retarded rye sour starter.   The levain ended up at 11% pre-fermented flour.  We then retarded the levain for 24 hours.  The starter was getting low so we refreshed it, tossed it in the back of the fridge and, in a month, we should be using it instead of the current one.


We did a 1 hour autolyse with the Guinness and dough flour with the salt sprinkled on top as the levain warmed u[p on the counter.  As soon as the levain hit the mix we, did 3 sets of slap and folds of 30 each on 30 minute intervals and 2 sets of 4 slaps each on 45 minute intervals.  The re-hydrated dates and walnuts went in before the dist slap and folds set using stretch and folds to get them incorporated.


My favorite enchilada is a chicken spinach in white sauce with a tinge of red and green sauce and some crema

Once the gluten development was done, the dough was shaped into a boule, and placed into a plastic covered SS bowl and retarded for18 hours of cold bulk retard.  Once the dough came out of the fridge, we did an immediate pre-shape into a boule and then 1 hour later a final shape.


This galette is one made with apple, plum and peach with bourbon snockered dried fruits and fresh ginger.

It was placed into a rice floured basket for 1 hour of final proof before firing up Big Old Betsy for a 450 F pre-heat with the combo cooker inside.  We then took the bagged dough outside for a the final 100 F proof as the oven heated up as has been out MO of late.


The dough was un-molded quickly slashed T-Rex style and slid onto the bottom sof the combo cooker with a peel, covered and steamed for 18 minutes.  Once the lid came off we turned the oven down to 425 F convection….. and continued to bake for another 15 minutes until the bread thumped done on the bottom.  We took the bread off the bottom of the combo cooker 5 minutes into the dry bake.


It bloomed and sprang well enough under steam and browned nicely once it came out.  We will have to wait until later today to see how the crumb came out and if we like the taste of dates in this bread.  The crumb came out fairly open for this much whole grains and bountiful add ins.  We love the color of the crumb and crust too.  You forget how good dates and walnuts go together when you haven't made them in bread for a while. The dates really gave a moistness to the bread as well.  This is one of those specila breads that ony come along every once and a while.



SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



17 Week Retarded Rye Sour






20 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 4 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






80 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain






Total Dough Flour


















Guinness 322 & Water












Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald






Guinness 340  & Water


















Dates (Dry)












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Sprouted Grain












4 grain sprouted flour is 35 g each of oat, spelt and rye and 148 g of wheat







Dates were re-hydrated with water and squeezed dry





Lucy reminds us to have a salad with that sunset,



dabrownman's picture

Earlier this week, Lucy posted her 10 things to think about when trying to make a healthier, better looking and tastier sourdough bread.  We all know that there are dozens and dozens of ways to make breads of all kinds with none being right for everyone.  But, wouldn’t you know it, the virtual ink wasn’t even dry yet and Lucy was out there trying to do something different.  Oh my!


I told her,if she did that ,folks would think she was somewhat of bigger floozy than we already know she is and that she should stick to her method for at least one bake, even if just for some cover she would likely need later.


Starting bake day with a good breakfast is a must around here.

So for once, I was able to get her back on track but only by threatening to put her back on dry food instead of the Filet Mignon, Bacon and Cheese food she has been getting lately to clear up some of her health problems, which seems to have worked by the way.


So this bread has s 16 week retarded starter, a retarded levain and long retarded bulk ferment.  The gluten development and final proof of the dough were done at a relatively high temperature of 88 F.  The 3 stage levain was built with the sifted out hard bits of the 4 sprouted grain flours.  The whole grains are almost 40%, the pre-fermented flour a small 11 % and the hydration a respectable 75%.


It sure sounds like some thing Lucy would do and reflects her post earlier in the week here   Lucy’s Favorite Methods To Make Healthy and Beautiful Bread.  We did a 1 hour autolyse of the dough flour and water while the levain warmed up after a 24 hour retard.


We did 4 sets of 30 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals and 2 sets of 4 slap and folds on 45 minute intervals before going into the fridge in an oiled, plastic covered bowl for 21 hours of coldly coordinated, bulk ferment. We can't tell any difference in slap and folds or stretch and folds but the slap and folds are more fun and make more noise of course.


This week's dessert was an almond cake.

We did a quick pre-shape into a boule as soon as it came out of the fridge and then., after an hour warm up, we did the final shaping for a 1 hour final proof at 100 F..  Once un-molded and slashed, we slid it into the combo cooker preheated to 450 F for 18 minutes of steam.  Too lazy to do Mega Steam


This weeks's special Mexican treat was turkey tamales with crema, pico, guacamole with red and green combo salsa and cilantro for garnish and black beans refried for a side.

Once the lid came off, we turned the oven down to 425 F, convection this time, for 5 more minutes of dry baking, then took the bread out of the cooker and continued baking another 12 minutes until the bread thumped done on the bottom.  It bloomed, sprang and browned boldly enough for a home baker but we will have to see how the crumb came out after the bread cools for a nice lunch sandwich if we make one  It smelled wonderful once the lid came off  - a good sign indeed.

The crumb came out open, soft, glossy and moist.  We caught this one proofed just right - one of the advantages to doing a bulk ferment as opposed to a shaped proof.  The hot final proof outside, that was a bit longer this time,  helped.  This bread is one of the best tasting white breads we have managed to date,. If you don't normally prefer white bread you might like this one with 40% sprouted grains and if you don't prefer whole grain breads - you might like this one for the same reason - it's only 40% sprouted whole grain.

The crust went a bit soft as it cooled but it was thin and delicious and the chew was perfect.  The crumb tasted complex and no one will ask you if this is a sourdough bread - they will know it is and I hope it goes a bit more sour by tomorrow.  This bread is marginally better than our non sprouted 30% whole grain take on David Snyder's SJSD which is saying something.

It went absolutely perfect with today's left over lunch from last night's dinner - Guinness Irish Stew - Yummy indeed!.


SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



16 Week Retarded Rye Sour






20 % Extraction Sprouted Multi Grain






80 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 4 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






LaFama AP






80 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain






Total Dough Flour






























Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald


















Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Sprouted Grain












4 grain sprouted flour is 26 g each of rye, spelt and oat with 77 g of wheat



 Lucy says to grab a salad with that almond cake


dabrownman's picture

I am always amazed what Lucy manages to come with in her spare time when no dreaming up bread recipes.  This week she has developed a new piece of software that turns an existing piece of hardware into something truly unique and transformative for all bread bakers.


As we well know, Lucy loves Pumpernickel bread and she thinks every other kind of bread is inferior and almost woossie like.  Every time she takes a bite of another kind of bread, she wishes it tasted like pumpernickel.  Now she thinks she has fixed that problem once and for all.


The green tinge of yogurt whey is unmistakable.

She took a pair of Bluetooth headphones and reprogrammed them not only to deliver sound waves to your ears, but also the taste of Pumpernickel bread.  Now she claims she can listen to her favorite tunes and TV shows but when she bites into any kind of bread it tastes like this Pumpernickel – her mist recent favorite  Really Dark Old School Sprouted Pumpernickel – In memory of Barbra


So to test out her new invention, she came up with one of her most white sourdough recipes at a bit less than 19% whole sprouted 4 grain.  She thought  that if this bread, which is nearly as bland as she gets, could end up tasting like her most powerful and complex tasting bread of all time, then she is one step closer to her dream of being the first Billionaire Baking Apprentice 2nd Class .


This white SD bread isn’t as tame flavor wise as one would thinks though.  She subbed yogurt whey for the dough liquid, used the 15 week retarded rye sour starter, retarded the levain for 24 hours after the 3rd stage doubling and retarded the dough for 40 hours of bulk ferment after the gluten development.  This bread is really retarded!


We did our usual sifting of the sprouted grain flour, after it was sprouted, dried and milled and fed the 14% hard bits and some of the 86% extraction to the starter to make the levain and in the fridge it went.  The gluten development was also our recent 3 sets of 30 slap and folds, this time on 20 minute intervals (10 minutes less each), and 2 sets of 4 slap and folds on 30 minute intervals (15 minutes less each).


This reduced our normal gluten development phase in the 88 F summer kitchen heat by a full hour.  This was Lucy’s plan since she wanted a 40 hour bulk retard instead of the usual 21 hour one.   The levain pre-fermented flour amount was a low 10.6% so she thought this would work out as an even trade of time.


When the dough finally came out of the fridge this morning, we immediately did a quick pre-shape into a boule and placed it back in the plastic covered  oiled bowl for a one hour warm up before the final shaping and placing the boule in the rice floured basket seam side up for a quick 30 minute high temp proof out side where it was 102 F.


Had to plug the hole in the Chinese clay pot with some aluminum foil to keep the steam in.

Once the half hour was up we left we brought the boule inside but left it to proof on the counter as we heated up Big Old Betsy to 435 F with our pre-soaked Chinese Sand Clay Pot inside.


It has been while since we baked any bread in it but my wife got an other glazed clay pot bread baker (no lid) from a co worker that was made by Ayers Pottery in Hannibal MO, just down the river from my wife’s hometown of St Louis.  The pot is small but might hold a half a tin of dough – around 500 g.  The pot came with a brochure that lists 101 ways to use the pot and #65 was - fill it with Easter candy.


Once the temperature hit the 435 F mark, I left the pot in the oven for another 15 minutes so the clay could catch up to the oven temperature.  After upending the dough out of the basket onto parchment on a peel, it was slashed T-Rex style and slid into the clay pot then lidded for 20 minutes of steam.


Once the lid came off we turned BOB down to 425 F convection to brown and dry the crust.  5 Minutes later we took it out of the clay pot to finish browning on the bottom stone.  It looked done but didn’t thump done on the bottom so we left it in another 5 minutes before removing it to the cooling rack.


My daughter did make a fabulous avocado chicken salad with walnuts and pepitas with this bread for lunch - delicious!

It did blister, bloom, spring and brown up pretty well but we won’t know what the crumb looks like till after lunch but I really can’t wait to taste the bread wearing Lucy’s headphones and listening to Led Zeppelin or maybe some Neon Trees.  I did get out a frozen hunk of her favorite pumpernickel to compare it too.  She wants me to do a blind taste test to verify it really works.


Lucy's favorite pumpernickel for comparison and the test for her new headphone app.

This week was our anniversary #29 and we celebrated by going with our daughter to the Barrio Queen Restaurant in downtown  Gilbert for their happy hour appetizers, tacos and margaritas.  Their Carnitas en Chili Verde appetizer is killer, the barrio Pollo Con Chorizo tacos were the best of all we sampled - we sampled quite a few and the margaritas were strong and tasty if a bit small.


Pork carnitas fajita quesadillas this time.

In keeping with the Mexican anniversary theme, I made a classic Mexican Pepitas Cake with Mexican chocolate, vanilla and tequila for dessert at home with a cute doily powdered sugar stencil with some French Silk ice cream and whipped cream sides.  This cake is one of my favorites, a good fit for special occasions and healthier than some others.  The crumb came out soft and moist and nit as open as i would have thought but it also wasn't overly sour either. A different sour taste for sure because of the yogurt whey but civil' my daughter loved this bread and knows which side hers is buttered on!



SD Levain Build

Build 1

Build 2

 Build 3



15 Week Retarded Rye Sour






14 % Extraction Sprouted Multi Grain






86 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain
























Levain Totals






Sprouted 4 Grain












Levain Hydration












Dough Flour






Smart and Final Hi Gluten






Sprouts AP






86 % Extraction Sprouted 4 Grain






Total Dough Flour


















Yogurt Whey












Dough Hydration






Total Flour w/ Starter & Scald






Yogurt Whey 272  & Water












Hydration with Starter and Scald






Total Weight






% Whole Sprouted Grain












4 grain sprouted flour is equal amounts of wheat, rye, spelt and Oat



 All gussied up Pepitas Cake and don't forget that salad



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