The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

dabrownman's blog

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Usually Lucy comes up with a recipe and tells me what to do and then I do my best to execute her recipe wishes as closely as possible or risk having my ankles savaged by a wild beast, small in leg length.  Then I tell you all about it.  This time was a bit different.

Lucy put everything together and she said …..‘OK Master, what kind of bread is this and how was it made?  It’s time to find out if you know your stuff or not or at least to know it well enough to know it when you see it.  Then she showed me the photos and said take your best shot at guessing what this is.

I have to admit that I didn’t do as well as I thought I would but I also thought you all might be better at figuring this out as a group.  So here goes.

What kind of bread is this? What kind of grains and flour were used.  Is it SD?  How was the levain made? Was it autolysed? Was it retarded?   What is the hydration? What is that add-in? How was it made?  Now knowing Lucy helps a lot and watching her recipes over the last several years is full of hints and answers.  So good luck with it.

I’ve decided to pair it with homemade, smoked pastrami that is currently on the smoker for the 4th of July Holiday – Yum!  Happy Birthday America!




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It wasn’t long ago that Yippee sent me an Oriental Pullman Pan.  I immediately put it to good use making a fine rye bread here 100% WG Rye & Wheat Sprouted YW/SD w/ Walnuts, Prunes, Cranberries & Sunflower that Michael Wilson liked.  Michael got to taste it when he visited LA a couple of weeks ago.  It is nice to have a fellow Fresh Lofian get to try some your bread -  especially one like that one.

This bread is similar to Lucy’s previous attempt but has less rye and no red malt or cranberries, but does have fresh mangos in place of some of the prunes. rehydrated onions and aromatic seeds.  We used potato water for the liquid in place of the Black Butte Porter, cut the BMS in half but put some molasses in its place and added some espresso powder to the cocoa to make up for the loss of color due to the omitted porter and red malt.

You can see everything in the mix  except the espresso, cocoa, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

We made a few changes to the process as well.  Instead of making separate YW and SD Bran levains we made a SD bran levain and used YW for the liquid for it.  The levain was 13% preferment flour instead of the previous 19% and instead of 21 hour retarded we went with a 1 ½ hour one while I was at out an about.

The last thing to go in was the sunflower seeds.

We had planned on making a square loaf using the lid of the Pullman but, while out and about, it rose over the rim in the fridge so, after docking with a toothpick. I mounded it up with a wet spatula into a domed top.  We baked it at 450 F for 15 minutes with steam and the turned the oven down to 425 F for another 15 minutes of steam then turned the oven down to 350 F for another half hour of baking;

Then the bread came out of the pan to brown and dry the sides for 5 more minutes of baking till it hit 205 F on the inside.  The 100% hydration levin was made with the bran sifted from the whole rye and wheat and some of the high extraction remainder.  It was a one stage affair but was stirred at the 4 and 8 hour mark.  We retarded the levain for 10 hours overnight after it doubled after the 2nd stirring.

Since 40% of the flour was whole and sprouted wheat, we did do some slap and folds and stretch and folds to get the gluten there was a bit developed and the massive add ins incorporated but it was still a sticky and sloppy mess at 85% hydration overall.  We messed with it 6 times a at 20 minute intervals until we dumped it in the pan for final rising.

It didn’t spring much in the oven but it didn’t collapse either – always a good sign with rye breads.  We have hopes the YW worked its crumb magic to open it up even with all the add ins.  It smelled terrific as it baked the other benefit of using dried onions an aromatic seeds in your rye bread mix.

Cousin Jay is coming over for Father’s Day Sunday brunch so that will be the perfect time to slic it and see what it looks and tastes like.

The bread sliced easily in 1/4" slices.  The crumb was open, soft and moist.  The taste was outstanding.  Nutty, seedy and earthy with a hint of sweetness every now and again and a fine aroma  The YW kept the sour at bay.  A very nice bread all in all - just plain delicious.  Wonderful toasted with cream cheese.  This bread could make you give up bagels.


 Single stage whole grain rye and wheat 20% extraction bran levain – 13% pre-fermented flour, 13% YW- 100% hydration total

30 % Whole rye, 10% whole red wheat, 10% whole white wheat, 30 % sprouted rye, 10% sprouted red wheat, 10% sprouted white wheat

72% Potato water – 85% hydration total with the YW in the levain

22% each, walnuts and sunflower seeds

15% fresh Mango, 7% prunes

2% each; Barley malt syrup, molasses, instant espresso coffee, cocoa, rehydrated dried onion, aromatic seeds (caraway and coriander)

Have get a salad in there somewhere with that grilled Shrimp Kabob Dinner



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Six Sprouted Grain Sourdough With Toasted Buckwheat Porridge – A Great Everyday Sandwich Bread

Bread Baking Day #84 is sandwich bread – hosted here is kochtopf’s monthly bread challenge  Sandwich bread means different things to different people and can even mean different things to the same person over the course of their lifetime.

When I was kid growing up it meant Wonder Bread – for sandwiches at lunch and toast for breakfast.  My dad worked at Continental Bakers in KCMO so we got day old Wonder Bread for free.  Even day old it was just great and a week later still fresh as could be – a real wonder.  It was the king of white, enriched, yeast, sandwich bread – nothing was even close or sold nearly as well.  Kids all over America grew up on it for decades.

With the onset of age, diabetes and learning how to make SD bread, sandwich bread is something totally different than Wonder Bread for me now.  But, one thing remains the same, most all of the bread I make today is still made for sandwiches and toast.  Amazing how some things change like the kind of bread we eat and some things remain the same like eating sandwiches and toast.

Poor health can really make a person change their food choices for the better.  No more white, enriched, yeast, sandwich breads for me – it just is not allowed.  The most important thing for diabetics is to avoid carbs and sugar of all kinds, exercise and use portion control to lower body weight.  After losing 50 pounds by walking 4 miles a day, I can have 1 slice of bread per meal as long as it is the right kind of bread.

The right kind of bread is whole grain, sprouted, sourdough bread that lowers, spreads out and slows down the blood sugar load of yeasted white bread for diabetics.  You still can’t have more than a slice so, if you are like me, you just learn to cut it in half and have half a sandwich for lunch and 1 slice of bread for breakfast toast.

It’s no big whoop since you have to eat less to keep your weight down anyway and exercise is the most difficult to actually do…… especially when it is 115 F outside like here in Arizona.  Still, this bread isn’t really one that would fit the bill.  It is only 30% whole grain.  Even though the whole grains are all sprouted and there is another 10% whole buckwheat in the porridge, at 40%, it doesn’t meet our usual standard of at least 50% whole grains for what we call white, sandwich bread around here.

For many folks, this bread would be a suitable white, sprouted, multigrain, sourdough sandwich bread that would be a healthier and heartier choice for toast and sandwiches.  The 6 sprouted grains were white and red hard wheat, rye, spelt, oats and barley.  Barley is a great choice for diabetics because it has the lowest GI of any cereal grain.  They were sprouted for 21 hours before drying and milling.

The 24% extraction hard bits were used for the 2 stage bran levain where the hard bits were used for the first 4 hour stage and the high extraction 6 sprouted grain flour was used for the 2nd feeding.  The levain was stirred down at the 8 hour mark, doubled at the 12 hour mark and was retarded overnight.  The SD seed was 10 g of 26 week retarded NMNF stiff, rye sour.  The levain was 100% hydration with 14% pre-fermented flour

In KCMO we gew nup eating Wonder Bread with ribs.  But now we can have this bread with them and a salad too!

We stirred down the levain when it was taken out of the fridge the next morning.  The dough flour of the remaining high extraction, sprouted, 6 grain and Winco bread flour, was autolysed with the dough water and 2% Pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top.  We then toasted the 10% buckwheat groats in a dry pan until golden brown.  Then we added twice their weight in water and simmered it for 5 minutes before turning off the heat, covering and letting the porridge cool.


After an hour of autolyse, the levain had risen 25%.  We stirred in the salt and then added the levain to it, stirred it in and did 30 slap and folds to incorporate the levain into the dough and begin the gluten development.  Overall hydration was 75% making the slap and folds just bit stiffer than normal.  We did 2 more sets of 8 slap and folds all on 20 minute intervals.

We did 3 sets of stretch and folds where the buckwheat groat porridge was added during the first set and thoroughly incorporated by end of the 3rd set.  Stretch and folds, of 4 stretches each,  were also done on 20 minute intervals.   After a 20 minute rest, the dough was pre-shaped and then shaped into a squat oval and placed seam side up into a rice floured oval basket.  The dough was bagged and placed into the fridge for a 16 hour cold retard.

Usually the bread fully proofs in the fridge but this one was A bit slow so we let it proof for 2 hours on the counter.  We preheated the oven with the CI combo cooker inside to 500 F. We un-molded the dough onto parchment on a peel, slashed it down the middle lengthwise and slid it onto the CC.  We steamed the dough under the lid for 18 minutes at 450 F.

Once the lid came off, we continued to bake the bread for 5 minutes at 425 F convection and then took the bread off the bottom of the combo cooker and continued to bake the bread on the bottom stone for 10 more minutes until it reached 209 F.  It bloomed, sprang, blistered and browned well.  It was also soft, moist and open on the inside.

The taste was the best part though and the highlight of the bread.  Earthy, hearty and healthy are the hallmarks of sprouted mult-igrain breads.  The Buckwheat Toadies providing the extra aroma and flavor.  As usual, this bread was a bit more on the sour side than a normal white SD bread due to the NMNF starter and the bran levain build.

Iy is almost monsoon season again.

The extra sour really stands up too the full flavor of the sprouted grains and Buckwheat Toadies. I t is about the most delicious white sandwich bread you can make…..and you can’t buy it anywhere so you will have to make it to enjoy this bread with your favorite filling as a sandwich!


2 Stage 12 Hour Levain - 14% pre-fermented flour at 100% hydration made from 26 week retarded 10 g of NMNF stiff rye starter, with 24% extraction sprouted bran for the first build and high extraction 6 sprouted grain for the 2nd build.  Levain is then retarded overnight when it doubles after the stirring down at the 8 hour mark. In our case we made 130 g of bran levain.


30% - 6 grain sprouted flour – red and white wheat, oat, barley, spelt and rye

70% - Winco bread flour from the bins

10% - Toasted buckwheat with 20% water made into a porridge.

2% Pink Himalayan sea salt

All of the bran levain  

Thanks to Job for posting the link to BBD #84


dabrownman's picture

Most of us realize how tiny and insignificant we are in the scheme of things until it comes to our passions and emotions. Then all hell breaks loose and we instantly want to become the center of the Universe.  I am always telling my young daughter to keep her head even when everyone else is losing theirs.  On humans this sometimes works...... but for Lucy …...not so much.

When it comes to bread recipes, she really is out of her mind most of the time.  Keeping her paws on the ground takes real effort on my part, as opposed to most of the stuff I can’t be bothered to do.  She really is nuts but she didn’t put any of them in this bread for some reason……. even though the rest of her pantry seems to have made an appearance.

The Toadies had steel cut oats, quinoa, millet, buckwheat groats, poppy, flax sesame and hemp seeds.  The weight of the Toadies was 125 g.  But toasting them wasn’t enough for Lucy Poo.  The Toadies were then made into a porridge that was included on the first of 3 sets of stretch and folds with some pepitas and sunflower seeds – talk about seedy!

We added 250 g of water and brought the browned Toadies to a simmer for 5 minutes before turning off the heat covering them and letting them sit until cool.  The Adriatic and Mission figs were chopped into 3 pieces and incorporated during the 2nd set of stretch and folds.

It ended up a bit over proofed.

Half the flour was bread flour from the bins at Winco so I don’t know what miller could claim it.  The other 50% were home milled whole grains made up of: rye, spelt, red and white hard wheat, emmer, einkorn, barley, oat and buckwheat.  Half of the whole grains were also sprouted at home so 25% of the mix, ended up being sprouted grains.

The hard bits were sifted out from the sprouted and whole grains at a 24% extraction rate and used to build a 2 stage levain.  10 g of 25 week old NMNF rye starter and the bran was used for the first stage and a mix high extraction whole and sprouted flour used for the 2nd stage.  The levain was 100% hydration using 15% pre-fermented flour.

The levain was stirred after 4 hours and it doubled at the 10 hour mark - 2 hours after the 2nd feeding.  The levain was then retarded for 12 hours.  Once the levain came out of the fridge to warm up the next day we stirred it down before warm up.  We autolysed the dough flour and water for 1 hour with the salt sprinkled on top.  Hydration including the levain is 75% but does not include the porridge.  The levain rose 25% before it was stirred into the autolyse.

The first set of slap and folds was 30 slaps to get everything incorporated.  Then 2 more sets of 8 slaps each were done to help the gluten along before the 3 sets of 4 stretch and folds were done to get the Toady porridge and figs incorporated.  All the dough manipulations were done on 20 minute intervals.  We used to do many more slap and folds but have cut them way back since they just aren’t needed..... and I am nearly as lazy as Lucy.

We left the dough rest before doing the pre-shape and final shape into a squat oval and placing it into a rice floured basket.  The basket was bagged in a new trash can liner for a change and left on the counter for 40 minutes before retarding it for 18 hours.  Since it didn’t quite proof in the fridge, we let it warm up on the counter for 2 hours before preheating the oven to 500 F.  By that time it was a bit over proofed :-)

Once the oven was at temperature, we installed the Mega Steam and let the stones catch up to the oven temperature for an additional 15 minutes.  The dough was un-molded onto parchment on a peel, slashed twice and loaded on the bottom stone for 18 minutes of steam at 450 F.  Once the steam came out, the temperature was turned down to 425 F convection and the bread continued to bake until it hit 207 F in the center.

Here is the Mad Formulator doing what she does best!

t spread more than it sprang and bloomed but it did brown up boldly. The spreading had to be Lucy's fault with her porridge fetish.  Can’t wait to see what it looks like on the inside.  It sure smelled seedy and figgy as it baked.It didn't end up as open as we thought it would be but it is OK for a 50% whole grain bread with a ton of stuff in it.  The best part is th chewy bold crust and the seedy taste with a bit o sour coming through - delicious!  Had 4 slices of toast for breakfast this morning - no butter required and the sweet figs made jam unnecessary too.


15% pre fermented bran 2 stage levain

50% Bread Flour

25% Whole grain Flour

25% Sprouted flour

25% Toadies dry weight with 50% water for the porridge

10% each Pepitas and Sunflower Seeds

20% Figs

75% water including levain but not including Toady porridge

 Don't forget that salad


dabrownman's picture

This is the 3rd try at baking a bread for BBD #83.  The theme is to bake a bread that has flours other than rye, spelt and wheat in it.  The first one used wine for the liquid and it killed of the SD wee beasties here BBD #83 - 50% Whole 10 Grain Half Sprouted Beaujolais, Brie and Salami SD Rolls With Pistachios .  The 2nd shot was a complete success but my wife gave the loaf away to a friend so I didn’t get a crumb shot here 9 Grain 50 Percent Whole Grain Half Sprouted Sourdough Chacon with Pepitas and Sunflower Seeds.

Here I the BBA #83 website -

So this time we are hoping all goes well and pictures of the inside and outside get taken.  This one is all about whole and sprouted grains, no fruits, seeds or nuts or odd liquids.  The buckwheat, quinoa and oat Toady porridge was toasted first with a bit of rolled oats.

The sprouted and whole flour that made up 50% of the total were made with rye spelt and wheat, barley, einkorn and emmer so this is really a 9 grain bread including the porridge with 6 of them hitting the theme.

The 12 hour bran levain was a 2 stage one with the bran sifted from the sprouted and whole grains used for the first stage and the high extraction portion used for the 2nd stage.  The 10 g of NMNF rye sour starter was retarded for 23 weeks.  The pre-fermented flour was 15%.  Once the levain had doubled after the 2nd feeding we retarded the levain for 16 hours.

We love to use bran levain because the bran is wettest and attacked by the acid in the SD the longest leading to less gluten cutting.  The bran also acts as a buffer allowing the LAB to continue to reproduce and produce acid at lower pH levels making for sourer bread – the perfect thing to make sure the sour doesn’t get lost in the powerful whole grain taste.  It is also perfect for rye breads where acid is so important.

Once the Levin came out of the fridge we stirred it down and autolyzed the high extraction and KA bread dough flour and water with the salt sprinkled on top.   When the levain had risen 25% we mixed in the salt and then added the levain stirring it in.  Then we did 30 slap and folds to get the gluten development started and get the ingredients well mixed.  Overall hydration was 75% not including the levain but not the porridge.

We did 2 more sets of 6 slap and folds on 20 minute intervals and then did 3 sets of stretch and folds from the comas points on 30 minute intervals.  The porridge was added during the first set of slap and folds and consisted of 5% each quinoa, oats and buckwheat at 100% hydration.  The porridge was brought to the simmer and simmered for 5 minutes before letting it cool in the pan to room temperature.  After cooling the porridge was topped up on water to 100% hydration.

Have a nice salad with that slice of bread

Once added to the mix the porridge brought the overall hydration up to 78%.  20 minutes after the gluten development was done we shaped the loaf into a boule and placed it into a rice floured basket for an 18 hour cold retard in the fridge. Once the dough came out of the fridge it was fully proofed so we pre- heated the oven to 500 F immediately with the combo cooker inside.

We unmolded the dough onto parchment on a peel, scored it and slid it to the CC for 18 minutes of steam at 450 F.  Once the steam came out we turned the oven down to 425 F convection and continued baking for 15 minute until the temperature inside was 207 F.

The bread bloomed and browned well but we will have to wait for a crumb shot. The crumb was very soft and moist and fairly open too!.  The best part is of course the taste,  The bran levain made for sour, The sprouted and whole grains made the flavor.  This is one fine bread you can only make at home 


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9 Grain 50 Percent Whole Grain Half Sprouted Sourdough Chacon with Pepitas and Sunflower Seeds

Lucy formulated this bread as an entry for Bread Baking Day #83 here where flours other than rye, red wheat and spelt were used.  In this case we added, Pima Club, emmer, einkorn, Buckwheat, oat and white wheat.

My wife decided to give this to a friend who is grieving for her passed brother so I am not sure that I will get a crumb shot or not depending on whether my wife says it is Ok to cut it in half for one?  Can you cut a gift in half and still call it a gift?  We decided to make the bread into a special Chacon as we usually do when someone passes – like the Chacon for Eric Hanner – or for a birth or other once in a lifetime event in the family.


We decided to use a couple of the comb roll up shapes for last Friday’s bake as the basis for the design but using sunflower seeds for the inside along with a couple of smiley face ropes and a 2 balls with some pepitas sprinkled in the bottom of the basket for extra design emphasis design.  The fun part with Chacons is to come up with a nifty design that shows itself during the spring of baking.

Since half the flour was whole grain and half of that sprouted we were able to use our 3 stage retarded bran levain method using the bran from the whole and sprouted grains for the first two stages and the high extraction whole grain flour for the 3rd feeding.

The bran came out to a 18% average for the two siftings and the levain was 100% hydration and contained 10% pre- fermented flour total with 10 g of NMNF rye starter, retarded for 22 weeks, used as the seed.  Once the levain was built and had doubled after the 3rd feeding it was retarded for 12 hours.

When the levain came out of the fridge the next day, we stirred it down and left it to rise 25% as it warmed up and as we autolyzed the dough high extraction sprouted and high extraction non-sprouted flour along with the 50% King Arthur Bread flour that made up the remaining dough flour and the 2% Pink Himalayan Sea Salt sprinkled on top.  Hydration came in at a bit over 78%.

Once the salt was stirred in and the bran levain added, we did 40 slap and folds to get everything well mixed and the gluten development started.  This was followed by 2 sets of slap and folds of 5 laps each on 20 minute intervals and then by 3 sets of 4 stretch and folds on 30 minute intervals.

After a brief rest of 10 minutes we made the design shapes and placed them in the bottom of the oval shaped rise floured basket followed by the remaining dough shaped into squat oval to fit the basket.  The basket was immediately bagged in a well-used trash can liner and immediately retarded in a 37 F fridge for 12 hours.

When the dough came out of the cold the next morning it was clear that it was 100% proofed since it was spilling out of the top of the basket.  We immediately preheated the oven to 500 F with the Combo Cooker inside.  When at temperature we un-molded the Chacon onto parchment on a peel and placed it into the CC, quickly covering it and placing it on the bottom stone of the oven while turning the oven down to 425 F.

We steamed the bread for 18 minutes and then removed the lid for 8 minutes of convection baking at 425 F.  At that time, the bread was removed from the bottom of the CC and continued baking directly on the bottom stone for an additional 25 minutes until it was well browned and at 206 F.

This bread browned and sprang well enough and with the fridge proofing, it should have a nice open crumb for a 50% whole grain, half sprouted bread.  We will have to see if it can be sliced or not.


dabrownman's picture

We love this time of year.  It is the time the first cherries come out in the stores from CA.  They aren’t the great trasting cherries from the Pacific Northwest that come a bit later but they are perfect for one thing - converting the YW from apple tom cherries.  We just love the cherry color the YW takes on from being fed these little jewels.

Since we were running low on bread after the Wine Wee Beastie Kill Off last Friday, we need a quick bread that would tide us over till Friday.  So Lucy came up with a fast one.  All the levain liquid and was YW and the levain was a big one – 40% pre-fermented LaFama AP flour.  We would never do this with SD but YW is different.

There was only 14% sprouted whole grains in the dough flour and it was the overlooked varieties – so no rye, spelt or red wheat.  We used Pima club, white wheat, oat, buck wheat and emmer.

Once the YW levain had sat on the counter for 10 hours at 84 F fermenting away we retarded it foe 12 hours in the fridge.  The next day we added a bit more water, some more AP, 10 g of rye SD and the milled whole grains to get the overall hydration to 72% with 2% salt.  We started off with 30 slap and folds to get everything mixed and then did 5 sets of stretch and folds all on 20 minute intervals.

We included a 30% dry weight porridge of quinoa and steel cut oats on the 4th set of stretch and folds to get the overall whole grains up to 37%.  We let the dough sit on the counter for an hour bulk ferment before shaping and panning the dough inti a cocktail loaf tin.  We let the dough proof on the counter in a plastic shopping bag for 4 hours when it rose 50% before we placed it in the fridge for a 9 hour cold retard.

It rose another 20% in the fridge but still required a 2 hour proof on the counter to get it to 90% and ready for the oven.  We decided to bake this bread in the Mini Oven for the first time this summer using 2 of Sylvia’s steaming cups with a dish rag inside and half full of water for steam.

We steamed at 450 F for 13 minutes and then baked convection for 20 minutes at 425 F till the inside read 205 F.   Since the spring was so good and the top was close to the elements on the top, we covered the top crust with aluminum foil 5 minutes after the steam came out and then 5 minutes later baked it upside down out of the tin for 10 minutes to brown the side that were against the tin.

This loaf came out as boldly baked as one would achieve without burning it.  Can’t wait to see how the crumb came out.  We expect it to be a sandwich style crumb with that large porridge in there.  We also want to see how much of the SD came through with no SD levain used to beef it up first.

The crumb came out as we expected – sandwich style but it was super soft and moist too with a subtly slight sour hint that came through.  The crust was also a huge success and the tasty crunchy crust was worth the near burning.  A very good bread all around for not much effort, cost and time.  We like it a lot.  

Where is that beet and walnut salad?

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2016 Dabrownman’s Blog Index


1/1/2016 - New Year’s Eve Pizza – 2015

1/5/2016 - Westphalian Pumpernickel – 1537

1/8/2016 -  3 Starter Italian Olive Bread with Rosemary and Sun Dried Tomato

1/15.2016 - 100 % Rye with Rye Berry Scald, Walnuts, Sunflower, Pepitas and Aromatic Seeds

1/22/2016 - Dobie'a Challenge, Black Lager, 3 Starter, Sprouted 11 Grain, Sorta Ciabatta Rolls with Wheat Sprouts in a Baked Scald

1/29.2016 - 4 Starter Sprouted 7 Whole Grain Sandwich Bread

2/5/2016 - Deja Vu – Intensively Mixed Redox of 4 Starter Sprouted 100% Whole Multi-grain

2/11/2016 -

2/19/2016 -

2/26/2016 -

3/11/2016 -

3/16/2016 - Oh My! 3 Pies and a Green Crocodile!

3/25/2016 - Beer Tang Seed Zhong Half Whole Sprouted 9 Grain SD with Baked Scald

3/31/2016 - 3 Grain Sprouted White Sourdough with Sprouts Added In

4/8/2016  - 100% WG Rye & Wheat Sprouted YW/SD w/ Walnuts, Prunes, Cranberries & Sunflower

4/15/2016 - Altamura Style Whole Sprouted 6 Grain Sourdough with Bran Levain

4/22/2016 - Half Whole and Sprouted 7 Grain SD with Quinoa and Buckwheat Porridge

4/29/2016 - Almost, if you forget the 12 hour levain build, 1 day 6 Grain SD bread

5/6/2016 - 50 Percent Whole Grain Half Sprouted Jewish Deli Rye with Caraway and Minced Dried Onion

5/13/2016 - BBD #83 - 50% Whole 10 Grain Half Sprouted Beaujolais, Brie and Salami SD Rolls With Pistachios






1/1/2015 - New Years Eve Pizza

1/2/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Sprouted 8 Grain SD/YW with Japanese Black Rice & Seeds

1/9/2015 - 50 Percent Whole Sprouted 16 Grain SD with Lake Havasu Desert Magic IPA

1/16/2015 - Sprouted Sourdough White Bread - A New Style SFSD

1/23/2015 - Lucy Takes Another Shot at Not So Tzitzel Like Sprouted Rye

1/30/2015 - Tête du Désert Vide de Lucie Sud-ouest Germées 5 Pain au Levain

2/6/2015 - Sprouted Ancient Grain Valentine’s Day DaBialotta’s

2/12/2015 - 100 % Whole Grain Kamut With 14 % Sprouted

2/12/2015 - 50 % Whole Grain Kamut 2 Ways with Malbec Kamut Risotto or Seeds & Prunes

2/12/2015 - Nothing Bread - 100% Unbleached Yeast Water White Bread

2/13/2015 - SD Sprouted Wheat Bread with Weird Scald

2/20/2015 - 4 Grain Sprouted Sourdough with Altus, Scald, Toadies & Porter - Going Darker

2/27/2015 - 100% Whole Spelt SD w/ 50% Sprouted Flour, Spelt Sprouts & Baked Scald

3/6/2015 - Lucy’s 5 Grain Sprouted Practice Sourdough Slash Bags with Scald

3/13/2015 - Lucy’s Practice Sprouted and Scalded Slash Bag - Take 2 - with a Boule too

3/16/10`5 - Cousin Jay’s Sprouted, Multigrain Sourdough with Flax Seed Scald

3/20/2015 - Sprouted Whole Multigrain Sourdough Bread with Malted scald & Pizza Kicker

3/27/2015 - Whole Sprouted 9 Grain Sourdough Bread with Walnuts and Sage

4/3.2015 - Sprouted 3 Grain Sourdough with Pecans, Cranberries and Malts

4/3/2015 - 3 Sprouted Grain Poolish Hot Cross Buns

4/10/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain, Cheese, Jalapeno, Polenta and Baked Scald Sourdough

4/10 2015 - Yeast Water Hot Dog Buns

4/17/2015 - Sorta Altamura Style Sprouted 4 Grain with Desert Durum, Seeds and Baked Scald

4/24/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Baked Scald and Guinness

5/1/2015 - 3 Day Old Rye Starter Makes a fine Sourdough the Old School Way

5/2/2015 - Old School Dark Sprouted Pumpernickel Sourdough – 2 ways

5/8/2015 - Sprouted Wheat and Rye Sourdough The Almost 1.2.3 Way

5/15/2015 - Real Bread Week - Spreading 40% Sprouted Whole 4 Grain Bread with Sprouts

5/22/2015 - A Request for Bread

5/29/2015 - Fig, Anise Sprouted 10 Grain Sourdough

6/5/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 60% Whole Grain

6/12/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 100 % Whole Grain

6/15/2015 - Yeast Buns with Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato, Caramelized Onion & Mushrooms

6/19/2015 - Sprouted Kamut Sourdough - 75 % Whole Grain

6/27/2015 - Really Dark Old School Sprouted Pumpernickel – In memory of Barbra

7/3/2015 - Braune Mann aufgegangen mehrere Korn Sauerteigbrot für Unabhängigkeitstag

7/10/2015 - Double Levain SD with 5 Sprouted Grains

7/17/2015 - Bereit sind, arbeiten Sie hart und Opfern Sie viel Auswuchs Sauerteigbrot

7/24/2015 - Olive and Fig 9 Sprouted Grain Sourdough

7/31/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough - 50% Whole Grain with Pecans and Cranberries

8/7/2015 - Double Levain Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Seeds

8/14/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread with 40 Hour Retard and Yogurt Whey

8/21/2015 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough White Bread With 21 Hour Retarded Bulk Ferment

8/28/2015 - 50 Percent Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough with Dates, Walnuts and Guinness

8/28/2015 - SD / YW Combo Starter White Bread

9/4/2015 - Star Wars Sprouted Sourdough

9/4/2015 - Star Wars Sourdough Sandwich Slims

9/7/2015 - Yeast Water Labor Day Weekend Pizza

9/11/2015 - Lucy Combines 2 Dark Ways On A Dark Day – Westphalian Pumpernickel

9/18/2015 - 10 Grain Sprouted Sourdough

9/25/2015 - Double Levain 100 % Whole Wheat Half Sprouted At 100 % Hydration

9/28/2015 - Make Clour, or is it florn, Tortillas and Skip the Flour and Corn Ones

10/2/2015 - Ancient World Meets New One in Seeded Sprouted Sourdough

10/5/2015 - Nico’s Sourdough Pizza Crust and Focaccia

10/8/2015 - Sprouting and Malting Primer

10/9/2015 - High Extraction Sprouted Sourdough – Finally A Sort Of Real White Bread

10/16/2015 - World Bread Day 2015 - Sprouted Westphalian Sourdough Pumpernickel

10/22/2015 - 1849 Gold Rush Sprouted 12 Grain Sourdough Fruit Cake III

10/30/2015 - Bran Soaker Water Sprouted Multigrain Super Sour White Sourdough

11/6/2015 - 50 Percent Whole Sprouted 6 Grain Bran Soaker Super Sour Sourdough & Yeast Buns

11/13/2015 - YW SD Sprouted Multi-grain Bagels – 50 Percent Whole Grain

11/20/2015 - Sprouted Kamut and Wheat Sourdough with Filberts and Pepitas

12/03/2015 - Latvian Sprouted Saldskaaba Maize – Sprouted Sourdough Cider Rye

12/11/2015 - Germés pain au levain rustique avec les graines de lin

12/18/205 - Lucy’s Witch Yeast Fig and Pistachio Ancient Grain Bread

12/27/2015 - Cooked Potato Starter White Bread

12/30/2015 -Witchy Potato 6 Grain Sourdough with Seeds and Nuts





1/1/2014 - New Year’s Panettone - 2014

1/3/2014 - YW SD Spelt and White Whole Wheat Miche

1/5/2014 -  Saturday Night Pizza - 1/4/2014

1/7/2014 - YW SD ADY Poolish, Tang Zhong Rosemary, Sun Dried Tomato & Parmesan Buns

1/10/2014 - 28 % Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Corn, Potato, Farina and Oat.

1/12/2014 - Saturday Night Calzones – or are they Stromboli’s?

1/17/2014 - Go Tang Zhong Sour Cream, Seeded, Aromatic Sourdough Buns

1/18/2014 - Toady Tang Zhong Multigrain Sourdough Boule

1/23/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish 42 Percent Whole Multigrain Walnut and Pistachio Bread

1/24/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Multi-grain Sourdough

1/31/2014 - 60 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough with Sprouts, Seeds & Yogurt Whey

2/1/2014 - 16 % Whole Multigrain SD with Sesame, Flax and Chia Seeds

2/7/2014 - Dark Russian Jewish Rye Bread with Porter, Prunes, Nuts and Aromatic Seeds

2/14/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Josh’s Version of Pane Maggiore On Valentines Day - 2 Ways

2/20/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Adri’s Westphalian Rye

2/28/2014 - Un-Smoked Spelt Sprouter with Turkish Figs, Seeds, Aromatics & Some Nuts

3/5/2014 - Poolish Calzones and Yeast Water Italian Bread

3/7/2014 - White SD Bread

3/14/2014 - St Paddy’s Day Challenge YW Shamrock on a !00% Whole Wheat SD Chacon

3/21/2014 - Too Pooped To Pop - 56.5 Percent Whole Multigrain Sourdough

3/26/2014- 107% Whole Grain 8 Grain Sourdough

4/4/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 10 Grain Sourdough – One with Cranberries and Seeds

4/6/2014 - Poolish Naan

4/11/2014 - Plotziade Sourdough Chacon

4/13/2014 - Yeast Water Poolish Pizza

4/15/2014 - Lucy’s Take On Wolfgang Puck’s Passover Gefilta Fish

4/17/2014 - Banana Bread

4/18/2014 - Sourdough Hot Cross Buns - 50% Whole Grain

4/19/2014 - Pizza Civitavecchia

4/20/2014 - Last of the Easter Sourdough Bakes Turns Ugly in a Tasty Way

4/21/2014 - Re-Do of the Last Easter Sourdough Bake for BBQ

4/22/2014 - Sacaduros - 46 Percent Whole Grains

4/23/2014 - Half Whole Grain SD Garlic Naan, Onion and Cilantro

4/25/2014 - Seeded Sourdough Multigrain Chacon

5/2/2014 - Everyday 7 Grain Sourdough

5/6/2014 - Cinco de Mayo - 2014

5/9/2014 - Getting Ready for Ploetziade 2

5/16/2014 - Boule and Pumpernickel for Plotziade 2

5/23/2014 - 10 Grain 50 Percent Whole Grain Sourdough - Back To The Old Sourdough Ways

5/26/2014 - Memorial Weekend Pizza - 2014

5/30/2014 - 67% Whole 10 Grain Baguettes

6/6/2014 - Spelt, Farro, Rye and Wheat Sourdough – 50% Whole Grain

6/9/2014 - Italian Yeast Water Buns

6/11/2014 - Italian Style YW Pizza

6/13/2014 - No……. Not Those Pharaohs

6/17/2014 - Calzones and Triple Levain Madness

6/20/2014 - Götz von Berlichingen Ancient Age Sourdough Bread

6/23/2014 - Yeast Water Whole Grain Breakfast Rolls w/ Snockered Fruit and Dark Chocolate

6/27/2014 - Lucy’s Take on Einstein’s Swabian Potato Bread - Schwäbisches Kartoffelbrot

7/4/2014 - 4th of July – 15 Grain Independence Sourdough Challenge Bake

7/11/2014 - 3 Sprouted Grain SD with One No Sprout

7/14/2014 - Lemon and Corn Pie - Old Southern Favorite - Chess Pie

7/18/2014 - Sprouted Multigrain Potato Sourdough with Spelt, Rye, Emmer and Wheat

7/23/2014 - Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato Multigrain Pizza Focaccia

7/25/2014 - 6 Grain Fennel and Fig Sourdough

8/1/2014 - Sprouted Pa de Pagès Català Sourdough

8/8/2014 - Sprouted 4 Grain Sourdough Chacon with Whey, Walnuts and Sage

8/15/2014 - Lucy’s Sorta Tzitzel Like Sprouted Sourdough

8/22/2014 - No Knead Sprouted Spelt, Barley & Potato Sourdough

8/25/2014 - Poolish Pizza Without Daughter

8/20/2014 - Sprouted Spelt, Barley, Rye and Wheat Sourdough with 5 Seeds and Brazil Nuts

9/11/014 - Spelt and Wheat Sourdough with Figs, Pistachios, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

9/18/2014 - 20% Multi - Whole Grain Sourdough - Lucy's 44 Hour Fat Bags

9/19/2014 - Lucy's Fruit Stupid -Version 2

9/23/2014 - Knishes

9/25/2014 - Porter, Prune & Walnut Multigrain SD Bread with a No Fruit No Nut Potato Water Version

9/28/2014 - Pie Parade

10/1/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Buns.

10/3/2014 - Cherry Yeast Water Sourdough Italian Bread with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts

10/10/2014 -Cherry YW Sourdough Italian Boule with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 2

10/16/2014 - Yeast Water and Poolish Pizza

10/16/2014 -11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Enriched Buns

10/17/2014 - 11 Grain, YW / Sourdough Chacon with Apricots, Seeds and Nuts - Version 3

10/23/2014 - Lucy’s YW & SD Holiday Fruitcake

10/30/2014 - Multigrain SD Sprouted 2 Ways

11/7/2014 - Sprouted Multi Farro SD

11/26/2014 - Thanksgiving Sourdough Bread for Stuffing

12/5/2014 - Multigrain Sourdough Sprouter

12/12/2014 - Ancient Grain Sprouted Sourdough

12/19/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted Porter SD

12/26/2014 - 50 Percent Whole Grain 25 Percent Sprouted 9 Grain SD with Whey






1/4/2013 - Panettone - The Last Bake of 2012

1/4/2013 - New Year's Day Pizza and Banana Bread Cupcakes

1/5/2012 - Hanseata’s Sausage Filled Puff Pastry with Cheese

1/7/2013 - Multi-grain Cream Cheese Sourdough with Multi-grain Scalded Soaker

1/11/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough Chacon with Olives, Sun Dried Tomato, Garlic, Rosemary and 2 Cheeses

1/16/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/17/2013 - Multigrain Yeast Water Bread with Sprouts, Scald, Seeds, Nuts and Prunes

1/23/2013 - White Whole Wheat with Combo YW, Poolish, SD Starter, Water Roux and Wheat Berry Scald

1/25/2013 - SD, YW, Biga, Rye, Spelt, Tang Zhong Bread with Scald, Seeds and Nuts

1/30/2013 - Practice YW Slash Bag

1/31/2013 - Origami Sourdough and Yeast Water Panettone

1/31/2013 - Another Batch of kjknits English Muffins – 12.5 % Whole Wheat

2/1/2013 - Fun With Short Crust and Puff Paste

2/1/2013 - Phil’s Savory Pumpkin and Feta Pie

2/2/2013 - A Born Loser Tells a Tale of Too Many Two’s and the Evil Twin

2/3/2013 - Superbowl Pizza – Great Pizza For a Lights Out, No longer a Blow Out Game

2/3/2013 - It's Been Exactly a Year Since Our First TFL Post - The Index

2/5/2013 - Multigrain SD/YW Brown Bread with Aromatic Seeds and Multi-Grain Scald

2/7/2013 - Big Combo Levain Whole Wheat Bread with Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

2/11/2013 - Not So Pink Valentine Vienna Chocolate Rose

2/13/2013 - Sourdough Pink Valentine Hamburger Buns

2/15/2013 - Yeast Water Cinnamon Rolls

2/18/2013 - Multigrain SD Altamura - Not The Priest's Hat

2/21/2013 - Banana Bread

2/26/2013 - Old Dough VS Levain Multigrain SD With Bulgar and Flax Seed Scald

2/28/2013 - 100 % Whole Grain Rye and Spelt YW SD with Scald and Seeds - The Altus Test

3/5/2013 - SD YW Durum, Ricotta Bread with Pistachio Nuts, Pumpkin & Millet Seeds

3/12/2013 -

3/13/2013 - SD YW multi-grain Bagels

3/17/2013 - Enchanted Irish Lemon Curd Fairy Cakes

3/18/2013 - St. Paddy’s Day Feast, Sort of Ballymaloe 100% WW Brown Bread and Irish Ruben’s

3/20/2013 - If Ballymaloe Baked Sourdough Brown Bread with WW Scald & Guinness in a DO

3/23/2013 - WW SD YW Multi-Grain Pumpernickel

3/25/2013 - 50% Whole Wheat Matzoh

3/30/2013 - Hot Cross Buns - 25 % Whole Grain

3/31/2013 - Poolish & Y W Chocolate Walnut Easter Babka with Streusel & Snockered Fruits

4/2/2013 - 100 Percent Whole Multi-Grain Aroma Bread with 2 Soakers & 11 Seeds

4/4/2013 - Whole Grain DaPumpernickel Aroma Bread

4/8/2013 - Two Way 75% White Bread - DaPumperized with Scald and Seeds

4/12/2013 - Italian Tang Zhong, Fig, Hazelnut & Ricotta Cheese Sourdough Chacons

4/14/2013 - Dinner for 2 from the Pots

4/19/2013 - Fig Water, Multigrain, Apricot, Walnut, Whole Wheat Sprouter

4/24/2013 - Tang Zhong, Ricotta, Scalded Multigrain with and without, Cranberries & Pecans

4/30/2013 - They Call Me Mellow Yellow

5/3/.2013 - I Got the No White Bread Blues

5/5/2013 - Happy Cinco de Mayo - Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

5/7/2013 - Lucy's Jewish Deli Rye - Take 1

5/15/2013 - Dark Russian Jewish Deli Rye with Porter, Onion, Sprouts and Aromatic Seeds.

5/16/2013 - Whole Wheat and Spelt Sourdough with Sprouts and Seeds

 5/17/2013 - Friday Pizza Night

5/21/2013 - SD and YW Emperor Franz Joseph Buns with Same Dough Challah

5/24/2013 - Multigrain SD with Japanese Black Rice, Seeds, Prunes & Dried Edamame

5/24/2013 - YW & Poolish Hot Dog Buns

5/30/2013 - Ezekiel's Chacon

6/6/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Scald, Seeds and 3 Nuts

6/10/2013 - White Hamburger Buns Turned Dark

6/14/2013 - Multigrain Combo Levain with Seeds & Sprouts

6/18/2013 - It all started out simple enough

6/21/2013 - Everyday Multigrain Sourdough with Scald

6/25/2013 - Yeast Water, Tang Zhong Hot Dog Buns

6/28/2013 - Buttermilk and Greek Yogurt Multigrain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

7/5/2013 - Snails with Tails

7/8/2013 - Yeast Water and ADY Hot Dog Buns

7/12/2013 - Multigrain Caramelized Pickled Veggies, Parmesan, Flax & Sesame Seeds, Barley Boil & Toadish Sourdough

7/19/2013 - Whole Multigrain Sourdough Loaf

7/21/2013 - Saturday Night Pizza

7/26/2013 - 75% Extraction Mulit-grain Sourdough

8/2/2013 - Prince George's Chacon

8/9/2013 - Sourdough Tzitzel

8/12/2013 - Yeast Water 70% Whole Grain English Muffins

8/14/2013 - 100 % Whole Multi Grain, Yeast Water & Sourdough Bagels

8/16/2013 - 99.89% Whole Grain Sesame & Flax Seed Sourdough with Whey

8/22/2013 - Too Fast - Poolish Cream Butter Buns

8/23/2013 - Multi-grain Sourdough with Figs, Walnuts, Whey and 4 Seeds

8/26/2013 - Lucy’s Fruit Stupid - Nutella, Peach, Plum and Plantain Pizza and No Fruit Bagels

8/28/2013 - Lucy’s Take on Cleo’s and Ian’s Hamburger Buns

8/30/2013 - Multigrain Sourdough with Sesame and Flax Seeds Toadies and Malts

8/31/2013 - Three Levain Friday Night Pizza Night - With a Surpise Ending

9/4/2013 - Happy Rosh Hashanah – A Holiday Challah

9/6/2013 - Tzitzel – Take 3 with Triple Levain

9/6/2013 - For those who wanted "Aunt Beverly’s Sweet and Hot Brisket'

9/7/2013 - Meat Week

9/11/2013 - Yeast Water 35% Whole Wheat Hamburger Thins and HD Buns

9/13/2013 - Pistachio, Prune and Pumpkin Seed Multigrain Sourdough with Malty Toads

9/20/2013 - Hanseata Multigrain SD YW and Sunflower Seed Challenge Bread

9/27/2013 - The 100% Whole Grain, Multigrain - Mashed by Melon Test - 3 Ways

10/4/2013 - Whole Multigrain SD Bread with Scald, Seeds and More Aromatic Seeds

10/7/2013 - Multigrain Old Sourdough Makes 2 Retarded Pizzas

10/11/2013 - B…..B….B…. Babka - the Yeast Water Way to Gugelhuph Land

10/11/2013 - Prunish Multigrain Sourdough with Scald and Seeds

10/14/2013 - Poolish Buns the Girls Actually Like and Smoked Brisket Sandwiches

10/17/2013 - Mice Guarding the Punkin

10/18/2013 - 20% Whole Grain 9 Grain Sourdough

10/18/2013 - Pumpkin Nutella Swirl Bars

10/25/2013 - Lucy is Runner Up with Her Mice Guarding the Pumpkin Entry

10/25/2013 - Same Dough Two Ways with a Pizza Crust Later

10/27/2013 - Saturday Night 6 P’s SD Focaccia Romana Pizza

10/29/2013 - YW Primer

11/1/2013 - Owlloween White Buns made with a Poolish & SD Levain

11/1/2013 - 38 % Whole Grain Multi Grain SD with Sprouts, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

11/6/2013 - What is the Best Thing You Can Put On Pumpernickel?

11/9/2013 - 15 % Whole Grain SD and YW Orange, Cranberry Walnut Bread

11/15/2013 - Almost Twin White Breads - One YW / SD and One SD

11/15/2013 - YW & SD 50% Rye with Scald, Onions & Young’s Double Chocolate Stout

11/17/2013 - Lucy’s YW White Bread for Thanksgiving Croutons

11/22/2013 - Mini's 100% Hydration Rye, Walnut and Seed Bread with Soaker Water & Dopplebock

11/22/2013 - CeciC’s Crackers with Added Yeast Water.

11/25/2013 - Two Thanksgiving Pies and the Blog Index

11/30/2013 - Josh’s Thanksgiving and Hanukkah Stollen

12/6/2013 - Big Levain Multigrain Sourdough with Figs, Seeds, Potato & Poolish

12/7/2023 - Sinclair’s Bakery Potato Rolls - Made With Poolish

12/12/2013 - Half Whole Multi-Grain Sourdough with Fax & Sesame Seeds

12/12/2013 - Christmas Chocolate Chunk Cherry Chacon

12/12/2013 - Holiday Puff Paste Heath Bar and Chocolate Chip Rugelach

12/17/2013 - Not So Stollen – Christmas 2013

12/19/2013 - 3 Christmas Fruit Cakes - One For Everyone

12/21/2013 - Friday Night SD YW Pretty Plain Pizza

12/22/2013 - Panettone Forced English Muffins

12/23/2013 - White SD YW Bread with Walnuts for Christmas Turkey Stuffing

12/25/2013 - Christmas Fruit Cake – SD YW Gold Rush Take 2

12/26/2013 - Arizona Christmas Tree and Blog Index




2/3/2012 - My first bread after joining TFL - DSnyder's San Joaquin

2/3/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot

2/3/2012 - Loaded Pizza

2/3/2012 - Pierre Nury meets DSnyders SFSD

2/3/2012 - Putting the Rye in Pierre Nury's rustic Light Rye

2/3/2012 - Too Many Red Pears and Blueberries

2/3/2012 - Make your own Greek yogurt

2/4/2012 - Minneola / Apple Yeast Water Semolina Bread

2/4/2012 - Raspberry SD Pancakes

2/4/2012- 1930's Magnalite Wagner Ware Roaster Used As Cloche for Multi-grain SD Challah

2/5/2014 - Sourdough English Muffins

2/5/2012 - Southwest Hummus Anyone?

2/5/2012 - I have some miscellaneous baking and foodie

2/7/2012 - Brachflachen Mehrere Vollkombrot - Version 4

2/7/2012 - Baked off PiPs (Phil's) new post on 40% Sourdough Rye w/ Caraway today

2/9/2012 - The Chellos - that don't play music.

2/9/2012 - PiP's 40% Rye w/ Caraway Meets Hanseata's Seeds and a Restless dabrownman

2/9/2012 - Whole Wheat Crusted Apple Caramel Galette w/ fresh ginger and assorted bourbon dried fruits.

2/9/2012 - Blueberry SD pancakes this time,

2/10/2012 - How to Make Yogurt - 'So Your Muffins Taste Betta'

2/10/2012 - isand66's SD Avocado Bread Meets Its Sunflower Seeded Guacamole Heart

2/11/2012- I Confess My Deepest Darkest Baking Secret

2/13/2012 - isand66's Bacon, SD, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Bread Meets Pork Jowls, Aged White Cheddar, Potato Flakes and Caramelized Onion

2/13/2012 - Shiao-Ping's Orange Turmeric Pain au Levain with Yeast Water

2/14/2012 - Happy Valentine Cupcakes w/ Strawberry Hearts

2/16/2012 - PiPs Walnut and Sage 100% Whole Wheat.

2/17/2012 - Let's Make Some Fresh Cheese

2/17/2012 - Birthday Chocolate Crusted Orange Cheese Cake with Ganache, Truffles and Chocolate Shavings

2/18/2012 - David Snyders' SD Pugliesi Capriccioso With Some WW and Rye

2/22/2012 - teketeke's Japanese Yeast Water White Sandwich Bread - 'This Bread Is Not Your Slimy Old White Slice'

2/23/2012 - Pips Vollkornbrot - Nearly 100% Rye with A Tiny Bit of Spelt

2/24/2012 - teketeke Bread

2/27/2012 - Rustique Pain Comté de San Francisco

3/1/2012 - Chad Robertson's Country SD - Modified

3/1/2012 - I've been working on a new home made Gas Regeneration BBQ /Smoker

3/3/2012 - Miscellaneous stuff at the end of the week

3/5/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest

3/6/2012 - Pain Rustique au Levain du Sud-ouest - Retarded

3/7/2012 - Yeast Water, Rye, WW, Garlic Chive, Onion, Cheese and Chorizo Bialy’s

3/12/2012 - Tartine Everyday Rustic Country Sourdough

3/14/2012 - St Paddy's Day Dutch Oven Sourdough - Tartine Method

3/14/2012 - Corned Beef and Cabbage - 2 ways - possibly more

3/15/2012 - Just look at the pictures my new old camera takes!!

3/17/2012 - Yeast Water, Glazed, Spiced, Walnut, Bourbon Fruit, Chocolate Chip, Almond Granola Streusel Polish Babka

3/23/2012 - Making Red Rye Malt

3/24/2012 - Gingered, Tres Apple, Almond, Vanilla Granola Crisp with Bourbon Dried Fruit

3/29/2012 - A Blend of Seigle d’Auvergne and Borodinski

3/29/2012 - Jam and Bread Crust and Crumb Color

3/31/2012 - Revising isand66's Bacon, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Sourdough Bread

4/1/2012 - Getting Ready for Tomorrow's Sweetbird Buckwheat Apple SD Bake with Buckwheat SD Pancakes Today

4/2/2012 - Dabrownman Butchers Sweetbird’s Lovely Buckwheat, Apple and Apple Cider, Buckwheat Groat Bread with Insane Thoughts and Deeds

4/9/2012 - Super-grain Challah w/ Whey Water, Sprouts, Potato, Lentil, Sunflower Seeds and 2 Starters - SD and YW

4/10/2012 - Retarded Super-Grain Challah

4/14/2012 - Lemon Curd and Cream Cheese Puff Paste

4/14/2012 - Italian Corner - Cellos with Squash Lasagna and David Snyder's Pulgliese Capriosso

4/15/2012 - 20% Rye and WWW Potato SD Baggies Meet the Same Made with YW

4/15/2012 - Weekday Springtime Yeast Water Breakfast at Dabrownman's

4/17/2012 - Apple and Pear, Bourbon Dried Fruit, Ginger with Apple Jam Cream Cheese Puff Sleds

4/19/2012 - Sweetbird's Apple, Buckwheat with Groats, Insanely Modified, Makes for a Fine Toast or Lunch

4/20/2012 - SD Hemp Bags - txfarmer method with Hanseata's Seeds

4/20/2012 - Tired Monday's - YW 20% Whole Grain Bag Lunch

4/30/2012 - 50% Multigrain SD W/ Rye Scald, Rye Sprouts, Borodinski Altus and Pepitas, Caraway and Flax Seeds

5/2/2012 - Yeast Water Fake Pretzel Rolls

5/4/2012 - With Cinco de Mayo Yesterday - Hope You Had a Happy One! Cinco Sunset, Moon Rise and Dinner

5/8/2012 - Multi-grain SD w/ Multi Sprouts 2 Nuts and Seeds Somewhere

5/9/2012 - Yeast Water Hamburger Buns with Cinnamon Roll Same Dough Kicker

5/11/2012 - 1 - Day Multi-Grain Bread, Soft White Wheat, Spelt, Scald and Seeded with SD and YW Combo Starter

5/12/2012 - Banana Bread Cake

5/14/2012 - Mothers Day YW Apple, Pecan Buckwheat Pancakes with a Nice Chicken and Brie Sandwich for Lunch

5/15/2012 - Altamura Shaped Semolina Multi-Grain SD with Seeds and Sprouts

5/16/2012 - Having the daughter

5/18/2012 - Semolina, Rye, WWW Ciabatta w/ Chia Seeds, Herbs and Sun Dried Tomato

5/20/2012 - Apple Strawberry Ginger Crisp, Teriyaki and Lunch for Two

5/22/2012 - txfarmer's Croissant and Dainish Converted over to SD and YW - 3 Ways with Chia Seeds

5/24/2012 - Pretzel Roll P&J and Grilled Chicken Lunch with Pickles

5/25/2012 - Hanseata’s Wild Rice SD w/ Yeast Water, Multi Seeds, Prunes, Beer and Sprouts

5/26/2012 - Brown Plate Special with a Little Green, Brown Ale and Brown Bread

5/28/2012 - T-Rex Meets Floyd’s Sweet Potato Bread & Brownman’s SD & YW Combo Starter

5/29/2012 - Bread Baskets - A Serious Illness Revealed

5/31/2012 - Recent Breads for Lunch, Last Jacaranda Bloom and Desert

6/1/2012 - 40% Whole Multi-grain SD and YW Altamura Style Chacon

6/1/2012 - 24 Hours of Not Baking Bread

6/8/2012 - The SD / YW Chacon Revisited – 90% Whole Grain, Multigrain Sprouts, Walnut and Sage Paste, Pumpkin Seeds and Whey Water

6/9/2012 - Friday night P & P - Pizza and Pide

6/12/2012 - Let's Have Some Lunch and Other Stuff

6/15/2012 - Jasmine Tea, 50% Whole Multi-Grain SD & YW Durum Atta Bread with Wheat Germ, Flax and Chia Seeds

6/19/2012 - Buckwheat 60% Multi-grain YW / SD Bread with Walnuts, Sage, Flax, Wheat Germ, Apples, Prunes and Groats

6/21/2012 - Sourdough Durum Atta Bread – Pharaoh’s Mastaba Style

6/24/2-12 - Twisted Sisters Chacon : 67% Whole Rye & Wheat with Sprouts & Seeds.

6/28/2012 - Franko finally got to the top of the list

6/29/2012 - English Muffins - kjknits Converted to YW and SD Combo levain

6/29/2012 - Without Cheesecake For Desert - There May Be No Need for Bread

6/30/2012 - SD and YW Semolina Cheese Bread and Pizza with Sun Dried Tomato, Rosemary, Mojo de Ajo and Garlic

7/4/2012 - SD and YW Multigrain Bagels - The Stan Ginsberg Method

7/4/2012 - Catching up on some lunches and other stuff

7/4/2012 - Lunches and Other Stuff Continued - Happy Birthday America!

7/5/2012 - YW Naan with Paneer, Green Onion, Cilantro, Garam Masala and Garlic - Plus a Loaf - Added Lunch Shot

7/6/2012 - Joe Ortiz Pain de Champagne with Rye and WW Sprouts

7/10/2012 - Dinner in Houston

7/15/2012 - AZ Monsoon and Breakfast

7/17/2012 - Mocha Chocolate Chip Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches.

7/20/2012 - What To Eat With That Rustic French Country Sourdough Bread -Smoked Etouffee!

7/22/2012 - SD YW English Muffins - Some Fried As Donuts Per gmabaking With Apricot, Nectarine Ginger Glaze

7/24/2012 - Herbed Bialy's – Multigrain, Caramelized Onion, Chorizo and 4 Cheeses

7/27/2012 - 50% Rye SD Knotted Rolls With Wheat Germ, Barley Scald, Caraway and Sunflower Seeds

7/27/2012 - hanseata's Wild Rice Bread Revisited - 'The Wild One' - w/ Beer, Sprouts, Seeds and Prunes

7/30/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff

8/5/2012 - YW vs Desem SD - Caramelized Onion, Basil, Bacon, Parmesan Rolls

8/7/2012 - 15% Whole Wheat Bagels with YW and SD Desem Combo Starter

8/11/2012 -YW / SD Olive Bread with Rosemary and Bulgar Scald

8/17/2012 - 100% Whole Grain Rye with Rye Sprouts – YW & SD Combo Starter

7/19/2012 - 25% Whole Wheat English Muffins Revisited - Over and Over Again - kjknits

8/22/2012 - Chacon Catastrophes Moka - Ian’s Mocha Disaster Chacon

8/24/2012 - Multi-Grain SD & YW Combo with Chicken Stock, Soaker & Seeds

8/27/2012 - 35% Whole Grain YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta White Bread with Soaker

8/29/2012 - Rewind - YW & SD Semolina, Durum Atta, W. Germ, Malts & Honey - Deja Vue

9/2/2012 - Spelt, Rye and Whole Wheat Soudough Boule with Flax Seed, Honey and Malts - A Simple but Tasty Bread

9/5/2012 - 100% Hydration, 100% Whole Grain Kamut Flat Boule with YW and SD Combo Starter

9/7/2012 - Andy’s Roasted Brazil Nut and Prune Bread - Sourdough Variation with WW Scald

9/9/2012 - 8 Hour SD YW Saturday Night Pizza and Friday Shrimp Kabobs

9/14/2012 - 100% Whole Spelt Sourdough at 100% Hydration

9/15/2012 - Happy Rosh Hashanah!

9/20/2012 - 17% Whole Multi-Grain SD / YW Bagels – The Stan Ginsberg Method

9/21/2012 - 57% Whole Grain Multi-grain SD with 20% Seeds and Whey

9/25/2012 -15% Multi-grain Bread With YW and SD Combo Levain

9/28/2012 - 15% WWW Fat Bag with Desem SD Starter ala Ian and Phil

9/28/2012 - English Muffins- YW and SD Levains - 16% Whole Wheat

9/28/2012 - Banana Nut Bread with Seeds, Chocolate and Bourbon Dried Fruits

10/2/2012 - Judy's 45 % Whole Multi-Grain Sandwich Bread

10/6/2012 - 16 % Whole Multi-grain SD Baguettes – txfarmer’s Method only 40 Hours

10/9/2012 - Name Change - Gussied Up Franz Joseph's Emperor Rolls With Seeds

10/13/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches and Other Stuff - Partola Uno

10/14/2012 - Parade de sandwichs et d'autres choses - partie 2

10/14/2012 - Parade of Sandwiches Continues - Part 3

10/15/2012 - Desfile de Sandwiches - Parte 4

10/15/2012 - Parade der Sandwiches - Teil 5

10/17/2012 - World Bread Day - SD Multigrain with Figs, Anise, Pistachios and Sprouts

10/18/2012 - Pierre Nury's Rustic Light Rye with Whole Grain Multi-grain YW / SD Levains and Coffee

10/24/2012 -Tuesday Pizza Night - Crust 3 Ways with 25% Whole Grains

10/25/2012 - San Franciso Sourdough - 15% Whole Grain

10/27/2012 - Extended - SD Starter Experiment - 24 hour Countertop SFSD and a Seeded, Fig and Pistacio

10/30/2012 - Two DO Chacons Couldn’t Be Any Different

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week one

11/2/2012 - Two Weeks of Food for Thought - Week Two

11/2/2012 - 26% Whole Grain YW / SD Bagels with Sprouts

11/5/2012 - 24 hour 10% Whole Grain SFSD & SD Seeded Fig Bread with Pistachios - 1 g of Starter - No Levain

11/9/2012 - 60% Whole Grain SD / YW Bread With Caraway, Rye Chops, Coffee and Cocoa

11/9/2012 - Prune & Brazil Nut Sourdough with Bulgar Scald, Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

11/14/2012 - Not So Stollen

11/16/2012 - Thanksgiving Multi-Grain Marble Chacon

11/20/2012 - SD Stuffing Bread

11/21/2012 - Poolish Stuffing Bread

11/23/2012 - Not So Stollen - Thanksgiving Take

11/23/2012 - Daughter Does French Slap and Folds for Her Poolish Thanksgiving Rolls

11/27/2012 - A Chacon for Eric

12/7/2012 - 75% Whole Grain YW / SD Caramelized Onion, Wild Rice, Sprouts & Baltika Porter Bread

12/14/2012 - Multigrain SD / YW Porter Bread with Roasted Onions, Sprouts, Malts and Seeds

12/17/2012 - Puff Paste Experiments

12/18/2012 - Puffy So Not Rugelach

12/21/2012 - Christmas Sourdough Chacon - Figs, Pistachios and Seeds

12/25/2012 - Christmas Bi-Color Rose - 30% Whole Grain, Pesto and Sun Dried Tomato

12/25/2012 - Not So Stollen - 6 Weeks later

12/29/2012 - 25% Whole Grain Multi-grain Bagels


dabrownman's picture

For Bread baking Day #83, found here at the KOCKTOPF Blog - Lucy came up with weird bake - even for her.  The theme is a bread that wasn’t just rye, spelt or wheat.  Well, this was not an issue with us since our usual bread has all kinds of sprouted and whole multi-grains from the ancient to the odd.

The bran levain really contrasts with the pink Beaujolais dough.

So, we had to come up with a more unusual one for this special bake.  Besides the 3 main grains we included, Pima Club, white wheat, emmer, oat, einkorn, buckwheat and Kamut.  The dough liquid is a 2010 Beaujolais.  The insides of these unusually rough topped rolls had pistachios, brie and salami.   Now Lucy can sit by the pool, in the AZ sun and imagine she is in Paris, on the Seine at a nice café having the usual fare all in one bite.

Lucy’s inspiration came from here  We converted it to a bran levain SD, Dumped the yeast, added the 50% whole and sprouted 10 grains, added the brie and pistachios, dropped the honey and baked it in a two piece cake pan as pull apart rolls.  Other than that, it did have salami and Beaujolai in it:-)  Out thanks to Lionel Vatinet who was the inspiration for the Shaggy Dough post.  That is the way it works in the bread world!

While we were drying the sprouted grains in dehydrator, we milled the 10 whole grains and sifted put the 16% hard bits for the first, 3 hour, feeding of the100% hydration of the bran levain activated with 5 g each of our stiff 16 week NMNF retarded rye and 4 week retarded stiff NMNF wheat starter.

Once the sprouted 10 grains were dry, we milled them and sifted out the 18% hard bits for the 2nd stage 2 hour, feeding of the bran levain.  The 3rd stage, 4 hour levain build was made with the high extraction whole 10 grain, non-sprouted, flour.

All total, the flour and 2 brans added up to 70 g and, with the 10g of starters, the levain weighed 150 g for 15% pre-fermented flour.  The levain doubled 4 hours after the 3rd feeding and was immediately retarded for 12 hours

 Putting the hard bits in the levain gets them wet and attacked by the SD acid as long as possible to reduce cutting of the gluten strands and the bran provides a buffer so the LAB can produce more acid at a lower pH than normal.  The result is that your bread will be likely be softer, loftier and more tasty too – a real three’fer if there ever was one!

Worst crumb ever in 45 years!

When the levain came out of the fridge we stirred it down and started the 1 hour autolyze of the dough flours and the Beaujolais with the salt sprinkled on top.  The levain had warmed up and risen another 25% when it hit the mix.  At the end of the autolyze, the salt was mixed in with a spoon.

And it gets worse with a close up.

Then the levain hit the mix and we did 60 slap and folds to incorporate it and get the gluten development started.  This was, followed by 2 more sets of 30 slap and folds each followed by 3 sets of 4 stretch and folds – all on 20 minute intervals.  We then let the dough rest for only 20 minutes, a short bulk ferment since the temperature in my Arizona kitchen is now at 84 F.

Other stuff this week - Killer smoked pork shoulder and ribs - half the ribs are gone for some reason:-)

While the dough was resting, we got the fillings ready by shelling the pistachios, and getting the sliced salami and double crème brie portioned.  We then portioned the dough into (12) 76 g pieces and rolled each into a rope using the palms of the hand – just like making bagels

This weeks fresh yellow beet horseradish with last weeks Jewish Deli Rye and smoked pastrami with brie, banana and raspberries here

The ropes were then rolled into long rectangles, the fillings applied and the edge cut on one side with the dough scraper to make it look like a comb with a most of the teeth missing – sort of like my Bread Baking Apprentice 2nd Class.  Then the combs were rolled up from one short end encasing the fillings.

Funfetti Apple Upside Down Cake

The rolls were then placed into a non-stick sprayed 8” cake pan that had a removable bottom, comb side up.  The last 4 rolls were cut in half before rolling them up to fit into the smaller places left on the pan perimeter.   The pan was bagged in a used trash can liner and placed in the fridge for an 18 hour retarded proof. It didn’t look like it has risen one bit.  Something that happens with wine.

Leek, Potato, and Lettuce Soup with half a pulled pork and rye sandwich and a bit of salad.

Too much alcohol stifles the wee beasties.  Once it came out of the fridge the next morning, we left it on the counter to proof another 5 1/2 hours before we fired up the oven to a 450 F preheat with the 9 1/2“ heavy duty, aluminum pot / cloche inside.  It still didn’t puff itself up much at all.

As soon as the rolls went in the oven on the bottom stone and covered with the pot, we turned the oven down to 425 F and baked the rolls for 15 minutes.   When the lid came off we turned on the fan and baked convection at 425 F until the rolls were 200 F on the inside – about 18 more minutes. We took the rolls out of the pan and let them bake the last 8 minutes on the stone.  Do not be tempted to bake these past 196 F – you will not like it one little bit.

The rolls came out nicely browned but little spring was seen anywhere.   We can’t wait until they cool to have a taste and see the crumb – they do smell wonderful cooling on the rack.  We also think this bread would also be very nice for a special occasion if shaped as a Chacon using your favorite designs.  This bread is dead.  The worst crumb ever and i have made some bad bread crumbs in 45 years.  For some reason the wine killed off the SD wee beasties.  I will make thios recipe again but with water and no Beaujolais.  The flavor would have been half decent if you can get by the looks and mouth feel of the crumb.  You can bake it to 205 F too if the dough actually rises.  We won't be submitting this to the Bread Baking Day Folks:-)  We always post all of our bakes good or bad here though.

Grilled peppers and onions mixed with pork carnitas, cheese and molewith home make tortillas make for some kind of great smothered enchiladas.


3 Stage, 9 Hour Bran Levain build - 15% pre-fermented flour at 100% hydration using all of the whole grain bran for the first build, the sprouted grain bran for the 2nd build and some of the whole high extraction flour for the 3rd build.  5 g each Rye and Wheat starter, 70 g water and flour - 150 g total.  Your builds will depend on how much hard bits you get out for the whole and sprouted grains.


25% Whole 10 Grain – 125 g

25% Whole Sprouted 10 Grain – 125 g

25 % LaFama AP – 125 g

25% King Arthur Bread Flour – 125 g

78% hydration - 35 g of 2o10 vintage Beaujolai

2% Pink Himalayan Sea Salt – 10 g

Add ins - 36 g of pistachios, 72 g of salami and 100 g or brie.


dabrownman's picture

I was a busy week around the homestead.  We hit 100 F for the first time and it was 86 F in the kitchen.  It was Cinco de Mayo and we were continuing our quest to make better pastrami than Katz’s in NYC at home in the smoker. 

We already make a pretty good Jewish Deli Rye but using 40% whole grain rye and 10% whole grain wheat, half sprouted with caraway and minced dried onions takes it up a notch on a health and taste front.  This is what JDR was always supposed to be!  With homemade pickles, mustard and pastrami, this sandwich is the best we have managed in our quest.

We were going to head out to our local Mexican hole in the wall place for dinner las t night to celebrate Cinco de Mayo but they don’t serve liquor of any kind and CdM without a Prickly Pear Margarita and Mexican beer sot of defeats the whole idea of fiesta where I come from.

Now that is some kind of Pork Carnitas

My wife’s favorite taco is pork carnitas and they take all day to make the way abuelas do in Mexico.  Then making the flour and corn tortillas, sides of red and green sauces, Pico de Gillo, beans and green rice.  For an extra upping of the ante we decoded to do the carnitas with a light mole too.  This is the great thing about making food and bread at home…….you can make it any way you want or like!

Once the whole grains were sprouted and milled, we sifted out the 15% hard bits and fed them to the starter to make the levain first and then the high extraction whole grains were used to finish it off.  The pre-fermented flour for the levain came in at 15%

  Since we didn’t start the sprouting on Monday as usual we were a day late with the bake so the 3 stage, 100% hydration levain was only retarded for 12 hours after it doubled after the 3rd feeding.  Since it was so hot in the kitchen the first 2 stages were limited to 2 hours each and the levain easily doubled after the 3rd feeding in 4 hours making for an 8 hour process.

We stirred down the levain when it came out of the fridge to warm up as we began the autolyze for the dough flour that was make up of sprouted and whole grain high extraction flour and the 50% King Arthur Bread Flour with the dough liquid getting the overall hydration to 75%, 3.2% Barley Malt Syrup with the 2% salt sprinkled on top.

Once the Levin had risen 25%, about an hour later, it was added to the autolyze and we did 3 sets of slap and folds of 60, 20 and 20 slaps each and 3 sets of stretch and folds of 8, 4 and 4 stretches each.  The 2.4% each of caraway seeds and rehydrated and drained minced, dried onions were added during the first set of stretch and folds.

All of the gluten development was done on 20 minute intervals.  We let the dough rest for 30 minutes before pre-shape and shaping into a squat oval and placing it into a rice floured basket seam side up.  It was immediately bagged and placed into the fridge for a 20 hour retard. 

The dough proofed well in the fridge so when we took it out the next morning we also immediately fired up the oven to the 500 F pre heat with the combo cooker inside.  We un-molded the dough onto parchment on a peel, put a cornstarch glaze on it, sprinkled it with corn meal, slashed it twice, slid it into the CC and into the oven it went as we turned the oven down to 450 F.

After 20 minutes of steam, we took the lid off and turned the oven down to 425 F convection and continued baking for another 15 until the bread was 208 F on the inside. We did take the bread out of the bottom of the CC 5 minutes after the lid came off and let it finish baking on the stone so the bottom would not burn.   When the bread came out we glazed it again with corn starch and left it to cool on the rack


It sprang and bloomed well enough.  It sure smelled like caraway and onion when the lid came off. We look forward to seeing the crumb once the loaf cools and we slice it for a lunch, pastrami sandwich.  The crumb came out soft, moist and open.  The pastrami sandwich for lunch was awful good!  This bread is delicious and beautiful inside and out,  The sprouted whole grains come though with the caraway and onion.  It is our favotite JDR style bread - far and away.  You will never go back to that crap at Katz's at 10 times the price:-)

Check out the Christmas tree llettuce when it goes to seed after coming up volunteer.  Just canlt ewat it all..........Looks like a forest of pine trees.


Bran Levain 15% pre-fermented flour @100% hydration

Sprouted rye flour 20%, sprouted wheat flour 5%,  whole grain rye 20 %, whole grain wheat 5%, KA Bread Flour 50%

Water 75% overall including levain nic barley malt syrup.

3.2 % BMS, 2.4 % each caraway and dried re-hydrated minced onion (dry weight)


Make sure to have a salad with that other Cinco de Mayo stuff!  A picture of Lucy the Baby Doll squinting into the sun


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