The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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rainbowbrown's picture

Pan Dulce

I once lived in Southern California in and around Los Angeles where Mexican bakeries abound. I once was in love with pan dulce (sweet bread) and it was abundant. I then picked up and moved to Northern California, to Humboldt County. Here, there are no Mexican bakeries and there is one place to get good mexican food, a taco truck, and the taco truck doesn't make pan dulce. After a long stint of self pity and an apprehension about going forth into the world of mexican baked goods I decided that Dia de los Muertos would be the time to make some pan de muertos (pan dulce with bones and such on top). So I got a hold of three recipes and made one for a Holloween party. They were pretty great and I was quite thrilled. I didn't have a camera back then so no pictures, but they were a little ugly because of my poor attempt at making skulls and bones out of the topping. Anyhoo, yesterday was my second attempt and I used the second of my three recipes. Here they are:

pan dulcepan dulce


These are quite wonderful. The recipe I used this time called for four eggs as opposed to the one egg I used the first time and yesterday when I tried one fresh, the crumb was a bit too moist and rich for pan dulce. This morning though, as I eat one now I see that it has dried out a bit and is perfect. I think this recipe might work well with three eggs...I'll have to try it. This recipe came from the website. It was adapted from Richard Sandoval's (?) recipe. Mine is an adaptation of their adaptation, as I changed several things.

Here you go:


  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon anise seed, coursely ground
  • 2 teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, melted
  • 4 large eggs
  • 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour



  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 stick unsalted butter
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine sugar, salt, anise seed, yeast, milk, water, butter and 1 cup of the flour.
  2. Stir in eggs and beat well. Add remaining flour, little by little, stirring well with a wooden spoon until dough comes together.
  3. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead for 9 to 10 minutes until it is smooth and elastic, and no longer sticky. It will be tacky and very soft. Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover and allow it to rise until it has doubled in size (about 1 1/2 hours).
  4. While dough is rising, make the topping. Cream butter and sugar well. Stir in vanilla and flour until it comes together in a cohesive mass. Set aside.
  5. Once the dough has doubled, heat oven to 350°F. Punch down dough and divide into pieces. I did six pieces, and they all seemed fairly small but once they were all baked up they were huge, much larger than a single serving. Try 8 or maybe 10 pieces. Form into tight balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Turn topping out onto the counter and pat into a rectangle. Dive into however many pieces of dough you have. Pat each peice out into a flat disk (don't worry too much about the roundness of the thing). Place each topping disk on top of a dough ball. Let rise for an hour.
  6. Once they are ready to go into the oven, slash the topping. Make several curved slashes which begin at a single point and fan out. The shape of this bread and the slashes of the topping is what gives this pan dulce the name concha (shell). My slashes didn't go down into the dough, just the topping. My loaves did rip a little though which I didn't mind. If you want to take this opportunity to score the dough a little, I'm sure that would be ok.
  7. Bake at 350°F, I baked mine in the sheet pan on top of my baking stone. After about 15 minutes rotate the pan and then bake for another 15 minutes or until the internal temperature has reached 200.

I highly recommend not eating them all on the first day, save some for tomorrow, it'll be worth it. Here are some more pictures of the process as it played out:

dough ballsdough balls

proofed and slashed ballsproofed and slashed balls

Baked pan dulceBaked pan dulce

pan dulce crumbpan dulce crumb


Enjoy. My apologies for the lack of weight measurements, I'm waiting until I make the third recipe and pick my favorite to go through and convert the recipe to weight.


susanfnp's picture

Sesame-Semolina Flatbreads

I made these sesame-semolina flatbreads for this month's breadbakingday (theme: flatbreads). They are unleavened, extremely fast and easy. I was able to roll them very thin by using a pasta roller, the first time I used it for anything but pasta, and it worked very well. I will definitely use it again. Recipe here.

Sesame-semolina flatbreads


dmsnyder's picture

Nury's Light Rye: Take two

Nury's Light Rye

Nury's Light Rye

Nury's Light Rye - Crumb

Nury's Light Rye - Crumb

My first attempt at this bread resulted in a delicious-tasting loaf, but it did not have the open crumb that I expected. This was my second attempt. There has been much discussion of the difference the flours used might be making in the crumb.

This time my dough consisted of:

Water - 400 gms

Guisto's high gluten flour - 100 gms

KA Bread flour - 350 gms

KA White Rye - 50 gms

Levain - 45 gms

Salt - 10 gms

I kneaded about 16 minutes in a KitchenAide at Speed 3-4 to achieve windowpaning. I folded twice. The dough doubled in 3 more hours and rose a bit further while retarding for 24 hours. I warmed it 2.5 hours and baked it with steam at 450F for 5 minutes then at 425F with convection for another 25 minutes. I left it in the turned off oven with the door cracked for another 5 minutes.

As you can see, I achieved the more open crumb I wanted. However, the white rye resulted in a less sour and less tasty bread. It is merely delicious, but not as delicious as the one I made with whole rye flour. This small percentage of the total flour sure makes a difference.

I'm not that convinced the diffent flours used accounts for the differnce in the crumb, at least not all the difference. I also handled the dough much more gently in dumping it on the counter, patting in out and placing the cut "loaves."

I must have more data!

Fortunately, this is an easy and fun bread to make, so, until next time ...


aturco's picture

La Cloche - Seasoning

I recently purchased a La Cloche dome earthware pot to make bread in. It makes amazing bread so far except the that the bottom is not as consistent as the rest of the loaf. It is usually very hard and brittle  and in some cases it turns out burnt, but the rest of the loaf is fine. I did season it with a light sheen of oil like the directions said and now the bottom is a dark brown or black.

Any suggestions, i tried cleaning it but the black stuff is not coming off. is my oven too hot? should i re-season again?

Help....i love making bread with this thing but want it PERFECT.



foolishpoolish's picture

Sifted Wholewheat Sourdough Miche


rainbowbrown's picture

Seeded Cracker Parade




Seeded Cracker AnimalsSeeded Cracker Animals321


These are the seeded crackers from Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads. They are some of my favorite crackers. I used the Noah's Ark cookie cutters my boyfriend got me last Christmas. I also used a dinosaur one.


Here's the recipe from WGB:


8 oz (227 g)    whole wheat flour

2 oz (56.5 g) sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds, ground into a flour consistency (I usually use both)

2 oz (56.5g) sesame seeds, whole

1 oz (28.5g) flax seeds, ground

1/4 tsp (2 g) salt

5 oz (142 g) water

1 oz (28.5 g) honey

1 oz (28.5g) vegetable oil


1. Combine all ingredients, add flour or water as necessary to achieve a firm dough.

2. Knead for three minutes on a lightly floured surface.  The dough should be should not be soft and sticky or crumbly.  It should feel like modeling clay (the book specifies the modeling clay thing, and take this seriously for it really does feel like clay).

3. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.  Either put in an oiled bowl, cover and let rest at room temperature for the night (recommended) or roll and bake right away.

4. When you're ready, roll out the dough.  Roll it on a lighty floured surface until about a quarter of an inch thick.  Let it rest for a couple minutes then continue to roll out to about an eighth of an inch thick.  I find it helpful to stop every few strokes and take a bench scraper to the edges and sort of gently lift the sheet an inch or so off the board and give it a little up and down motion (kind of like you would do with a blanket when making the bed, only much more gently) to make sure it isn't sticking to the board.  Be careful with this dough though, what with all the seeds and junk in it there's a hint of fragility to it.  Cut it with cookie cutters (as I enjoy doing) or take a pizza roller to it and cut it into squares (the more practical idea) and tranfer crackers to parchment papered and oiled cookie sheets.  I usually find that it takes about four cookie sheets worth of space and for me that's two batches.  They won't spread so they can be pretty close.

5. Bake at 350f for ten minutes.  Rotate and bake for another ten minutes, but start checking them at like seven minutes as you really don't want them to burn.  Then again you also don't want them to be undercooked or else they won't be at all crispy.  Look for a medium sort of browning color (does that mean anything? Hopefully...) No pale crackers and no really dark brown crackers.  They get crispier as they cool, so you can't judge their doneness that way.  You can cool them in the pans, but I usually don't just because I need to do a second batch.


That's all.  They're quite marvelous.  Have fun. 

dmsnyder's picture

Reinhart's San Francisco Sourdough from "Crust & Crumb"

SF SD from Reinhart's Crust&Crumb

SF SD from Reinhart's Crust&Crumb


SF SD from Reinhart's Crust&Crumb Crumb

SF SD from Reinhart's Crust&Crumb Crumb


When I started baking bread again after a 20 year lapse, it was to make two types of bread I loved but I could not get locally: Jewish Sour Rye and San Francisco Sourdough. The first bread book I purchase was Peter Reinhart's "Crust & Crumb," and I made his (prize winning) version of SF SD several times. It has been a while since I baked from this formula, and my understanding of bread making has advanced considerably. The Fresh Loaf community deserves most of the credit.


Well, it was time to return to my personal starting point and try again. In the meantime, I had made many sourdoughs, most of which in recent months have been with higher hydration doughs. So Reinhart's SF SD dough seemed really stiff to me. This time around I followed Reinhart's formula exactly, adding the diastatic malt for the first time. 


I fed the starter with KA Bread Flour. I used the same flour for the chef and the dough and added about 1/2 cup of whole rye.  The firm starter was retarded overnight before mixing the dough, and I also retarded the loaves after they had risen to 1 1/2 times their initial volume. I baked them after warming them at room temperature for 2 hours. I had forgotten how much I liked the flavor of this bread. The taste was quite sour, which I happen to like, and the crumb, while not quite as open as I wanted, was moist and chewy. 


Next time, the only change I'll make is to increase the hydration slightly.



bakerb's picture

pain a l ancienne

HI...Tonight I'd like to mix-up Reinhart's (BBA) pain a l ancienne, but I won't have time to finish it tomorrow or maybe not even till Wednesday that OK?  Or will it change or affect it in some way?

Thanks!   Beth

proth5's picture

Smackdown! Fresh vs Aged Home Milled Flour

Since the discussion continues on aging flour, this week I had the opportunity to mill and bake all in one day and I thought I would document the results.

I used the milling routine from my former post, but added two “medium coarse” passes prior to removing the bran. Immediately after milling I made the dough using the same method as my prior loaf. I really attempted to go “by the numbers” – number of strokes, dough temperature, fermentation time and temperature, and proofing time and temperature so the only difference would be between aging and not aging the flour.

What I observed was that I really didn’t feel the need for any adjustments. At no point was I thinking “Wow, this is different!” All seemed to move along as it had with the aged flour.

The final loaf (although somewhat more “boldly baked” shall we say) bore this out. Given small variations of shaping and slashing, it was nearly the twin of my other loaf.

The crumb – likewise.

The taste was a bit fresher, a little more lively – in short better to my taste.

My results seem to be consistent with Mr. Reinhart’s advice to bake quickly or wait two weeks. What I really can’t reconcile is the science – that says that oxidation is required to bring the flour to full gluten development potential. I will need to read and research more on this.

Unfortunately, my personal schedule will prevent me from running an experiment on aging day by day for some time – and that would be interesting. But for now, if my schedule permits – fresh flour it is.

Happy Milling!

bakingmad's picture

NY Style pizza- High Gluten Flour

I just tried some high gluten flour for a pizza...


The results made me a happy pizza eater/maker tonight.

 I made a dough that was semi-transparent in most parts of the dough.


It made a delicious thin crust.


My next experiment is with a thicker crust.

 1 cup High Gluten Flour

1 TSP Salt

1 TSP Active Dry Yeast

1 TSP honey

 Enough water to make the dough semi-sticky.





