The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

greedybread's blog

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That’s if they make it that long.

Luckily I made these in the afternoon and they are going to be our burger buns…

Should I have said ” Oooouch man?’

I was trying to remember what Oor Wullie said….


Greedy fingers will be looking at pinching buns until dinner!! but if they do…. they will be starving at dinner…

A lovely simple recipe to make and relatively fast in the yeasty beasty world. 

You could even make the dough the night before, prove and shape them, retard it overnight and then take them out of the fridge about 3 pm (or get children to do when they get home from school).

They will be ready when you get home between 5-6 pm,  to pop straight into the oven.

Bap fresh from the oven..

These are best eaten the day of making but still ok the next day….

But they are not called morning rolls for nothing:)

These baps are special as I could not find my pastry brush soooooo…..

I used one of my Bobbi Brown make up (never used) brushes as a pastry brush:)

No other bap can say it is so privileged.

I am sure Bobbi would cringe but would know it was all in a good cause.

Shhh, don’t tell Bobbi!

So let’s get yeasty!!

What will you need?

3/4 cup of warm milk

3/4 cup of warm water

2 tsp sugar

4 cups of Plain flour

Pinch of Salt

17g of dried yeast

Little oil for brushing bowl

Little extra milk for brushing

Extra flour for dusting or durum semolina.

Dough ready to prove..

Warm milk and water and combine together, mix in the sugar and then the dried yeast.

Combine well and allow to become frothy, usually about 10 minutes.

Place all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix through.

Add the wet yeasty mix to the dry, forming a nice dough.

Knead for about 6-8 minutes until smooth and elasticy.

Lightly oil a bowl and place dough in there, cover and allow to prove for 90-120 minutes.

Ready to roll

Turn dough out onto a floured bench/ board.

Cut dough into 10 pieces and roll into balls.

Allow balls to sit for 15 minutes and then roll out into ovals.


Place ovals on a well floured baking tray, i also used baking paper.

Allow to rise, covered, for 45 minutes.

Pre heat oven to 210 Celsius.

Brush baps with milk and then dust with flour or as I did with 2 of them , durum semolina.

Ovals before proving

After proving and dusted

Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Do not over bake as you want them to remain soft.


Remove from the oven and allow to cool on racks.

When cool, slice and enjoy stuffing them with bacon, egg, cheese and avocado!!

very nice!!

Or coleslaw, pork, bit of apple and cheese..

Roast beef, gravy, onion and cheese…

Hmm bit of a cheese thing going on here..

Just cheese alone with bit of pickle or chutney…

Or with sausage, onion, tomato sauce???


Ready to fill

Few baby baps there!!


My only quibble with the lovely recipe is it says Britsih baps...

Baps have through out time, always been attributed to the Scots.

HA AH HA..Most Scottish people would lynch the Author for that one....

HA ha ha, bake him in a Haggis!!

Scotland is part of the British Isles but they are SCOTTISH...hence so is their baking:)

Yumminess adapted from recipe from

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Time for some of the FAMOUS Irish soda bread!!

I have been meaning to make it for ever but keep finding other things to distract me...

All equally delicious and I can't say no!!

This is a fruity one, given my pennant for fruity breads:) but you could easily make it plain .

Irish Soda bread

There is as you can imagine, hundreds of recipes and variations...

Now we could argue semantics and say this is not bread as it has no yeast in it .

However we all know that there are many breads with no raising agents in it...not even baking powder...

Plus I am NOT going to argue with hundreds of years of tradition:)


So without further ado...You will need.....

3 & 1/2 cups of Pure flour

1 tbsp salt

2 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

50 g melted butter

1 & 1/2 cups of raisins

2 tsp of carraway seeds

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 cups of buttermilk

Brush with BUTTER and bake!!

What do you do?

Pre heat oven to 175 Celsius.

If you have a big high sided frypan (skillet) then grease it well.

If you have a good, well used  & heavy skillet/frypan, you won't need to paper it.

I used a charlotte tin, greased and lined with baking paper.

Slice while still warm

Combine flour, salt, caraway seeds, baking powder, sugar and baking soda.

In a separate bowl, beat eggs and add in buttermilk.

Combine altogether, don't over mix this!!

Melt butter and leave a little aside to brush on the top of the batter at the end.

Put raisins and melted butter in the batter and quickly mix through.

Place batter in the tin/ skillet , gently brush the top and place in the oven.

Bake for 50-60 minutes and remove from oven.

It will be quite a deep brown.

Allow to cool in the tin for ten minutes and then place on a rack.

Mmmm, nice alone or with apple and cheese
yummmmm, pint of beer and piece of soda bread..
bit of cheese and apple...
Take a bite...
have a piece or slice...

Recipe of gorgeousness adapted from Smitten Kitchen recipe.

P.S. I also made it with my current getting the grain in kick, with one cup of flour omitted and a cup of wholemeal put in....

Just as scrummy and barely noticeable...

A darker color and a slight tangy taste .

Both versions gorgeous with the apple and cheese as suggested!!

HMMMMMM maybe i need to make a beer bread....

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For some reason, I always think of that song when I think of Venice:)

It is one of the most requested songs for Gondaliers to sing ......

Mmmm Veneziana

Yet it is a Neapolitan song.

But this lovely beauty is all Venetian!! It's a Veneziana.

A Venetian version of Pandoro perhaps or a Panettone, as the dough is similar but without the fruits.

Definitely a festival bread and it does take a little effort but WELL worth it.

So shall we get yeasty??

The full story....

You will need!!


4 tsps of dried yeast

1/4 cup of sugar

3/4 c warm water

3 egg yolks

2 cups of Strong bakers flour

75 g of softened butter.

Stir the sugar into the warm water and then stir in yeast until dissolved.

Allow to stand for 10 minutes until frothy.

Add in the egg yolks and combine well.

Add in the flour and this should form a soft dough.

Lastly add in butter and combine through the dough well.

Place in a bowl and over tightly and leave for 2 hours.

Lovely top of the Veneziana


 1 Tbsp of honey

3 tbsp of warm water

1/2 cup of sugar

3 egg yolks

1 cup plain flour

1 cup Bakers flour

 120g of butter

2 tsp of Vanilla essence

Grated zest of 2 Oranges

Grated zest of 1 lemon

Pinch of Salt.

Stir honey into warmed water, stir in the sugar and egg yolks.

Add this mix to the spongey mix and mix until smooth.

Stir in flour, 1 cup at a time until a soft dough forms.

Stir in the vanilla, zests, butter and salt.

Knead for about 8 minutes or use dough hook for 8 minutes on slow.

The dough should be soft but slightly sticky.

Place dough in lightly oiled bowl, cover and leave to rise for 2 hours.

Veneziana dough...1st rise

Stage 3:

Remove dough from bowl and place on lightly floured surface.

Punch it down and knead lightly for a few minutes.

Cut into half or leave as one monster dough as mine is above.

Place each ball (or single) in a well-greased high sided round cake tin.

Cover and leave for 3 hours.

Preparing the topping for the Veneziana

Stage 4:

For the topping you need:

1/4 cup of almond meal or ground almonds.

12 whole almonds

3/4 cup of granulated sugar

2 egg whites

icing sugar

1/2 cup of coffee crystals(or the Italian sugar pellets if you have them!!)

Pre heat oven to 200 Celsius.

Mix the almond meal and sugar together.

Beat the egg whites until frothy and lightly fold in the almond/ sugar mix.

Spread this on top of the dough (as above)

Place the 12 almonds over the top of the dough.

Sprinkle the coffee crystals and then lightly sift 1/4 of a cup over the top of this.

Topping all on....

Please note, my topping does not have the whole almonds on it as that would have been pushing my luck.

Almond meal, I can sneak in, but those beady eyed boys would not tolerate the whole almonds ...

Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes and then lower the heat to 175 Celsius and bake for a further 40 minutes.

Possibly less time, 25-30  if you have two smaller loaves.

Remove from oven when golden brown and cool for ten minutes.

Carefully remove from the mold and allow to cool fully before eating.

When it is FINALLY cool, slice a piece and ENJOY, ENJOY , ENJOY!!

Cooling on the rack....
Have a slice or three..

Recipe adapted from the ever wonderful Carol Field's "The Italian Baker" 2ed, 2011.

greedybread's picture

ha ha ,, just kidding:)

They sure puff up heaps for a flat bread.

Mmmmm Flatbreads

For a recipe with bugger all in it, they taste scrummy.

I have to say that dipped in Olive oil and lightly salted would be sublime.

Mmmm and it is a fabulous, fabulous base recipe to make many other weird and wonderful flat bread/ stuffed bread recipes.

Plus you would be SO SO SO proud as I slipped in the WHOLEMEAL again!!!

Chilli, my fav!!

I made this gorgeous chilli con carne but wanted a little something with it, that complimented it, but not overwhelmed the chilli.

Jamie Oliver had a nice Navajo flatbread recipe but I felt it was missing something….

Sorry that sounds arsey but you know what I mean…It wasn’t quite what I wanted.

Then I found this and tweaked it a little to reflect using wholemeal flour, hence a little more butter, yeast and liquid.

Rip into them:)

What do you need?

2.5 cups of strong bakers flour

1.5 cups of wholemeal flour

15 g dried yeast

Pinch salt

50 g melted butter

320 mls warm water

1 tsp sugar.

Ready to roll

What to do, what to do ?????

Combine flours and salt.

Warm water and mix in sugar and then dried yeast, allow to stand 10 minutes until frothy.

Melt butter and cool a little.

Pour butter into dry ingredients with yeasty mix.

Combine well and knead until smooth and elastic for 5-8 minutes.

Place in oiled bowl and cover, I left this for 2 hours as once again wholemeal can require more time:)


Place dough on lightly floured board/ bench and cut dough into 15-20 pieces.

Roll into balls and then roll out into flatbread shapes.

Heat frypan/ skillet/ bbq to quite a high heat.


I used our big electric frypan this time and had it on 6-7 (goes to ten) and then turned it up to 8-9 later on.

Grease well, but not dripping as it’s NOT fry bread.

I had to do 4-5 at a time but if you have a big BBQ, then it will all fit:)

But if you use a smaller pan like me, turn on the oven as below to put the done ones in while you cook the rest.

Turn oven onto 150 celsius and get baking tray ready

Toss bread into frypan (watch it puff up) and( allow 3-5 minutes each side) then turn over and cook until browned.

If you need to, put cooked ones in the oven to stay hot….

Continue until all cooked.

ready to bake!!


puffing up!!

These were gone seriously, in 10 minutes…Greedyboys LOVED them…

definitely yummy yum yum…

dip it in the chilli!

You could use these to accompany anything you liked.

You can as Nigel Slater suggests in his recipe, stuff them before hand.

You could also use it to make mini Calzones as my son suggested, stuffed with sausage and cheese…….

You could use them to scoop up stewed fruits, perhaps adding a little more sugar and then spices in the recipe…

Roll them up with spiced meats and salad…

But you can use it for chilli, stew, mince, soup, goulash and much much more…

They are ALMOST too good !!

It’s like they say, SIMPLE, SIMPLE, SIMPLE!!


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and they didn't murmur a word!!

It is a DIRTY word in our house.....

gobble them up!!

he he he...crafty me !!

Those naughty greedyboys LOVE the Florentine rosemary and raisin buns....

But they HATE,HATE, HATE anything that maybe or is suspected to be good for them:)

Wholemeal bread is looked upon in the same light as dirt...

We will not even mention whole grains!!


Foodie's they are not, my sons........

Bulk volume is what it is about and no vegetables.

So I thought "Hmmmm"...

No harm in trying to slip in some wholemeal and if they didn't eat them, they didn't eat them .....

More for me:)


So we are going to take the recipe from here:

And alter it ever so slightly.....

Instead of 4 cups of Strong bread flour , use 2 of wholemeal and 1.5  of strong bakers flour.

Easy peasy....

I was a little worried as wholemeal breads can be a little dry when swapping ingredients so I did a little less flour.

My dough was quite sticky on first rise....which is what you want in this case.

If you feel though, yours is too wet, add a little more flour....

Olive oil and rosemary

Apart from that small tweak, and I used a little more rosemary too....

But be careful as it can be overwhelming..

Almost ready to bake...

You can see, if you compare these to the originals, you can see the slightly darker texture but apart from that, visually no change.

The taste is not a lot different either...For us with disconcerting palettes, yes, you can taste it but its nice....

But for greedyboys, no change in taste.....

No questions, so no lies:)

Lastly, don't forget they will color quicker too.....

Don't forget to ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!

Ready to glaze
a few left.....
greedybread's picture

My yeasty mojo is back, I think!!

Should that be I hope?

pane al latte

What with Sundays cunning slipping in of the wholemeal and todays yummy little morsels....

 I have even started looking at the "Must try " list again...

Think its a definite!!

round or....

the beasty mojo is back!!!

baton shaped....

These little darlings are simply yummish!!

A little sweet but not overly, you could even eat them with salami or a fruity chutney...

or a lovely hard cheese...mmmm pecorino.......ARGH!!

Great for greedyboy lunches and fantastic for brekkie and mid morning snacks...

You could be very bad like me and toast them, butter and jam and then a big dollop of greek yoghurt...and a VERY hot strong black coffee

Any way I know you are going "hurry up, give us the recipe and stop blathering..................."


So you will need......

3 tsp dried yeast

1/4 cup of sugar

1/2 cup warm milk plus 1 cup milk for later

2 eggs

60g butter

Pinch of salt

4 cups of Strong bakers flour.

2 tbsps brandy or rum.

sponge for pane al latte

Combine the warm milk and sugar together, then add in the yeast and stir well.

Leave to stir until creamy and frothy- usually ten minutes.

Add in 1 cup of the flour and combine.

Cover and allow to stand for one hour.

Batons ready to rise...

Add to the spongey mix, the remaining cup of warmed milk, brandy or rum and the egg.

Mix well and then add in flour and the salt.

When combined, mix in the butter and mix until well combined.

Knead for 5-6 minutes .

It should be a nice elastic dough, a little sticky maybe:)

Risen, glazed and ready to bake!!

Place dough in lightly oiled bowl and cover and leave for 90 minutes.

hot from the oven...

Remove dough from bowl and place on lightly floured bench/board.

Chop dough into 16 pieces and roll/mould into the shapes you require.

I did half round and half baton like.

Place on baking tray with baking paper, allowing 9 per tray and enough space to rise.

Cover lightly with tea towel and allow to rise for one hour.

which one do I eat first?

Preheat the oven to 200 celsius.

Beat remaining egg and glaze the buns and place in the oven.

Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Gorgeous hot from the oven......ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!!

Gorgeous texture..
Lovely crust too!! slightly buttery...

Creme fraiche or mascarpone with apricot conserve....

A big dollop of stewed rhubarb and cream...

Lovely wedge of cheese and picante salami...

Spread of Nutella....


Loveliness adapted from the wonderful Carol Field " The Italian Baker" 2nd ed 2011

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SILENT!! while you eat these gorgeous doughnuts!!


Hole in one:)

As you can imagine, these go down with the greedyboys a real TREAT!!

I am not sure though if its the doughnuts or the sugar that holds the most attraction ….

Alex and I made some mini ones, some holey ones, some full ones, a kiwi one and one or two jammy ones…


Take bugger all time to make and are easy.

Granted it is a yeasty beasty so you need to have rising time etc…

So shall we get into this? …I will brew the Coffee!!

Ha , talk about stereotype…

Never actually seen a cop with a doughnut…

NZ Koru Doughnut!!

So what will you need?

A shitey load of oil!! Sunflower or canola preferably – about 6-8 litres would be good.

3 cups of pure flour

2/3 cup of sugar plus 1 cup for dusting.

1 cup warm milk

1 egg

60 gms of softened butter

3 tsp of dried yeast

2 tsp mixed spice

Pinch of salt

1/2 cup of jam for filling if you like or pastry custard or nutella even:)

Dough ready to chop…

cutting the doughnuts…

what happens to the doughnut ‘holes’? here they are…

some with holes, some without…

Warm milk, stir in sugar and then mix in the dried yeast.

Combine well and allow to stand until frothy for 10-15 minutes.

Combine all dry (flour, salt, spice)ingredients in a bowl and mix through.

Add the yeasty mix to the dry ingredients, mixing well.

Add in the butter and work in through and knead for 5-6 minutes until dough is smooth.

Place dough in oiled bowl, cover and allow to stand for 90-120 minutes.

Make sure the oil is hot but not too hot.

Place Oil in a large saucepan and fill 1/3-1/2 full with oil.

Personally I do 1/3 as I feel its safer in my pot.

Heat to a medium heat, about 160 -170 celsius .

I had to tooooooo hot to start, Luckily Alex and I were testing first as we had blackish crispy bits!!

Alex ate them though….

frying away….

Take dough from bowl and turn out on lightly floured bench/board.

Roll dough out, I rolled it to maybe 3-4 cms and the cut your doughnuts using a cookie cutter…

You could also make some twists like churro’s if you wanted, or any shape really…

As you can see below, Alex made the NZ koru…and some other bits…

NZ Koru Doughnut!!

Doughnut holes!!


Put remaining sugar in a large plate with room to roll them 

Rest the cut dough for about 10 minutes and by then the oil should be hot enough.

I like to test the hotness out with little left over bits and that will give you an indication of yes or no.

When temperature is right, then place 3-4 doughnuts in the pot, more if the pot is bigger.

You want to give them space to breathe so to speak…..

Allow 3-4 minutes each side to cook.

Roll them in sugar

Remove from oil with metal scoop spoon or tongs, allow a quick drain and then place on paper towels for a few minutes, then transfer to sugar.

Roll in sugar gently and then place on separate plate.

Best eaten while warm!!

You can if you like pipe some slightly warmed jam or pastry creme into the doughnuts, using a piping bag and slightly poking the nozzle in the side of the warm doughnut.

You can add cinnamon to the sugar and make them cinnamon doughnuts…

You can drizzle custard on them, You can dunk them in milk or hot cocoa!!

But you must ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!


dunk it!!

A touch of Greek yoghurt

Greedyboy getting stuck in…

scrummy yummy!!

Recipe adapted from

greedybread's picture

putting this on here as its definetly a yeasty product:)

Not sure completely yet of the fresh loaf's definitions of what is and isn't allowed:)

Taken directly from my greedybread  blog... ENJOY!!


Karisik means mixed grill in Turkish, err I am lead to believe so I just hope it doesn’t actually mean something terrible:).

So delish, I have to show you straight away before making you wait till the end.

Now this one below is not the one i made today but one i made in Istanbul. All the other photos are from today 

Mmmmm Pide

My lamb mince filling was just so scrumptious, it was gorgeous. I suppose working in the garden all day and being VERY hungry helped but this truly was divine!! Not quite to the standard of my friend above BUT very very close.

So let’s get Yeasty beasty.

Just like to say , this is very similar to a pizza dough, so you could make pizza with it or calzone or even a Cornish pasty type thing. You also can make double to dough and freeze it. A friend rolls out the dough and freezes like that, all ready to go for next time. Great time saver:

Scrummy Karisik and Karsarli (cheese) Pide:

Makes 8 Pide.

For the Pide you need:

  • 3 cups of strong bread flour or all-purpose(if no strong).
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil.
  • 1 egg beaten.
  • 1 cup milk warmed.
  • 2 tsp sugar.
  • 3 tsp dried yeast.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • 1 egg beaten for egg wash.

Pide dough ready to go into hot water cupboard (please note, this is double the recipe!!)

For the filling you need:

  • 350g lamb mince.
  • 3tsp garlic.
  • 2 chillies (medium heat)
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika.
  • 2 tsp cumin.
  • salt and pepper.
  • 1-2 cups of grated cheese (your choice but a strong cheese is best as you use less).
  • 2 tomatos diced.
  • 1 capsicum.
  • 1 red onion (but white is ok).
  • 4 slices bacon cut up or sausage cut up.

Mince filling

  • Warm milk and stir in sugar until dissolved and stir in yeast.
  • Cover and place in hot water cupboard until creamy ,usually 20 mins.
  • Place dry ingredients in a bowl and stir through.
  • Mix egg and oil together and stir into yeast mix when ready.
  • Slowly pour into dry ingredients and form a dough.
  • Turn out on (or do in bread maker on knead cycle).floured area and knead for 5-6 minutes until smooth and elasticy.
  • Place in lightly oiled bowl , cover with gladwrap (loosely) and a tea towel and place in warm place until doubled in size. Usually 60-90 minutes.

Meat Filling:

  • Place lamb mince in hot fry pan.
  • Cut up chilli, onion and garlic and place in with mince when 1/2 cooked.
  • Stir mince. Make sure you separate the mince so it’s not all clumpy.
  • You can drain off fat if you wish, if any but i have to say it adds to the over all taste.
  • Add in cumin and sweet paprika and stir lightly.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • While this is cooking, dice tomato and capsicum and place in a  little bowl and put to side.
  • Cut up bacon into small pieces.
  • When mince is cooked, leave to cool. DO NOT place on dough whilst hot/warm.

Dough risen and ready to chop!

  • Remove dough from warm place and turn dough out on floured area.
  • Cut dough into 8-9 pieces

Dough ready to roll out

  • Roll out to oval-shaped dough. Not too thin, but not too thick.

Ready to Fill!!

  • Place dough on tray with baking paper on it.
  • Pre heat oven to 220 Celsius.
  • Put lamb filling, tomatoes, bacon ,capsicum and cheese on the oval dough.
  • Roll the edges in so it resembles a boat (see below)
  • You can also do bacon and cheese fillings.
  • You can do what ever filling you like. A spicy beef or chilli chicken would be nice too  You are only limited by your imagination or what you think tastes great!!

Ready to cook , just needs egg wash

  • Give a brush of the edges with the egg wash.
  • Place in oven and bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and gorgeous!!

Scrummy Yummy!

More scrummyness………

Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy.

Some special treats coming up this week.

A NZ bread and a new fruit brioche i am testing ( a new recipe i made up) …..All looking very good so far….. and i think I am almost ready to use the sourdough starter that i have been brewing for a lovely Levain style bread.

Lots to do and look forward too……………..Mmmmmmm warm brioche…

Direct link to recipe

Thanks to i love lucca tours and and for the recipe which i adapted 

greedybread's picture

Taken from my greedybread blog.....

So excuse me if It sounds like i know you...:)

Though hopefully, i will soon...

I love this bread! it’s so tasty and its great even after 5 days!


What more could you ask for?

Sorry, I have been a little quiet in the last week but I just have not felt yeasty at all!!

We are moving house, so it’s a bit stressful and the black dog is poking his nose out again.

Usually the yeasty beasties scare the black dog, but not of late:(

Marion Keyes was right when she said baking cakes helped her beat depression …

A true beasty!!

So without further blithering on my behalf….LETS GET YEASTY!!

What will you need?

  • 3 cups of Raisins
  • 4 tsp dried yeast
  • 4 tsp molasses
  • 3 tsp ground aniseed
  • 6 tbsp butter softened
  • 4 cups of Strong Bread Flour
  • pinch salt

Risen and ready to go!!

  • Soak your raisins in warm water (cover the raisins)  for 90 minutes at RT.
  • Drain Raisins (saving the water) and squeeze out the raisins, also saving the excess water.
  • Warm 1 cup of raisin water and add in yeast and warmed molasses, mix well and cover and place in warm area until creamy/frothy (20 minutes).
  • Place remaining 1 &1/4 cups of Raisin water in the fridge.
  • Place all dry ingredients in a bowl (flour , aniseed and salt) and mix through butter.
  • Add the raisin yeasty water mix to the dry to start forming the dough.
  • Remove extra raisin water from fridge and add in enough to make a smooth but slightly sticky dough.
  • Knead on slightly floured area for 5- 6 minutes.
  • Place in lightly oiled bowl and let rise until doubles in size , usually 2 hours

    Beautiful beasty!!

    • Remove dough from warm area and place dough on slightly floured area.
    • Dough should be quite sticky.
    • Toss raisins in flour, very lightly cover in flour.
    • Roll out dough slightly to about 25cm by 15 cm and lightly press 1/3 of raisins in the dough.
    • Fold over the dough like an envelope and flatten again with your palms and add in 2nd lot of raisins.
    • With the last addition of the raisins, roll up the dough and let it rest in its oiled bowl for about 20 minutes.


      Have a slice…


    • Roll the dough into 1 large or two smaller oval-shaped long loaves (as above).
    • Place dough on baking tray lined with baking paper.
    • Cover with a lightly oiled piece of glad wrap and then a tea towel.
    • Place in RT room and leave to rise for 1 hour.
    • Preheat oven to 250 Celsius , 40 minutes before bread is ready to go in.
    • You can place a baking stone in the oven and place the bread on this , if you have one.
    • When bread is ready to bake, place bread on tray in oven (or on stone).
    • Bake at high heat for 5-10 minutes and then reduce heat to 210 celsius and bake for a further 35-40 minutes.
    • Remove when deep golden brown.
    • Cool on a rack.
    • Mmmmm fruity

      Don’t forget to ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!!

      A wee bit of butter???

      This recipe was adapted from my recipe that I used here.

      You can also omit aniseed and used mixed spice or cinnamon.


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