The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

greedybread's blog

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This bread of gorgeousness is from Rome....

Happy eating!! Errr easter:)

Pizza di Pasqua is common throughout parts of Italy, each region having their own special way of making Easter bread, often with different names.

I made this last year, I made it in August as I was too greedy to wait till Easter:)

It was delicious, I ate most of it myself...

 BUT I felt I could make it better as there were a few tweaks I felt it needed.

My errors, not the wonderful Carol Fields!!

I didn't like the tin I made it in either....

It is a very rich almost cake like recipe, very delicate once baked.

Similar in cakeyness to Panettone and Pandoro but this is definitely more delicate than the other two and I feel more cake like than bready.

NB: All these breads are very dangerous as all are exceptionally delicious .

Because they are not overly sweet breads yet light, they are easily eaten in VERY large quantities....

And I never feel guilty either...

A bit ashamed of quantities consumed though....

Anyhow enough blithering.....


 Buona Pasqua!

So what will you need?

You really need a mixer here……….some patience………

 2 rises with about 4-6 hours rising time….

Get the yeasty going...
Waiting, Waiting....
Almost batter like...

For the sponge:

4 tsps dried yeast

1/2 cup of warm water

1/2 cup strong bread flour

Stir the yeast into warm water and allow to get creamy/ frothy usually 10 minutes.

Mix in flour to yeasty mix and combine well.

Cover tightly with gladwrap and let rise for one hour.

It will be very foamy/ soupish and needs to have big bubbles in it.

Ready for Rising....
Sneaky Peek...

For The Dough:

4 cups of strong bread flour

pinch of salt

10 egg yolks

1 cup of castor sugar

1/2 cup of milk

zest of 2 lemons

Zest of 3 oranges

2 tsp vanilla

150 g butter softened to room temperature.

Going in the oven....

You really need to use mixer…..

I was mixing for about 2-4 minutes per ingredient unless specified.

Place dry ingredients in a bowl.

Grate zest over the dough so all the oils go into the dough.

Add milk and vanilla to the spongey mix and combine well.

Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl and then add to spongey mix.

Combine well and then add to dry mix forming a soft dough.

Add in butter, 2 tbsps at a time, mixing through each addition.

Beat at low-medium speed for 10 minutes with dough hook if not already using!

I did this in 2-3 goes as not to over use the mixer but my greedygirl is older:)

Dough will be very soft and elasticy.

Mine was like a thick batter but you could see the elasticity in it...

Make sure your molds are very well-greased!!


I placed my dough like batter into the mold and placed on a tray, covered in warm place.

Allow to rise for 3 hours or until dough is doubled in size.

30 minutes before rising finishes, preheat oven to 205 celsius.

I did not do this step below this time but you can if you wish....gently , gently....

Lightly brush top with egg white and sprinkle with raw sugar or full granulated sugar.

In NZ coffee sugar would be good.

Look at the crumb!!!
Gorgeous crust!!

Bake for 40-45 minutes.

Cover tops with tinfoil if too brown.

Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least 30-60 minutes before removing from tin and be very careful with it.

Set on rack to cool finally...

It is sooooooo nice warm but not the best to slice then:)

I will let you make that choice....

It would be divine with a lick of mascarpone whilst warm:) 

I toasted a piece in the oven the next day and had some ricotta on it....Heavenly!!

Don't forget to ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!

Happy Greedybread Easter!!!

Big Bite!!

Interested in a little more info on Pizza di Pasqua?

Check out Pizza di PasquaFlavia's Flavours or .......

My bread hero (and where the original recipe came from) Carol Fields book, "The Italian Baker  

And my prior post on Pizza di Pasqua.
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MARCH 27, 2013

One a penny, Two a Penny…Hot Cross Buns…

Yum…One of my all time favourites…

Hot cross buns…hot cross buns:)

Mmmm Imagine it with greek yoghurt!!

Less blathering from me and let’s get Yeasty!!

These are just tooooooo gorgeous to waste time gossiping for now!!

Lets dive in:)

the dough!

After rising….

one a penny, two a penny….

What will you need?

4 cups of strong bakers flour

3 tsp dried yeast

1 & 1/3 cups of warmed milk

3/4 cup of muscovado sugar

120g butter

2 eggs


3 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp cloves

2 tsp ginger

1 tsp nutmeg

1 &1/2 cups of raisins (or cranberries, currants,sultanas or a mix??)

1/2 cup of mixed peel.


Warm milk, stir in the sugar and then the yeast.

Leave to get frothy, usually 20 minutes.

Place all dry ingredients (flour, spices, salt) in a bowl and combine well.

Mix through the raisins and the peel.

Beat eggs into the yeasty mix.

Pour into the dry mix and form a soft dough.

Knead for about 5 minutes until smooth.

If you don’t like to add the fruit at this stage, you can add it in after the first rise.

Place in a well oiled bowl and cover, allow to rise for 2 hours.

Turn dough out on a lightly floured bench.

Cut dough into 12-18 pieces and form a ball with some pieces and cut others into squares.

Place on a tray with greaseproof paper and allow to rise for a further hour.

Pre heat oven to 200 celsius about 20 minutes before the hour ends 

At the end of the hour, mix 1 cup of flour with enough water to make a smooth paste.

Pipe the paste onto the buns.



before glazing

Can you just have one?




Place the buns in the oven and mist the oven with water, bake at 200 celsius for 10 minutes.

Turn oven down to 175 and bake another 15-20 minutes.

 Whilst the buns are baking, put 2/3 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar and 1tsp gelatine in a small saucepan and gently bring to the boil.

It should be syrupy..

Remove buns from oven and brush with syrupy glaze.

Eat while warm….So good!!!




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Tasty Turkish Cinnamon & Raisin Bread Twists….

These are simply scrummy and a great addition if you want something a little different for Xmas nibbles.

Now that Xmas has past....Maybe easter nibbles or just nibbles in general:)


You can have them as is, with hot sweet tea or my fav black coffee with the consistency of tar:)

You can also use them for dipping in dips, sauces etc..

Now the beauty with these is , even though they have raisins and cinnamon in them, they are not overly sweet, so you could forgo the icing sugar and have them with cheese and chutney.

Have a bite …

Unlike many yeast products, these are quick, time wise.

Proving while cooking.

What will you need?

1 cup wholemeal flour

1 cup of strong bakers flour

15 g dried yeast

1 Tbsp honey melted

350 mls warm water

2 Tbsp cinnamon

1/2 cup of raisins/ sultanas

Icing sugar for sifting.

Combine all dries together

Yeasty honey mix

Warm water and stir in melted honey and then add in yeast.

Allow to stand for 10 minutes to become frothy.

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl together and mix in the yeasty mix.

Combine well and knead for about ten minutes.

Place dough in lightly oiled bowl ,cover and stand for 45 minutes.


After proving, Turn dough out on lightly floured board/bench and cut into 6 pieces.

Roll out each piece into a long thin sausage.

Fold dough in half and twist into shape (see below)

ready to roll…

Roll out….

Twist into shape…

Place dough twists on tray with baking paper.

Pre heat oven to 75 celsius.

Lightly brush bread twists with oil/ melted butter.

Place in the oven and bake with the door slightly ajar for 45 minutes.

Then turn oven up till 200 celsius and bake until golden, usually about 10-15 minutes.


After 45 minutes in the oven…

Baked and cooling…

Remove from oven and allow to cool on racks.

When cool, dust with icing sugar.




These would be lovely for breakfast as they are too….and I slipped the wholemeal in as well:)

lovely fresh…

Merry Xmas!!!

Uzumlu Tarcinli Ekmek recipe adapted from Turkish Bakery Delight by

Deniz Gokturk Akcakamet….

And a quick look at whats on tomorrow!!!

Its all done, tastes heavenly…..

Fresh home made stollen:)

greedybread's picture

I thought it was time for Pizza again…

Pepperoni and Capsicum…

Well , I do make Pizza about once a month BUT I thought maybe try a new recipe…

You know how it is…

You use an old faithful….

So now I am being unfaithful to my original recipe….

I suppose that is what being Greedy is all about:)

I love Pizza, I could eat it everyday…

My Pizza though , not a cloggy, greasy pizza hut made one….

The temptation is always there to load the pizzas up with toppings as is our custom…

Anyone who truly loves Pizza and has had pizza from Napoli, the home of Pizza, will know, that is not how it is….

Simple, Simple, Simple….

 I try as much as possible with 3 greedyboys, a greedydad and greedycats to stay faithful to the traditional…

At least I have not succumbed to the Deep pan pizza of Chicago!!

Deep dish….

Lets get greedy!!!!!!

So what will you need?

500g of Strong bakers Flour

2 teaspoons of salt

15g dried yeast

350 mls warm water

semolina for sprinkling…

Various Toppings that you like!!

Olive oil for brushing.

A lovely bit of Parmesan or Mozzarella…

Zeeee Dough….

What to do? What to do?

Mix flour and salt in a large bowl and combine, set aside.

Warm water and add in dried yeast, stirring well and leave to froth, about 15 minutes.

Pour yeasty mix into the dough and mix well, forming a dough and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes.

After a brief rest, knead the dough for 10 minutes.

Allow dough to rest for about 30-60 minutes, covered.

Split the dough….

Pre heat oven to 250 Celsius.

When dough is rested, split in two and then on a lightly floured board, roll out gently but it is best to spread it out using your hands.

After doing this a few times, you will get the knack of it and be a pro in no time at all.

Make it as thin as a crepe but not too thin:)

Make a slight border on the pizza and sprinkle some semolina on the baking trays and lay the bases on the trays.

You can then put your base and toppings on.

My greedyboys like white pizza..

The base is brushed with olive oil and then they have cheese and ham and if they are feeling adventurous…….pepperoni!!

I will usually make my own pizza base with crushed tomatoes, a little salt, a little sugar, some fresh basil and garlic…

Mix it all up and crush well with a potato masher.

 I try to be good and keep the toppings to 1-2 if I can….usually a meat veg and cheese…not too much:)

Greedy husband sausage pizza.

When the pizza are ready, place in the oven and cook for about 7-10 minutes dependant on the oven.

Remove from the oven and drizzle a little olive oil on the pizza and a little parmesan and fresh basil:)


Pizza hut will tempt you no longer!!

Gorgeous with a salad but even better alone:)

Sit and ENJOY, ENJOY , ENJOY!!!!


Pizza Recipe adapted from PASSIONE by Gennaro Contaldo…

Grazie, Grazie…

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Greedybread Treccia con arancia e cioccolato…


I have been fiddling round with brioche and buttery type breads since i tasted the Treccia in Taddeucci’s in Lucca…

Now I can never hope to recreate it UNLESS they take me on as an apprentice…

Here’s hoping:)

But here is a version that is pretty darn good.

Buttery but not too much, a little sweet with orange zest and chocolate threaded through it.

Lock it up!!

I did two versions…one with 3 braids and one with two but the original dough when rolled was sliced into two…

You can see the variance in the outcome:)

Both taste sooooooo Good, I am going to have to hide it.

Taddeucci treccia

I have to say when I last ate this in Lucca, I ate it in a day….nibble, nibble, nibble, like a mouse:)..

It is sooo good!!!

So what will you need?

This is done in 2 parts…

Spongey mix

Sponge part:

2 cups of warm milk

15g dried yeast

3tbsp maple syrup or golden syrup

1 cup of flour.

Zest & flour


3.5 cups of Plain flour

pinch of salt

Grated zest of 2 oranges

1 cup of chopped up chocolate or chocolate chips

150g butter softened

3 egg yolks.

Lovely dough…

Chocolate…a bit of this…


Warm milk and add in syrup, then yeast and then flour to a smooth paste.

Allow to stand for about 45 minutes.

Cover with gladwrap.

Combine flour, salt and orange zest together.

Add in beaten egg yolks to yeasty mix and combine well.

Add yeasty egg mix to dry and form a soft dough.

Knead for about 4-5 minutes then add in softened butter (not too soft) and knead for a further 4-5 minutes until well combined and smooth.

Dough after rising

Roll it out…


Place dough in lightly oiled bowl and cover and leave for 90 minutes.

Chop chocolate if need be and put to the side.

Place on dough on lightly floured board/bench and then cut in half.

Lightly roll out one piece to a sort of rectangle(see above) and then scatter half the chocolate across and lightly press into the dough.

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling…

Cut length ways and twist…


Roll up (as shown) tightly from the longest end.

Then cut dough long length ways in half .

Join the two ends and then twist together.

Lay out on baking tray with paper.

three pieces…

Start braiding…

Braid it baby..

All done…

With the second dough, repeat as above but once rolled, cut into 3 segments when rolled.


Roll out the three pieces so you have three ropey looking pieces.

Join together and braid until the end and then join and tuck under.

Place on baking tray and cover and leave for 90 minutes.

Ready to rise

Ready to bake…

Pre heat oven to 210 celsius about 20 minutes before rising time ends.

Brush bread lightly with egg white or beaten egg .

Egg white will give more of a glaze and beaten egg will give more color.

Place in oven and bake for 5-10 minutes, then turn done to 200 celsius and bake for another 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool (if you can wait that long)……

When ready, pull off a piece and ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!




Absolutely heavenly for brekkie with my Turkish tar like coffee:)

Now this is a very good base recipe for sweet doughs…

Not too buttery where you need to leave it overnight but not to eggy either, so a nice mix.

You could a lot with this and I hope you enjoy working with it, especially as it is not complex.

Still warm…

Give me some…


Moist and buttery…

Morning tea?


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Si, si, si per favore!!  I have to say these little beauties (in general) are gorgeous and so easy to make .

The ones in Venezia are sublime, especially the ones with the pastry creme in them.


I have seen other variations throughout Italy but i didn't take much notice at the time:(  They were selling something similar at night in Siena at the odd stall around the city.

Not at Palio time, in winter.......

So this my Frittelle friends, is what we are aiming for!!

Assorted Frittelle mmmmmm

Lets get Yeasty!!

Fritelle dough


  • 4 cups of flour, I used strong bread
  • 1/2 cup of castor sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 & 3/4 cup milk
  • 2 Tbsp dried yeast
  • 6-8 cups oil  for frying err preferably NOT fat.
  • 1  jar Nutella err, not quite as large as this one in my photo!!
  • 2 tsp cinnamon for garnishing
  • 1 cup castor sugar for garnishing
  • A big Beasty!!


  • In a bowl warm half the milk, add in the sugar to warmed milk until dissolved
  •  Stir in the yeast.
  • Leave in warm place until creamy/frothy.
  • Place all dry ingredients in a bowl, flour and salt.
  •  Stir the eggs and half of the milk together and add it to the flour mixture a little at a time.
  •  Add the yeasty mixture to the flour mixture and stir until all the ingredients are combined.
  •  The dough will be wet and sticky. Don't be alarmed!!
  • Cover the bowl with a tea towel and let rise for about 5 hours when it should have doubled in size.
Pour that Oil in!!

On the matter of oil, my husband and I have often debated getting a mini fryer. He says no, we would put on 5-10 kgs in a VERY short time and sadly i think it is true but then when i make something like this, doughnuts, beignets or deep-fried ice cream balls, then we have this huge pot of oil (which i will filter) which will be on the stove for a while until its used. When I cook, i like to use olive oil but sadly the cost of filling a pot with olive oil would make the cost of the frittelle astronomical! The kids use the oil and make chips a few times (but that for them is LABOUR intensive) and i will slowly chip away at it but i do wonder, " mini fryer"? Would be easier and i could just pop it in the cupboard. Hmmm, more pondering maybe?

Hmmm wondering???

Back to the dough:

  • Prepare the sugar and cinnamon mix on a large plate.
  • When the dough is ready, stir it again. It should be sticky. If it's not, add a little more milk.
  • In a heavy pot for frying, heat the oil . I don't have a thermometer but i usually test the heat by putting a wee piece of raw food in it. My granddad used to spit in the oil!!
  •  Spoon the dough batter into the oil. I used a tablespoon but the original recipe used an ice cream scoop. Not plastic obviously!!
  • Fry until the frittelle are cooked through, about 5 minutes. I like to turn them over with tongs. They brown pretty quickly. Don't overcrowd your pot as they will take longer to cook .
  • Remove the frittelle with a slotted spoon and place on a plate covered with paper towels to drain.
  •  Once drained, quickly roll them in the sugar.
  • Poke a hole in the frittelle and fill a pastry bag fitted with a tip with Nutella and pipe Nutella into each frittelle.
  • Best eaten when warm.
  • Don't forget the most important thing!! Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy!!
Almost all gone
filled with Nutella

P.S : You can easily insert other delights into these, white chocolate, milk chocolate, jam, pastry creme, cream, moro bars err perhaps not cream,  the list is endless........But things that hold shape and have some heat resistant are probably better. My son seemed to think jelly lollies would be nice!! I don't think so............You could,  if you were really adventurous, make it a savoury recipe but that we will look at another day :)

Frittelle how i love thee!!

Recipe adapted from Luscious Lucca Blog @ i love Lucca tours

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Are you ready for Urenika??......Purple Rewena....

Made with the Urenika potatoes from La Cigale last week


Hmmmm..Are you thinking???

I took my rewena recipe and used a different potato.

I am going to try it with a variety of the potatoes.

I have been meaning to for a while but never seemed to get round to it.

purple mash....

The bread tastes wonderful...


I was so wrapped up in the starter, I didn't really taste the potato alone. to get some from the markets again:)

Very very similar to the original recipe, but slightly more tangy and of course purpley looking:)

Day one brew....
Day three and ready to use
Ready to rise...
Ready to shape..
 ready for 2nd rising
Dig in...
Gorgeous crust
Up close
Puss Puss says tasty


Rewena Recipe

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Easy Peasy Pane Tramvai….

If you are like me and LOVE fruit breads, you will love love love love and LOVE this bread!!

Plus it’s not an all day or week bread and it’s not time-consuming……..

And there are so many variations you could do with this recipe which i WILL rattle on about at the end of the post.

I must say, thinking about what we could do with this lovely base recipe is divine..

Of course we would need to rename the bread though…

Soaked Raisins

So are you ready to get y-y-yeasty?

Hmmm, I think with this recipe and the raisins involved we may need to be BEASTY!!

However, I digress, so without further ado……

Pane Tramvai or Milanese Raisin bread

And what are we aiming for?

what are we aiming for?

  • 3 cups of Raisins
  • 4 tsp dried yeast
  • 1 tsp molasses
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter softened
  • 4 cups of Strong Bread Flour
  • pinch salt.

See not many ingredients!!

Raisin Water

Soaked Raisins Squeezed!

Tramvai mini starter

  • Soak your raisins in warm water (cover the raisins)  for 90 minutes at RT.
  • Drain Raisins (saving the water) and squeeze out the raisins, also saving the excess water.
  • Warm 1 cup of raisin water and add in yeast, sugar and molasses, mix well and cover and place in warm area until creamy/frothy (20 minutes)
  • Place remaining 1 &1/4 cups of Raisin water in the fridge.
  • Place all dry ingredients in a bowl (flour and salt) and mix through butter.
  • Add the raisin yeasty water mix to the dry to start forming the dough.
  • Remove extra raisin water from fridge and add in enough to make a smooth but slightly sticky dough.
  • Knead on slightly floured area for 5- 6 minutes.
  • Place in lightly oiled bowl and let rise until doubles in size , usually 2 hours

Raisin dough ready for first rise

After first rise- ready to put in the raisins

Raisin dough ready for short 2nd rise

  • Remove dough from warm area and place dough on slightly floured area.
  • Dough should be quite sticky.
  • Toss raisins in flour, very lightly cover in flour.
  • Roll out dough slightly to about 25cm by 15 cm and lightly press 1/3 of raisins in the dough.
  • Fold over the dough like an envelope and flatten again with your palms and add in 2nd lot of raisins.
  • With the last addition of the raisins, roll up the dough and let it rest in its oiled bowl for about 20 minutes.

Ready for 2nd rise and shaped

Ready for the Oven- one sprinkled with grated apple

  • Roll the dough into 1 large or two smaller oval-shaped long loaves (as above).
  • Place dough on baking tray lined with baking paper.
  • Cover with a lightly oiled piece of glad wrap and then a tea towel.
  • Place in RT room and leave to rise for 1 hour.
  • Preheat oven to 250 Celsius , 40 minutes before bread is ready to go in.
  • You can place a baking stone in the oven and place the bread on this , if you have one.
  • When bread is ready to bake, place bread on tray in oven (or on stone).
  • Bake at high heat for 5-10 minutes and then reduce heat to 210 celsius and bake for a further 35-40 minutes.
  • Remove when deep golden brown.
  • Cool on a rack.


Ready take two!!

This bread is so lovely and it really doesn’t take a lot of effort.

Now as I was rattling on above, you could use  this bread as a base to make many wonderful fruit breads.

You could do a variety of fruits in the bread with spices.

You could do 2/3rds fruit and 1/3 nuts.

You could do fruit, nut and chocolate.

You could add in spices or vanilla or grated citrus zest.

You are only limited by your imagination and trial and error.

have a slice (or two)

Full of raisins-just how i like it!!

While you ponder what you want to do next time, cut a slice or two………….

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy 

Recipe adapted from Carol Field’s ” The Italian Baker, 2nd Ed, 2011.

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Tasty with everything, I think!!

Hmmm Apple cider….

You will love the spicy chilli chicken rolls at the end of the post!!

Now I am going to make it easy today….

I used this as a sort of base recipe.


But there are a few tweaks to make it what it is now:)

Yummy in and out!

We still make the poolish but INSTEAD of using warm water, I have used a 4 month old apple yeast I had in the fridge.

You will need for the Poolish..

30g Rye flour

5g of dried yeast

1 cup of strong bakers flour

120g of warm water (use apple yeast/ juice)

I warmed it slightly  and carried on as you do:)

Now if you have no apple yeast, which most people don’t, use apple juice then….the sugars in the apple juice will give it a nice boost:)

So all the same for the poolish bar the liquid.

Dough going to prove….

What to do:

Warm water and add in yeast, allow to become frothy.

Mix the rye and plain flour together.

Pour in the water yeast mix and stir well.

Cover tightly and place in the fridge.

I think 12-18 hours is best.

Apple yeast….

Now the second change is this, where you use the bulk water below, use apple cider…..

Part two:

3 & 1/2 cups of strong bakers flour

Pinch of salt

10 g of dried yeast

30mls warm water

200-220 mls water (use apple cider)

Finished rising

Shape that dough!

Warm the water a little and add in the dried yeast as done earlier, allowing time to develop.

Pour into poolish from the day before and mix well along with the cider.

Add to flour (not salt yet) and form a dough, then add in the salt.

Knead for about 10 minutes until smooth, soft and elastic.

Place into lightly oiled bowl and cover with a tea towel.

Leave for 90 minutes.

Twist to shape….

Place dough on a lightly flour board/bench and cut into 4 pieces.

Take your piece and gently form a rectangle with the dough using your fingertips to spread the dough out.

Fold the end of the dough nearest to you to the middle (so it will be thirds) and then do the same with the further side away from you.

Fold dough in half, joining the seams by twisting them gently together with your thumb and finger.

Then gently roll dough with both palms to slightly lengthen the dough to the length you want.

I made mine about 15-20cms long.

Ready to prove…

Another small change was I did not leave this as long to prove, the added sugars etc doing their work:)

Place the dough in a lightly floured cloth (or actual couche if you are lucky enough) as above, allowing room to expand, making pleats in between them.

Cover the dough and leave for a further 60- 90  minutes.

Preheat oven 30 minutes before to 240 Celsius.

Proving, Proving, Proving…

Mmm, almost ready for cheese!!

No slashing with these ones….But you can if you want to!!

When proving is finished and you are ready to bake, sprinkle tray or stone with semolina.

Quickly place bread on the baking trays or peel.

Open the oven and quickly spray with the mister and place tray in the oven or bread onto stone.

Bake for 16 minutes or 20-25 if you make a larger loaf or 12 minutes if you make smaller, thinner baguettes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool on racks.

Ready for ……whatever you like!!

Add in what ever you like!!

My husband made a chilli chicken and we had some of that left over, so in it went with lettuce .

Bacon and egg rolls, hmm, that would be nice….

Corned beef and ranchslaw….Yummy yum yum!!

Even just a nice wedge of pecorino or piece of salame.

Spicy chilli chicken and lettuce.


Maybe ham, lettuce, chutney and cheese?

Dig in!!

P.S :I did not slash the top of these ones….


greedybread's picture

This baby is simply divine..

Although cranberries are sweet, they are offset by the maple syrup and it is not too sweet.


You need to start this the day before, but its still a easy recipe.

It tastes delicious, lovely toasted and even nicer with a lick of ricotta.

So lets get yeasty!!

I know you were thinking i had turned to the dark side of cakes and slices ....BUT NO!!

Ye of little faith!!

Mmmmmm, lovely crumb

So what will you need?

For the starter:

1/4 cup of maple syrup

1/2 cup of warm water

1 tsp of dried yeast

1/2 cup of Strong bakers Flour

Tasty with a pat of butter!!

For the dough:

2  cups of Strong bakers flour

1  cup of warm water

1/3 cup of olive oil

1 tbsp of maple syrup

2 tsp of dried yeast

1 cup of fine polenta

Pinch of Salt

1 cup of cranberries.

Cranberry dough

Step one:

The night before or the day before (12 -24 hours before), warm water and mix in maple syrup and the dried yeast.

Allow to become creamy and frothy and then add in the flour.

Mix well and then cover with glad wrap and leave in RT for the next 12-24 hours.


Step 2:

When you are ready the next day, uncover the starter from the day before.

Warm the water and add in the yeast and the 2nd lot of maple syrup and allow to become frothy.

Mix this into the starter from the prior day along with the olive oil and combine well.

In a separate bowl, combine all the dry (flour, salt and polenta) ingredients and then mix in the wet mix.

Combine well, add a little more water if need be to make a smooth dough.

Knead for 5-8 minutes  until the dough is elastic.

Cover with glad wrap and allow to rise for 2 hours.

Roll the cranberries in the dough....

Remove dough and roll out slightly on a lightly floured board.

Sprinkle cranberries (as above) and then roll up so they don't fall out.

Give a small knead, integrating the cranberries.

Cut dough in half and form two baton shape loaves.

You could do round or plaited as well.

Place dough on baking tray with baking paper sprinkled with polenta.

Roll in polenta gently and cover with a tea towel.

Allow to rise for 70 minutes.

two lovely loaves

Preheat oven to 200 celsius.

Slash the top of the loaves and place in the oven.

Bake for 30-35 minutes until slightly colored.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

This crust is quite firm but the crumb is very moist.

When you are ready, slice a piece or break off a piece and ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!

Ready to rise")
ready to bake!!
Slash them baby!!
all baked....
Have a piece...

Now you can with this recipe, take out the maple syrup and use black strap molasses for a different taste.

But only use half the amount of molasses.

It gives it a deeper color and the molasses off sets the cranberries as well.


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