The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

yozzause's blog

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I have not posted for a while but thought id share some bread that was made today , I was using up some stout that I had opened and I also used up the wholemeal flour that I had, it was intended to be 50% but it ended up a bit more than that. same goes for the stout where I used 420mls and 160ml s of water. I soaked the w/m in all the liquid and had chores to attend to. I weighed up the rest of the ingredients so that I could add them upon my return. As it happened  l had to go to the city to file some legal papers and the soak ended up being 7 hours!  The dough was then mixed by hand and again used up some compressed yeast that I had on hand. The dough ended up having a 3 hour bulk fermentation and was divided and given 20 minutes bench rest before final shaping . I  made 2 loaves that I have not previously shaped before and I cant recall the name given to these, but they remind me of  a frenchmen's beret .They are currently cooling so will have to post an inside shot later.

kind regards Derek





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I kicked off with 100g of sour dough culture,100g w/m spelt , 100g bakers flour and 400g of water mixed to a batter and set aside  later I added 250g of bakers flour and mixed together with a spoon half an hour later added 10g of salt and soon after 10g of dry yeast again mixed together with a spoon and allowed to ferment after an hour a set of stretch and folds with oiled hands  and oil around the bowl. half an hour later another set of stretch and folds with oiled hands. half an hour later the dough was spread onto a baking sheet an spread out dotted with grape tomatoes, chopped garlic , white Rosemarie sprig chopped, salt pepper drizzled olive oil and small cubes of chedder and into the oven at  its highest temp before turning down to about 22o -230 to bake nice and crisp .

This was the wettest dough I have worked with but really just a different technique and a very satisfying result




yozzause's picture

I purchased myself some w/m spelt whilst my wife was shopping in Fremantle and this is what I did with it

I started off a levain with 200g of w/m spelt and 200g of water and 66g of s/d culture straight from the fridge leaving it to do its thing overnight  in the morning I added 400g of Bakers flour and mixed it together, I let it Autolyse for 1 hour and then added 2% salt and 2% olive oil and 1% dried yeast and mixed by hand on the bench .The dough was then allowed to bulk ferment for 2 hours and it was then knocked back  and divided into 3 pieces enough to fill a banneton and enough for 2 small loaf tins that I  have. after allowing half an hour recovery the loaves were shaped and placed in their receptacles to prove inside  plastic shopping bags tied by the handles. The small tin loaves were given a wash and  semolina flour was dusted over the top through a sieve these were slashed and put into the oven and covered with a deep roasting pan.

The banneton loaf was rolled out onto a dusted plywood hand peel and slashed before being slid onto a pizza stone and the roasting pan being used over it.

This is the result 




 put the knife there to show the size of the small loaves

I just went back past the bread so had to photo the cracking taking place

I was able to cut one of the small loaves and taste , the crust beautiful and crisp the crumb nice and soft and a flavour that stays on the palate even some 5 minutes later.

I shall be taking the loaf to a family gathering for my eldest Grand daughters birthday celebration after school she will be 11 years old today, born on the 11 day of the 11 month.

kind regards Derek


yozzause's picture

just a bit of an article that might interest members in the Phnom Penh Post




Phnom Penh Post - The prodigal baker returns, and he’s brought along some fresh ideas

 In his original Siem Reap venture, the Canadian baker was an experimenter. Photo suppliedThe prodigal baker returns, and he’s brought along some fresh ideasFri, 21 October 2016 

Canadian Zita Long opened Zita’s Bakery in Siem Reap in 2014, and his perfectionism meant that he spent little time outside of the kitchen during the past two years. Long became a bit of a local celebrity, and business boomed: crowds lined up for his crumpets, Berliners, apple crumbles and trademark sourdough bread.

But a little over two months ago, he left. Zita’s Bakery closed its doors.

“The last few days [before I left], I remember feeling very confused, and upset in a way,” Long says. “I was feeling hopeful, but also with a little uncertainty.” Long knew he would return to Siem Reap, but he wanted a break, and a little time to explore new trends and techniques. He took off for Perth, Australia, to reignite his passion for the trade.

Long is a young, self-taught baker. He developed his skills while living in Cambodia – where there were limited opportunities to formally learn the trade – and worked on a trial-and-error basis.

Perth was a city of self-reflection, Long says; it is quiet and, more importantly, close to Fremantle. There, Long had the opportunity to study under a retired bread-baking instructor as well as a traditional Italian baker, Nick Agostina. They spoke about technique – as well as their beliefs and values – and Long observed his process.

Zita Long might open a bagel shop next, he says. Photo supplied


“I got to touch dough again for the first time,” Long says with a laugh. “I didn’t think I would miss it, but I did.”

The baker then travelled to Melbourne, which has its own renowned traditional baking scene as well as a batch of new bakeries with cutting-edge approaches. “The croissants and cruffins were tremendous,” Long says, noting that the queues were constant.

“I came back from Australia with an open mind,” Long says. He’s now scouting around for his next opportunity or collaboration: perhaps a bagel cafe. But nothing is set in stone, he adds. He’s not even sure if his sourdough is relevant anymore – or if it’s him or the town that have moved in a different direction.

One thing is for certain: if you’re in Siem Reap, you likely won’t go hungry for too long before his next plans unfold.

Keep up with Zita Long’s projects:

Username *Password *  Contact author: Sarah Rhodes

Just a quick update and article featuring Zita (Bakingbadly) that might be of interest

yozzause's picture



Hi Folks just a couple of pics of my new starter at work producing a loaf of dubious pedigree with a whole mix of bits of flours used including country grain mix, wheat meal and some bakers flour. 

My previous culture was lost so the new one was started a short time ago, looking good in its infancy.

Employed autolyse for 1 hour, stretch and folds over 3 hours @ half hour intervals then shape and 1 hour  fermentation at room temperature before  overnight in the fridge proof and couple more hours recovery going into a hot oven with roasting dish over stone for 15 minutes remove and bake off.


Wildflower season here in Western Australia

Time to get away with the camper and see the beauty of mother nature in the bush

Judy & Cindy



kind regards Derek



yozzause's picture


CIBATTA style bread 83% hydration and small amount of dry yeast preferment




200ml HI-LO Milk

100g Stone ground wholemeal

0.25g Dry Yeast


I took the opportunity to use milk that was just on the turn to sour for this bread mixing the preferment at 8.50 am  and allowed it to do its thing for the rest of the day later in the evening  i added the rest of the ingredients and mixed this dough by hand on the bench



500g Flour

12g Salt

310g Water


This dough was quite wet but the pick up and slap method was used on the bench with a couple of  20 - 30 minutes breaks (autolyse) this definitely assists in the handling of the wet dough. once finished it was allowed to stand for an hour or so before me  going to bed and was then placed into the fridge overnight. i retrieved the dough at 5.00 am and allowed it time to warm up but didn't reach  room temperature  before dividing and rudimentary shaping and placing on a couch heavily floured with Semolina Ricinta flour.

The dough pieces were given about an hour and half  before being placed into the oven @ 180 for 50 minutes  coming out about mid day 




Kind regards Derek

yozzause's picture

Caught up with Zita  TFL (Bakingbadly) in Fremantle today on the first day of spring which delivered us a super day which we were able to enjoy with a couple of new experiences for Zita. No doubt he will post soon on our half day adventure as he did take quite a few pictures  and seemed to have had a good time doing it.

kind regards Derek

yozzause's picture


 Yesterday morning I decided to make some beetroot bread, which I had made previously and posted under chamelleon bread due to the fact that the colour changes during the baking process.

This time I was using the beetroot raw and grated 

Started off at 6.00am with making a preferment using 100g flour and 100ml of warm water and 1g of dry yeast

The preferment had developed nicely after 2 hours so the other ingredients were then added

Flour (500g) 452g white + 48g semolina only because I ran out of the white

Salt 10g 

Oil 10g

Beetroot 88g  (2 small peeled and grated beets)

Dry Yeast 12g

Water 300ml

The dough was mixed by hand on the bench  and placed in a bowl covered with cling film while we went off  to the gym and had a swim and a sit in the steam sauna.

 Back from the gym1 hour later the dough had risen note the times written on the film , this is a good reminder for how things are progressing.

The dark spot at the bottom of the picture is the shadow from the lens on the camera.

the dough was then knocked back (degassed) and allowed to recover for 10 minutes  it was then divided into 6 x 180g pieces shaped and placed on a lightly greased baking tray,

The tray was then placed into a large plastic bag which makes a wonderful prover preventing skinning and retaining transpired moisture. 30 minutes later the tray was removed and the dough pieces were washed with a cornflour paste wash and dusted with some semolina flour and scored they were then returned to the makeshift prover for a further 30 minutes to attain a full proof. The loaves were then put into the oven at 220C  with a half cup of boiling water  poured onto a shallow heated tray  at the bottom of the oven to give an initial waft of steam moisture to the oven interior. the bread was pulled out after 30 minutes.



The pink blush of colour is still evident and the beetroot has retained its vivid scarlet which I attribute to using raw beet rather than previously the boiled beet.


 The crumb has a nice moistness and good structure the colour of the crumb is influenced slightly by the small amount of semolina but does transform from the pink to  almost a khaki in my previous bake  hence the heading I gave it then as Chameleon bread. Overall pleased with this although my grand daughter  who was enthusiastic when she though it was cherry cake  but declined when told it was in fact beetroot. Eating wise the beetroot does have a suttle sweetness to it. looking forward to trying some as toast!

Kind regards Derek


yozzause's picture



 Its been a year since i took up retirement and quite truthfully i've never been busier, but i do recommend it.

I actually got around to doing some baking, my sour dough stockpile back at my old work place had all been used up in my abscence and none saved for the future, which was a shame as it had been going for quite a few years now.

Anyway i was able to buy a 5kg bag of Wallaby Bakers Flour that comes from Adelaide in South Australia. I was also able to buy a number of interesting flours from Kakulas Sisters in Fremantle, that being some Stone Ground Wholemeal, a Multimix grain flour and some Rolled Rye Flakes.

Compressed yeast was available at our local IGA store 114g costing just 80cents, so it was going to be fun being reunited with that old friend after years of dried yeast or sour dough culture to do the work.


The first dough was going to use a total flour amount of 500g so the quick reckoning of 1% is 5g  to make the rest of the calculations easy

 I took 50g of compressed yeast crumbled it into 200g of Flour and added 200ml of water  which makes a bit of a sponge to get things rolling along.

remembering that compressed yeast is 2/3 moisture compared to dry yeast, so more weight is required compared to dry yeast formulas

The remaining ingredients were added, 200g White Flour and 100g Stone ground Wholemeal brings the total flour to the 500g

Salt 10g (2%) Olive Oil 10g (2%) Egg 50g (10%) and  Natural non fat Yoghurt  from Tasmania 100g (20%) I bought the dough together in the Kenwood chef but tipped it out onto the bench to complete the dough formation by had it was then placed in a bowl covered with plastic wrap  and into my car which was out in the sun and makes a great warm spot for the bulk fermentation especially these cold mornings, only 17 degrees in the kitchen but almost perfect 28 in the car.

The dough was then ready after a fairly quick one and a half hours BF

It was knocked back  divided into two  handed up and allowed about 10 minutes recovery time  and shaped into two boules placed on a baking tray and into a plastic shopping bag tent and back into the car  to proof it was then washed with a cornflour starch wash and seeded and scored  it went into a gas hot oven, initially with no fan force for about 10 minutes and then the fan was switched on for the remainder of the bake.



Overall quite satisfied with the resulting bread for me it has a different smell when baking very happy that it had a nice texture that didn't tear when being buttered, had good flavour and colour also made beautiful toast too.

three more breads to blog coming soon all with the compressed yeast, I had a busy week with that 114g of yeast!

Multigrain  with  yoghurt

50% Wholemeal  with Dark Ale and Rolled Rye Flakes

and a White with Italian Semolina

kind regards  Derek


yozzause's picture

I recently had a friend visit from Scotland , Peter originally  came from the same small Hampshire village of  LISS that i grew up in . In fact Peter and his wife Hazel both came from the same village. they moved to Scotland after graduating from Uni and have worked there ever since.

I had already moved to Australia when i was 15. Anyway Peter had been visiting his sister in Adelaide who had recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, Peter came and stayed with us for 2 weeks on his return trip to Scotland via Perth in Western Australia and Singapore for a couple of days then Dubai and back to Glasgow.

Peter had been here previously with Hazel and  we had toured the Southwest down to Albany and Margaret river. So this visit  being winter and all i asked if he would like to go North  and we decided upon Shark bay, Kalbarri and the monastic town ship of New Norcia

Peter didn't think the temperature in Perth was cold at all saying Glasgow was cooler and it was  supposed to be summer.


We set off in my wife's slideon camping vehicle a Toyota workmate V8  with a German Tisher slide on camper attached on the tray, i elected to also take my swag  as neither Peter or I felt like sharing the double bed together.

Our first day's travel took us along the Indian Ocean Drive which took us to some very pleasant coastal communities  rather than the busier Brand Highway that has big road trains using it. 

 We stopped at Dongarra a coastal town for a bit of a look  and then into the major town of Geraldton where we had  a nice roast chicken takeaway just on dusk. I had planned to stop at a free camp listed in an old book  but when we arrived it didnt seem to match the pictures and directed to a spot several  klm down a dirt road  So instead we pushed on a bit further to a free camping spot GalenaBridge beside the Murchison River that i had visited before.

It took just minutes to roll out my swag and have a bit of a night cap in the camper as well as re-arrange the rough plan that i had worked out. it seemed pointless to backtrack to visit Kalbarri when we could do that on the way back.  A reasonably good nights sleep was had although those road trains kept going all night long and  certainly make a bit of noise.

We were both up in time to see the sun rise and after a breakfast were on our way again, a quick stop at a remote Service station called the Billabong  Roadhouse also gave Peter the opportunity to have a drive of the beast, there had been very few roadside casualties Kangaroos and sheep and certainly no fresh ones so i felt he would be fairly safe, he was cautioned about swerving to miss any of our fury friends. We did come upon a fresh fox that was providing breakfast  for a magnificent Wedgetail Eagle where i explained  to Peter that Eagles have to take off into the wind  and if they had dined well can be quite slow and can become road victims themselves. Males weigh in at 4kgs with females over 5kgs  and wing spans of 6ft and 7ft 7in respectively. Peter did slow down and the eagle did show all the characteristics that i had predicted and with the camper being quite tall may well have  connected had he not slowed.

We drove into the town of Deneham  and had a walk along the foreshore and a nice fish lunch we then went the other side of the peninsula to Monkey Mia  world famous for the wild dolphins that come in and mingle with the visitors  we were to late for the organised feed time where there had been 4 dolphins come in that morning, but whilst

on the jetty 2 came by within a metre of the shoreline much to the delight of a young girl that ran alongside them on the beach for 100metres or more. As we were leaving to make for our overnight stay  a family of emus came by, dad with 6 of his juvenile youngsters that he had reared, the females lay a clutch of eggs and leave the males to it sometimes repeating the dose for another male. They were very friendly even sticking their heads into the cab of the camper van.

We drove back then to The Hamelin Pool Homestead for our overnight stay with hot showers and a good camp kitchen. Hamelin pool is also famous for its Stromolites  so we followed the sign that took us to the beach area and were able to walk along an elevated platform to see these strange  things.

Shark Bays’ stromatolites are significant because they represent a major stage in the Earth’s evolutionary history, one of the reasons forShark Bay's World Heritage listing. When the stromatolites were discovered by scientists in 1956, they were the first ever recorded living examples of structures previously found only as fossils in ancient rocks. Although SharkBay’s stromatolites are just 2,000 – 3,000 years old, the cyanobacteria that build them are similar to life forms found on Earth up to 3.5 billion years ago! This means the stromatolites are modern-day examples of life in Precambrian times. 


There was plenty of room at the homestead  so we picked a good spot  and the swag was rolled out onto the shells that form the parking area


Another good sleep ensued and again up in time for the sunrise a fellow camper asked if the slide on was mine as they had a similar set up i said that it was my wifes and that i was sleeping in the swag as my mate had the double bed to which she replied that i must be the snoring man! i could do little else but admit that i had been known to snore! We took advantage and visited the old shearing sheds where  there was heaps of information on the heyday of the shearing shed  and the hardships faced by those pioneers.

We were soon on the road again heading south a quick stop at the Billabong to top up a fuel  tank noting that diesel was some 20cents a litre dearer there than just before Geraldton, we were headed for Kalbarri  where i hadn't been before we elected not to drive to the gorge as Peter has been to the grand canyon so ours would seem tiny by comparison but it is on my list for a return visit with the wife during the wildflower season in a few months. i'd quite like to see the Grand Canyon too.

Kalbarri where  the Murchison river enters the Indian Ocean was very pretty indeed. apparently it can be very busy in the summer with lots of visitors and even more flies,we were spared both. Again the local fish was superb for lunch, we stopped off at many lookouts to admire the views and could see dolphins and sharks in the clear waters below



We pressed on and decided to stop at the place we had first given a miss to this was Oakabella homestead  it was find a spot in the paddock and Lorreta would be around to collect the $9.00 a head fee. We were soon set up and joined some campers that were French backpackers travelling around our big country, they spoke excellent English  and i invited them to share some

good Australian wine that i had bought along on the trip from my cousins vineyard. they thought it was delightful as they were drinking the chateau cardboard 4litr wine cask. We were soon joined by two more backpackers this time from Germany it was very interesting to hear of their travel exploits, they had worked in an onion factory to be able to have an extended visa and were travelling around Australia having a ball.


The senior contingent went to bed about 9.00 and left them to it. They were talking till about 11.30 we were sure that we had met the young man that would one day hold down the job currently occupied by Angela Merkal

 We were again up in time to see the sunrise, we were showered and  away before anyone stirred in the tents.  We called into Geraldton had a quick look around the Sunday market and found a nice place that did a real big breakfast which set us for the long drive down the midlands highway that would take us through lots of small country towns avoiding the main Brand highway with its triple road trains,  This route is supposed to be second to none when the native wildflowers come out in spring time.


We arrived at our intended destination the  Benedictine monastery town of New Norcia  Peter was keen to experience some of the monastical delights and booked in to the monastery retreat for the night and the light evening meal . i parked the camper down on the sports oval but didn't need to roll out the swag as i was going to sleep in the double bed in the camper i did break out a chair and a bottle of my home brew Ruby porter and sat back until i realised that i was being attacked by ants its amazing that they can climb half way up your body before the order is given bite now chaps and you suddenly realise that you have dozens of angry ants biting  i was able to dust them off but found the ground was alive with very busy fairly big angry ants  i decided to move the camper  just 20 metres or so where the ground was a little more moist which wasn't to their liking i finished my beer and went off to find father Peter  and was able to use the shower in the guests retreat we then went off to vespers in the church making it just in time the service was quite interesting with the monks chanting  and the congregation encouraged to participate unfortunately their are only14 monks left, there were once 170.  a simple evening meal was taken in the retreat  where 8 of us were fed  one of the monks came in from their area to have a chat with us which was very informative. Rain had set in as i made my way back to the van  and the track was awash  the field was also covered with a sheet of water i got into the van  and praised the lord that i wasn't in the swag tonight. Much rain fell and the morning found the camper in several inches of water but at least it was sunny.


 I had breakfast and started the camper up to go and collect father Peter i didn't require 4 wheel drive  but it was quite muddy. We joined the official tour of the town and all its historical buildings of particular interest to me was the bakery and flour mill.

I had known that for some time the name New Norcia bread had been sold to a Perth business  Unfortunately and a great shame is the bakery is  not part of the tour.

After looking at that link i wonder just how much is still baked at New Norcia  especially as they also claim to be using flour from the mill, that has been out of action for many years. The old flour mill was quite interesting though.

At the conclusion of the tour we availed ourselves to the comfort of the old hotel for lunch and another product that is licensed out by the monastery  Abbey Ale.

From here it was just a short 132 klm back to the city, and our country trek was over. Peter had enjoyed a brief stay at the monastery and I would have loved to have been able to get into the bakery, perhaps I will have to chase up the current operators.

regards to all Derek 


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